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Factorial structure of the Manchester Short Assessment of Quality of Life in patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders.
(Springer, 2019-11-12)Subjective quality of life is a central patient-reported outcome in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. The Manchester Short Assessment of Quality of Life (MANSA) is an established and widely used instrument for its assessment. ... -
Emotion Regulation Frequency and Self-Efficacy: Differential Associations with Affective Symptoms
(Elsevier, 2024)Successful emotion regulation is a critical component of mental health, and difficulties with emotion regulation have been associated with a wide range of disorders including anxiety and depressive disorders. However, ... -
Testing the metacognitive model of rumination and depression in non-clinical population: New data about PBRS and NBRS scales
(Springer Nature, 2021)Rumination is a maladaptive emotion regulation strategy linked to depression. An intriguing question is why some people tend to use it. The metacognitive model proposes that people having positive metacognitive beliefs ... -
Are emotionally intelligent people less prejudiced? The importance of emotion management skills for outgroup attitudes
(Wiley, 2021)People vary in their ability to understand, process, and manage information about one's own and others’ emotions, a construct known as Emotional Intelligence (EI). Past research highlighted the importance of EI in interpersonal ... -
Optimizing Pain Intensity Assessment in Clinical Trials: How Many Ratings are Needed to Best Balance the Need for Validity and to Minimize Assessment Burden?
(Elsevier, 2024)Pain intensity is the most commonly used outcome domain in pain clinical trials. To minimize the chances of type II error (ie, concluding that a treatment does not have beneficial effects, when in fact it does), the measure ... -
The NeuroBel: A Screening Test for Verbal Language Impairment in Spanish-Speaking Elderly People With Cognitive Decline.
(American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2023)Purpose: The NeuroBel is a short test that can detect cognitive decline using language tasks. This study replicated previous research using larger clinical samples from three Spanish-speaking countries. Method: Eight ... -
Order effects after blocked preexposure to two compound flavors.
(Elsevier, 2011)In the first three experiments two groups of rats received prolonged blocked preexposure to AX–BX or to BX–AX. Experiment 1 showed that conditioning of AX after preexposure resulted in less generalization to BX in the AX–BX ... -
Neuropsychological analysis of anxiety and executive control of motor patterns in athletes and non-athletes.
(Frontiers, 2024-06-13)Introduction: Even simple tapping tasks require cognitive processes. Some variants of the Finger Tapping Test (FTT) may reveal cognitive aspects associated with frontal processing, including executive functions such as ... -
Psychosocial and sociodemographic predictors of attrition in a longitudinal study of major depression in primary care: the predictD-Spain study
(BMJ Publishing Group, 2009)Background: Few data exist on the psychosocial factors associated with attrition in longitudinal surveys. This study was undertaken to determine psychosocial and sociodemographic predictors of attrition from a longitudinal ... -
Effect of a controlled diaphragmatic breathing session on perceived pain and state anxiety in people with chronic pain
(2024)Chronic pain conditions are frequently comorbid with anxiety problems. The controlled diaphragmatic breathing technique has been applied in both conditions. However, few studies have examined its efficacy in reducing ... -
Psychometric properties of the List of Threatening Experiences-LTE and its association with psychosocial factors and mental disorders according to different scoring methods
(Elsevier Science, 2013)Background: The List of Threatening Experiences (LTE) questionnaire is frequently used to assess stressful events; however, studies of its psychometric properties are scarce. We examined the LTE’s reliability, factorial ... -
Predicting the onset of major depression in primary care: international validation of a risk prediction algorithm from Spain
(Cambridge Universtity Press, 2011)Context: The different incidence rates of major depression and its associated risk factors suggest the need for specific national rather than supranational risk algorithms. Objectives: Develop and validate a predictD-Sp ... -
Effectiveness of psychological and educational interventions for the prevention of depression in the workplace: A systematic review and meta-analysis
(the Nordic Association of Occupational Safety and Health (NOROSH), 2019-07-01)Objectives Psychological and educational interventions for the prevention of depression have a small-to-moderate effect. However, little is known about their effectiveness in the workplace. We aimed to evaluate the ... -
Circadian rhythmicity in substance use disorder male patients with and without comorbid depression under ambulatory and therapeutic community treatment
(Taylor and Francis, 2016)This study analyzes the circadian rhythmic profiles of patients with substance use disorder (SUD) and patients with comorbid major depressive disorder (SUD-MDD) under ambulatory and therapeutic community treatments. The ... -
Circadian typology is related to resilience and optimism in healthy adults
(Taylor and Francis, 2015)The relationships between circadian typology and several aspects related to mental health, such as satisfaction with life, emotional intelligence, perceived well-being and psychopathological symptomatology have been ... -
Tipología circadiana y problemas de salud mental
(Universidad de Murcia, 2014)La tipología circadiana (matutina, vespertina o intermedia) es una diferencia individual que se ha relacionado con numerosos aspectos de la salud mental. En este estudio se revisan los principales hallazgos publicados en ... -
Morningness-eveningness and personality characteristics of young healthy adults
(Elsevier, 2014)We aim to explore for the first time the relationships between circadian typology, the personality dimensions of Cloninger’s biological model and Zuckerman’s sensation seeking model in healthy adults. A sample of 700 young ... -
Circadian typology is related to emotion regulation, metacognitive beliefs and assertiveness in healthy adults
(PLOS One, 2020)This study explores the relationship between circadian typology and three key psychological constructs: emotion regulation, metacognitions, and assertiveness, considering possible sex differences. A total of 2,283 participants ... -
Conscientiousness but Not Agreeableness Decreases Females’ Tendency Toward Being Morning-Type
(Wiley, 2017)Individuals differ in their chronotype, and some are identified as morning ones and others as evening ones. Earlier studies showed that women were higher on morningness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. In this study, ... -
Coping strategies related to treatment in substance use disorder patients with and without comorbid depression
(Elsevier, 2017)Coping strategies exert an important influence in the development and course of both substance use disorder (SUD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) and its treatment outcomes. We examined the coping strategies related ...