Listar Química Analítica - (QA) por título
Mostrando ítems 116-135 de 201
Nanoparticle research and the chemistry in laser-induced plasmas for space exploration and astrobiology
(2019-07-23)Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is one the areas of analytical spectroscopy receiving a broadest interest. An increased understanding of the underlying phenomena occurring in the plasma and the use of new experimental ... -
New insights into the chemistry of laser-induced plasmas. Cutting edge strategies for sensing and characterization of molecular solids
(UMA Editorial, 2016)Desde su origen, la espectroscopia de plasmas inducidos por láser, más conocida por su acrónimo inglés LIBS (Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy) ha sido empleada principalmente para la detección y cuantificación ... -
New magnetic chelating sorbent for chromium speciation by magnetic solid phase extraction on-line with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
(Elsevier, 2023)A novel sorbent material employing magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) coupled to graphene oxide (GO) functionalized with 4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid (M@GO-ABS) has been synthesized and applied to develop an inexpensive and ... -
New methodologies to characterize ZnO nanoparticles in cosmetic samples
(2022-08-29)In recent years, based on their good properties as solar radiation filters and antibacterial agent, the use of zinc nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) in cosmetic industry has been increased. According to the literature, the potential ... -
New methodologies to improve the chemistry learning at University
(2019-09-04)The main objective was to improve the learning of Chemistry subject using Flipped classroom, because it makes class time more engaging. The lecture portion of General Chemistry courses in engineers degrees have been pushed ... -
New methodologies to improve the chemistry learning at University, the use of Flipped Classroom
(2019-09-04)The use of ICT could be interesting for students to increase the participation, motivation and learning about sciences. Chemistry is considerated as very difficult subject. The objective was to carry out a new didactic ... -
Novel molecularly imprinted impedimetric biosensor based on polypyrrole and decorated graphene oxide for the routine monitoring of Lysozyme
(EuChem2022, 2022-09)In this work, a novel molecularly imprinted polymer based on polypyrrole (PPy) and decorated graphene oxide (GO@Fe3O4) was developed for the sensitive detection of lysozyme (LYS). The synthesized material (MIPPy/GO@Fe3O4) ... -
Nuevas tendencias en investigación de muestras forenses
(2018-05-16)En la lucha contra el crimen, las nuevas herramientas forenses juegan una parte importante para la detección e identificación de substancias de importancia en la escena del crimen. Durante una buena parte del siglo XX una ... -
OC-OT-LIBS: A novel approach to the chemical characterization of single particles
(2016-07-20)Spectral identification of individual micro- and nano-sized particles by the sequential intervention of optical catapulting, optical trapping and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is presented [1]. The three techniques ... -
Oceanic laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Development and application for the analysis of submerged solids
(UMA Editorial, 2017)Hoy en día, la caracterización del patrimonio cultural subacuático se ha convertido en una de las áreas más interesantes de la arqueología. El mar Mediterráneo es rico en restos arqueológicos debido a tormentas, accidentes ... -
On-line coupling of field-flow fractionation to optical spectroscopy and elemental mass spectrometry: a powerful strategy for characterization of engineered inorganic nanoparticles
(2018-05-21)El desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en el empleo de nanopartículas (NPs) requiere disponer de herramientas analíticas capaces caracterizar apropiadamente la pureza química y el estado físico-químico de estas NPs, optimizar ... -
On-The-Flight trapping, LIBS analysis and discrimination of single meteorite particles generated by laser ablation
(Elsevier, 2024)Results: Bulk meteorite samples were directly ablated within an ablation cell. From few micrograms of ablated matrix, we originated dry aerosols consisting of multielemental particles which were representative of the sample ... -
Optical Chemical Biosensors for High Throughput Screening of Drugs
(Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., 2007)Optical biosensors have been commercially available since the early 1990s, and have been used extensively in many areas of research in the life sciences. Optical biosensors developed for drug analysis generally exploit ... -
Optical trapping as a morphologically selective tool for in-situ LIBS elemental characterization of single nanoparticles generated by laser ablation of bulk targets in air
(American Chemical Society, 2021-01-05)In the present work, authors introduce a shape-specific methodology for evaluating the full elemental composition of single micro and nanoparticles fabricated by laser ablation of bulk targets. For this purpose, bronze ... -
Optimization of the mechanochemical synthesis of graphene oxide and its characterization. Application to the synthesis of magnetic graphene oxide.
(2023)Nowadays, the use of materials derived from graphene oxide (GO) is extended in the technologycal industry and research due to their excellent physico-chemical properties. This fact invites us to investigate a sustainable ... -
Optimization of the synthesis of functionalized magnetic nanoparticles and their characterization
(2015-12-21)Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), a new kind of nanometer-sized material, are widely used in the fields of biotechnology and biomedicine. These particles are superparamagnetic, which means that they are attracted to a magnetic ... -
Optimization of the synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles by solid sampling high resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and multi-response surface methodology
(2016-10-04)Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are a new kind of nanometer-sized materials superparamagnetic with potential applications as magnetic carries for various biomedical uses, wastewater remediation, preconcentration of various ... -
PBL based on chemistry laboratories at engineering degree
(2020-10-05)Until now, the didactics used in the teaching of experimental chemistry contradicts its objective by continuing with a traditional approach and with passive didactic methods for students. Even, in virtual environments, ... -
Phosphorus remediation using a new magnetic system in aqueous samples
(2022-08)Phosphorus is a natural element that can be found in soils and aquatic ecosystems. Its presence over the recommended concentration, damages the hydrosphere equilibrium, through eutrophication. Consequently, there is a ... -
Phosphorus removal and recycled from tertiary effluent in sewage treatment plant using graphene modified with magnetic nanoparticles (M@GO).
(2023)Phosphorus is employed in detergents, as fertilizers in agriculture, etc. As a nutrient for plants, too much phosphorus can cause increased growth of algae and large aquatic plants, which can result in decreased levels of ...