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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 43
Ability Emotional Intelligence and Subjective Happiness in Adolescents: The Role of Positive and Negative Affect.
(MDPI, 2023-08-16)Adolescence is an increasingly vulnerable period for the onset of affective disorders and other mental health issues that can significantly impact an individual’s subjective well-being. This study aims to examine the ... -
Ahead of time: Early sentence slow cortical modulations associated to semantic prediction
(2019)According to prediction-based accounts of language comprehension, incoming contextual information is constantly used to guide the pre-activation of the most probable continuations to the unfolding sentences. However, there ... -
Bayesian methods for addressing long-standing problems in associative learning: The case of PREE.
(2018-01-01)Most associative models typically assume that learning can be understood as a gradual change in associative strength that captures the situation into one single parameter, or representational state. We will call this view ... -
Cuestionario ATLAS-T para la detección de problemas lectoescritores en contextos laborales.
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2024)Developmental dyslexia affects not only reading skill, but also areas such as writing, memory and executive functions. These difficulties extend beyond school into working and personal life. Starting a job and subsequent ... -
Detecting Fast, Online Reasoning Processes in Clinical Decision Making
(American Psychological Association, 2014)In an experiment that used the inconsistency paradigm, experienced clinical psychologists and psychology students performed a reading task using clinical reports and a diagnostic judgment task. The clinical reports ... -
Differences between risk perception and risk-taking are related to impulsivity levels
(Elsevier, 2022-12)Background Although there is broad agreement that perceived risks determine risk-taking behavior, previous research has shown that this association may not be as straightforward as expected. The main objective of this ... -
Emotional Intelligence and Aggressive Behaviors in Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
(SAGE, 2022)Adolescent aggression is a global public health with long-lasting and costly emotional, social, and economic consequences, and it is of vital importance to identify those variables that can reduce these behaviors in this ... -
Estimulación asistida del lenguaje y la app EC+ en el trastorno del espectro autista.
(Oxbridge Publishing House, 2024-10)El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) afecta significativamente las habilidades comunicativas, sociales y conductuales, especialmente en niños con TEA de Grado 3. Los sistemas de comunicación aumentativa y alternativa ... -
Event-related EEG responses to anticipation and delivery of monetary and social reward.
(2015)Monetary and a social incentive delay tasks were used to characterize reward anticipation and delivery with electroencephalography. During reward anticipation, N1, P2 and P3 components were modulated by both prospective ... -
High-frequency transcranial random noise stimulation enhances unfamiliar face matching of high resolution and pixelated faces
(Elsevier, 2023-02)Face identification is useful for social interactions and its impairment can lead to severe social and mental problems. This ability is also remarkably important in applied settings, including eyewitness identification and ... -
Incremento de la competencia lingüística en dos sujetos con parálisis cerebral mediante el dispositivo Makey-Makey. Un estudio de caso
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2015)En este trabajo se presentan dos casos de parálisis cerebral (PC) de componente espástico y con graves problemas de comunicación como resultado de una fuerte disartria. Esta disartria les produce una baja inteligibilidad ... -
Intolerance of uncertainty as a vulnerability factor for excessive and inflexible avoidance behavior.
(Elsevier, 2018)Recent studies have shown that avoidance behavior may become excessive and inflexible (i.e., detached from its incentive value and resistant to extinction). On the other hand, prospective intolerance of uncertainty (P-IU) ... -
LATS (Language Assessment Training system) una propuesta b-learning para adquirir competencias en toma de decisiones clínicas en intervención logopédica
(2019-09-20)Se describe la herramienta b-learning LATS (Language Assessment Training System) diseñada desde la Universidad de Málaga para entrenar las competencias en toma de decisiones para el diagnóstico clínico en el ámbito de las ... -
Length is not all that matters: testing the role of number identity and the ratio of fillers in comparisons of multi-digits with different digit length
(Springer, 2022-02-18)Research in multi-digit number comparison usually considers stimuli with the same number of digits (e.g., 3452 vs. 7831). Surprisingly, there is almost no research on the comparison of numbers that differ in length (e.g., ... -
Limitations of occasional reinforced extinction to alleviate spontaneous recovery and reinstatement effects: Evidence for a trial-signalling mechanism
(SAGE, 2022)Fear extinction is not permanent but is instead more vulnerable than the original fear memory, as traditionally shown by the return of fear phenomena. Because of this, techniques to mitigate the return of fear are needed ... -
Nonsymbolic Comparison in Deaf Students: No Evidence for a Deficit in Numerosity Processing.
(Gallaudet University Press, 2018-08-11)It is commonly found that deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students experience delayed mathematical achievement. The present study used two nonsymbolic comparison tasks to explore the basic numerical skills of DHH students. ... -
Occasional reinforced extinction as a method for relapse prevention: a critical systematic review and future directions
(Springer, 2024)Introduction Extinction is more vulnerable than the original acquisition memory, as relapse phenomena have systematically shown in the literature with different species and procedures. One strategy potentially useful to ... -
Personal risk and protective factors involved in aggressive behaviour.
(2020)The study of aggression plays a prominent role in psychology and public health, because of the important adverse consequences of such behaviour for victims, aggressors, and society in general. The General Aggression Model ... -
Prospective intolerance of uncertainty is associated with maladaptive temporal distribution of avoidance responses: an extension of An extension of Flores, López, Vervliet, and Cobos (2018).
(Elsevier, 2019)Excessive maladaptive avoidance has been claimed to be one of the mechanisms through which intolerance of uncertainty (IU) may play its causal role in the development and maintenance of several anxiety and compulsive ... -
Psychopathic Traits and Ability Emotional Intelligence in Incarcerated Males.
(Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid, 2021-07)Recent years have seen a growing interest in studying the factors that could help reduce the negative consequences of psychopathic traits, such as violence or criminal acts, given the effect these have on our society. ...