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Las dificultades en la comprensión de textos en el alumnado con déficit auditivo.
(Universidad de Jaén, 2017)Resumen: El objetivo del presente trabajo es exponer las dificultades en la comprensión de textos que presenta el alumnado con sordera en Educación Primaria y Secundaria. La comprensión lectora (competencia fundamental ... -
The role of age and oral lexical competence in false belief understanding by children and adolescents with hearing loss.
(Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 2007)In the past decade, most studies have reported that children who are deaf and hard of hearing who have parents with typical hearing experience a serious delay in the understanding of false belief. False belief understanding ... -
Are you a doctor? … Are you a doctor? I’m not a doctor! A reappraisal of mitigated echolalia in aphasia with evaluation of neural correlates and treatment approaches.
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-01)Background: Mitigated echolalia (ME), a symptom of aphasia, involves deliberate repetition of just-heard words or phrases, possibly to aid auditory comprehension. Its functional basis remains largely unexplored. Aims: ... -
Echolalia: Paying attention to a forgotten clinical feature of primary progressive aphasia.
(Wiley, 2021-01)Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) variants—nonfluent-agrammatic (nfvPPA), semantic (svPPA), and logopenic (lvPPA)—exhibit diverse language impairments, with echolalia (verbal repetition) underexplored. Echolalia arises ... -
Social Spaces for Research and Innovation (SSRI): Users leading research and innovation in Ambient Assisted Living.
(IOS Press, 2012)This paper introduces and describes with several examples a new research and innovation instrument and approach called Social Space for Research and Innovation (SSRI) that is generating good results in rural and urban ... -
The Effect of Menu Type and Task Complexity on Information Retrieval Performance.
(Bentham Open, 2009)Success in finding information in a website depends not only on the complexity of the information retrieval task per se but also on the way information is made accessible. We explored the role of navigation menus when ... -
La comprensión de sentidos no literales en adolescentes sordos y oyentes
(Taylor & Francis, 2009)El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la capacidad de comprensión de diferentes usos de lenguaje figurado (símil, ironía y mentira) en niños y adolescentes sordos hijos de padres oyentes comparándolos con sus iguales ... -
Evidence-based Standards in the Design of Family Support Programmes in Spain
(Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid, 2023)El enfoque de parentalidad positiva ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia de apoyar a las familias en el ejercicio de las funciones asociadas a su rol parental y para que aumenten el bienestar de los niños. Los objetivos ... -
Guía de adaptaciones en la universidad. Red SAPDU Red de Servicios de Apoyo a Personas con Discapacidad en la Universidad.
(Crue, 2017)El 13 de diciembre de 2016 se cumplía el X aniversario de la aprobación por España de la la Convención Internacional sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad. La Convención supuso un antes y un después en ... -
Adaptation and validation of the eudaimonic well-being questionnaire to the spanish sport context
(MDPI, 2021-03-31)Studies to date that have focused on the well-being of the athlete have been based on the hedonic point of view. However, there is a second point of view: eudemonia. Therefore, the present study aims to validate and adapt ... -
Self-stigma, mental health and healthy habits in parent of children with severe mental disorder.
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2022-02-02)Background: Family members who have children with Severe Mental Disorder under their care have a hard impact on them as they are faced with the task of attending to their demands and care. This is a change in their lives ... -
Analysis of the usefulness of a serious game to raise awareness about mental health problems in a sample of high school and university students: relationship with familiarity and time spent playing video games.
(MDPI, 2019-09)Background: One of the main challenges in the field of mental health today is the stigma towards individuals who have psychological disorders. Aims: This study aims to analyse the usefulness of applying a serious game ... -
El suicidio en Andalucía: un análisis del fenómeno en los últimos 10 años (2008-2017)
(Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psicólogos, España, 2020)En los últimos años se ha producido un aumento en el número de suicidios, convirtiéndose en un grave problema social y de salud pública. En España constituye desde hace 11 años la primera causa de fallecimiento no natural ... -
Flipped classroom: active methodology for sustainable learning in higher education during social distancing due to COVID-19
(MDPI, 2021)El Sistema Educativo Universitario Español propone unas pautas metodológicas para la docencia virtual durante el confinamiento, adaptadas a la metodología Flipped Classroom. Esta metodología educativa es recomendada como ... -
Differences in the type of vocabulary understood by deaf and hearing students: results to guide interventions.
(Elsevier, 2024)Vocabulary knowledge is an essential element in language development. There is evidence of significant differences in vocabulary knowledge between deaf children and hearing peers of the same age. These differences put deaf ... -
Lies and Irony Understanding in Deaf and Hearing Adolescents.
(Oxford University Press, 2020)Lies and irony are paradigmatic examples of nonliteral communication; many deaf children and even adults have difficulty in understanding them. The present study assessed the understanding of lies and irony in 96 adolescents ... -
Accesibilidad y universidad. Un estudio descriptivo
(Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid (COPM), 2005)La Universidad es la opción elegida por muchas personas con discapacidad al término de la Educación Secundaria, buscando con ello, no sólo una formación profesional sino también, un enriquecimiento personal. En la integración ... -
Persuasion ability in children from 6 to 12 years old: relations to cognitive and affective theory of mind.
(Frontiers, 2022)This study analyzes the relation between cognitive and affective components of theory of mind (ToM) in school-aged children and persuasion abilities. One-hundred forty-three normotypical school children aged 6 to 12 were ... -
Predictors of word writing in Spanish and Arabic among 6- and 7-year-old children
(Springer, 2024)This study analyses the impact of certain cognitive processes on the writing of words in languages with different orthographic consistency (Spanish and Arabic) in the first and second years of Primary Education. One hundred ... -
Language as a threat: multimodal evaluation and interventions for overwhelming linguistic anxiety in severe aphasia
(Frontiers Media, 2019-05-08)Linguistic anxiety (LA) is an abnormal stress response to verbal tasks, often heightened during language testing in people with aphasia (PWA), affecting the accuracy of cognitive evaluations. This study examined a woman ...