PSASTSSS - Artículos
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The moderating effect of gender as a protective factor against discrimination in migrants from Latin America and China
(Wiley Online Library, 2020-04-16)This study analysed the association between discrimination and satisfaction with life (SWL) in migrant groups by investigating whether different types of social support (SS; emotional, instrumental, and informational) ... -
Applying an Evolutionary Approach of Risk-Taking Behaviors in Adolescents.
(Frontiers, 2022)Risk-taking behaviors in adolescents have traditionally been analyzed from a psychopathological approach, with an excessive emphasis on their potential costs. From evolutionary theory we propose that risk-taking behaviors ... -
Sex differences in the mediation role of political mobilization between the search for status and risk-taking behaviors in adolescents.
(Nature, 2024-01-18)One of the primary drivers behind adolescents engaging in risk-taking behaviors is the pursuit of status. This study examines how activism and radicalism mediate the relation between the search for status and risk-taking ... -
Systematic Review of Integration and Radicalization Prevention Programs for Migrants in the US, Canada, and Europe.
(Frontiers, 2021-07-29)Background: International migration processes are some of the most important events of our time. Migrating implies a broad range of factors that affect integration, and which may be linked to radicalization. Host countries ... -
Too Many Males or Too Many Females? Classroom Sex Ratio, Life History Strategies and Risk-Taking Behaviors.
(Springer, 2022-06-01)Prior research finds that sex ratio, defined as the proportion of males and females in a given context, is related to engagement in risk-taking behaviors. However, most research operationalizes sex ratio at a local context ... -
Legitimidad y desempeño en el trabajo: cuando el derecho legitima y el merecimiento cualifica.
(Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid, 2015)El modelo estructural del merecimiento (Feather, 1996) establece dos factores que afectan a las percepciones de legitimidad: el derecho (merecer algo por cumplir las normas establecidas para ello) y el merecimiento (merecerlo ... -
Diagnóstico Social de la ciudad de Málaga, 2019
(Ayuntamiento de Málaga. Área ded Derechos Sociales, Observatorio Municipal para la Inclusión Social, 2019-10-10)Con este informe abordamos la Situación Social de la ciudad de Málaga, desde el Observatorio Municipal para la Inclusión Social entendemos el Diagnóstico Social como un proceso continuo en el que se enmarcan todos los ... -
Perceived Discrimination, Satisfaction with Life and Radicalization: Gender Differences
(Routledge, Taylor&Francis Group, 2022-08-02)The present study analyzes the effect of perceived discrimination on satisfaction with life and radicalization in adolescents. We hypothesize that perceived dis- crimination relates positively to the radicalization of ... -
Leaving the Teaching Profession: Examining the Role of Social Support, Engagement and Emotional Intelligence in Teachers’ Intentions to Quit
(Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos, 2022-09-01)The study aimed to test mediator and moderator factors in the relationship between workplace social support (i.e., perceived support from colleagues and supervisors) and intentions to quit in a sample of teaching professionals. ... -
Analysis from university students’ viewpoint of social professionals in gender-based violence in Spain.
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-07-11)Gender-based violence is a pandemic with global impact, and social welfare professionals play a central role in the fight against it. The main objective of this study was to describe and interpret the opinions of a ... -
Discrimination and psychosocial well-being of migrants in Spain: the moderating role of sense of community
(Frontiers Media, 2020-09-18)The discrimination migrants perceive during their adaptation process is one of the main sources of stress and it affects their well-being, health and integration severely. The present study analyses how the sense of community ... -
Cohousing Senior: un modelo de convivencia para conocer y aprender desde el Trabajo Social.
(Universidad de Murcia, 2024)Introducción: el presente estudio nace de la necesidad de profundizar sobre la propuesta de convivencia para personas mayores ofrecida desde el modelo Cohousing Senior y el papel que en su desarrollo ha de ocupar el Trabajo ... -
Benefits for emotional regulation of contact with nature: a systematic review
(Frontiers in Psychology, 2024)Introduction: Exposure to natural environments, such as parks, forests, and green areas, is often linked to a decrease in stress, anxiety and depression, while contributing to improved emotional wellbeing. However, the ... -
Teacher emotionally intelligent behaviors and its role in the link between cybervictimization and suicide risk factors in adolescents
(Elsevier, 2024-09)Psychological distress is an increasing concern among adolescents worldwide. Cybervictimization is con-sidered one of the stressors that adolescents may face, and it significantly impacts various indicators of suicide risk ... -
Mental health consequences of intimate partner violence against women in El Salvador.
(Sage, 2021-01-12)Violence against women (VAW) is currently one of the main problems in El Salvador, which leads the ranking of femicides in the world. We conducted the first national survey on VAW in El Salvador following the World Health ... -
Análisis del conocimiento de la cultura gitana en población universitaria de Trabajo Social.
(Universidad de Granada, 2024-12-19)El colectivo de personas gitanas comparte, para la mayoría social, situaciones de marginalidad, pobreza y alta exclusión social, generadores de estigmas y prejuicios sociales. Esta investigación se plantea, como objetivo ... -
Defining power and agency in gender relations in El Salvador: Consequences for intimate partner violence and women’s mental health.
(Frontiers, 2022-04-19)Intimate partner violence (IPV) affects thousands of women around the world and is prevalent in the Global South. Unequal social structures perpetuate hierarchies and maintain women’s vulnerability to violence. Difficulties ...