Listar Química Analítica - (QA) por título
Mostrando ítems 107-126 de 201
Magnetic dispersive solid phase extraction for simultaneous enrichment of cadmium and lead in environmental water samples
(Elsevier, 2020-03-05)A new magnetic dispersive solid phase extraction (MDSPE) method and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) have been combined for the simultaneous enrichment of Cd and Pb from environmental water samples ... -
Magnetic dispersive solid phase microextraction coupled with on-line chemical vapor generation method to extraction/preconcentration of mercury from environmental samples and determination by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry.
(2019-05-29)Mercury (Hg) is classified as priority hazardous substances. Concentrations found in the aquatic environment are at trace levels as result of natural processes, such as erosion and volcanism, and anthropogenic discharges ... -
Magnetic graphene molecularly imprinted polypyrrole polymer (MGO@MIPy) for electrochemical sensing of malondialdehyde in serum samples
(Elsevier, 2022-03-12)A modified screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE) has been designed and fabricated for the determination of malondialdehyde (MDA), an important biomarker of oxidative stress. Magnetic graphene oxide (MGO) was synthesized ... -
Magnetic graphene oxide as a valuable material for the speciation of trace elements
(Elsevier, 2022-12)Magnetic solid phase extraction (MSPE) has been explored for the application in preconcentration processes to achieve highly sensible analytical methods. Attending to the different magnetic adsorbent materials used in this ... -
Meaningful learning through gamification in the Chemistry course at various degrees of the University of Malaga: The use of the escape room as gamification activity
(2024)Chemistry is considered highly complex by students. To achieve meaningful learning, it is necessary to demonstrate its utility in everyday life, in the development of a country, and in society. Learning becomes meaningful ... -
Mechanical traits of isolated nuclei inspected via force spectroscopy
(2022-09)The larger stiffness of the nuclei when compared to the rest of the cell imposes a key restriction to cell deformability and their capability to traverse interstices. In contrast, cancerous cells have been reported to ... -
Microsampling-based analysis: principles and technologies.
(2023)Volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS) is an innovative technique that has gained attention in the field of bioanalysis. It allows the collection of blood and other biological samples for various analytical purposes. ... -
Motivation to learn Chemistry in massive open online courses
(2018-07-31)One of the key factors for any educational proposal to achieve success lies in the motivation of students. The disposition that the students have before the learning is fundamental to be able to obtain the objectives. MOOC ... -
Multielemental analysis in nanoplasmas of isolated particles in an optical trap
(2018-07-02)Single particle characterization still constitutes a challenge to contemporary chemical analysis. Considerable effort worldwide is being devoted to conceive experimental strategies providing detection capabilities compatible ... -
Nanoparticle research and the chemistry in laser-induced plasmas for space exploration and astrobiology
(2019-07-23)Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is one the areas of analytical spectroscopy receiving a broadest interest. An increased understanding of the underlying phenomena occurring in the plasma and the use of new experimental ... -
New insights into the chemistry of laser-induced plasmas. Cutting edge strategies for sensing and characterization of molecular solids
(UMA Editorial, 2016)Desde su origen, la espectroscopia de plasmas inducidos por láser, más conocida por su acrónimo inglés LIBS (Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy) ha sido empleada principalmente para la detección y cuantificación ... -
New magnetic chelating sorbent for chromium speciation by magnetic solid phase extraction on-line with inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
(Elsevier, 2023)A novel sorbent material employing magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) coupled to graphene oxide (GO) functionalized with 4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid (M@GO-ABS) has been synthesized and applied to develop an inexpensive and ... -
New methodologies to characterize ZnO nanoparticles in cosmetic samples
(2022-08-29)In recent years, based on their good properties as solar radiation filters and antibacterial agent, the use of zinc nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) in cosmetic industry has been increased. According to the literature, the potential ... -
New methodologies to improve the chemistry learning at University
(2019-09-04)The main objective was to improve the learning of Chemistry subject using Flipped classroom, because it makes class time more engaging. The lecture portion of General Chemistry courses in engineers degrees have been pushed ... -
New methodologies to improve the chemistry learning at University, the use of Flipped Classroom
(2019-09-04)The use of ICT could be interesting for students to increase the participation, motivation and learning about sciences. Chemistry is considerated as very difficult subject. The objective was to carry out a new didactic ... -
Novel molecularly imprinted impedimetric biosensor based on polypyrrole and decorated graphene oxide for the routine monitoring of Lysozyme
(EuChem2022, 2022-09)In this work, a novel molecularly imprinted polymer based on polypyrrole (PPy) and decorated graphene oxide (GO@Fe3O4) was developed for the sensitive detection of lysozyme (LYS). The synthesized material (MIPPy/GO@Fe3O4) ... -
Nuevas tendencias en investigación de muestras forenses
(2018-05-16)En la lucha contra el crimen, las nuevas herramientas forenses juegan una parte importante para la detección e identificación de substancias de importancia en la escena del crimen. Durante una buena parte del siglo XX una ... -
OC-OT-LIBS: A novel approach to the chemical characterization of single particles
(2016-07-20)Spectral identification of individual micro- and nano-sized particles by the sequential intervention of optical catapulting, optical trapping and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is presented [1]. The three techniques ... -
Oceanic laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Development and application for the analysis of submerged solids
(UMA Editorial, 2017)Hoy en día, la caracterización del patrimonio cultural subacuático se ha convertido en una de las áreas más interesantes de la arqueología. El mar Mediterráneo es rico en restos arqueológicos debido a tormentas, accidentes ... -
On-line coupling of field-flow fractionation to optical spectroscopy and elemental mass spectrometry: a powerful strategy for characterization of engineered inorganic nanoparticles
(2018-05-21)El desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en el empleo de nanopartículas (NPs) requiere disponer de herramientas analíticas capaces caracterizar apropiadamente la pureza química y el estado físico-químico de estas NPs, optimizar ...