Listar Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación - (LCC) por título
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 766
A Biomimetical Dynamic Window Approach to Navigation for Collaborative Control.
(IEEE, 2017-05-23)—Shared control is a strategy used in assistive plat forms to combine human and robot orders to achieve a goal. Col laborative control is a specific shared control approach, in which user’s and robot’s commands are merged ... -
A blockchain approach for decentralized V2X (D-V2X)
(IEEE, 2021-05)New mobility paradigms have appeared in recent years, and everything suggests that some more are coming. This fact makes apparent the necessity of modernizing the road infrastructure, the signalling elements and the traffic ... -
A characterisation of reliability tools for Software Defined Networks
(2017)Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new paradigm in networking that introduces great flexibility, allowing the dynamic configuration of parts of the network through centralised programming. SDN has been successfully applied ... -
A cluster of patterns for trusted computing
(Springer Nature, 2025-02)The proliferation of Internet of Things and cyberphysical systems has introduced unprecedented challenges in ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of critical data, making robust security mechanisms essential. There ... -
A combined interactive procedure using preference-based evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Application to the efficiency improvement of the auxiliary services of power plants
(Elsevier, 2015-06)While the auxiliary services required for the operation of power plants are not the main components of the plant, their energy consumption is often significant, and it can be reduced by implementing a series of improvement ... -
A comprehensive analysis based on GIS-AHP to minimise the social and environmental impact of the installation of large-scale photovoltaic plants in south Spain
(Elsevier, 2024)This article aims to propose a methodology to assess and prioritise the territorial factors considered when selecting the location of large-scale photovoltaic plants. It therefore seeks to answer the current social ... -
A Convolutional Autoencoder and a Neural Gas model based on Bregman Divergences for Hierarchical Color Quantization
(Elsevier, 2023)Color quantization (CQ) is one of the most common and important procedures to be performed on digital images. In this paper, a new approach to hierarchical color quantization is described, presenting a novel neural network ... -
A data mining system for predicting solar global spectral irradiance. Performance assessment in the spectral response ranges of thin-film photovoltaic modules
(Elsevier Ltd., 2019-04)Knowing the spectral distribution of solar radiation is required to estimate the performance of photovoltaic modules, especially for thin-film modules. This is not a trivial problem due to the large number of environmental ... -
A FaaS approach for long-term monitoring in rehabilitation
(2022)The function as a service (FaaS) model, in which the costs are linked to the function time of use, is especially suitable in IoT or similar systems, where the information is collected periodically to consume less energy. ... -
A fast robust geometric fitting method for parabolic curves.
(Elsevier, 2018-07-18)Fitting discrete data obtained by image acquisition devices to a curve is a common task in many fields of science and engineering. In particular, the parabola is some of the most employed shape features in electrical ... -
A formal approach to automatically analyse extra-functionalproperties in mobile applications.
(Wiley, 2019-06-14)This paper presents an integrated approach for testing mobile applications (apps) against a set of extra-functional properties to be used by app developers. The approach starts with the (manual ... -
A generic, collaborative framework for internal constraint solving
(2002)Esta tesis propone un esquema genérico y cooperativo para CLP(Interval(X)) donde X es cualquier dominio de computación con estructura de retículo. El esquema, que está basado en la teoría de retículos, es un enfoque general ... -
A Genetic Algorithm for solving the Discrete Ordered Median Problem with Induced Order
(2017-07-18)The Discrete Ordered Median Problem with Induced Ordered (DOMP+IO) is a multi-facility version of the classical discrete ordered median problem (DOMP), which has been widely studied. Several exact methods have been ... -
A GRASP-based memetic algorithm with path relinking for the far from most string problem.
(Elsevier, 2015)The FAR FROM MOST STRING PROBLEM (FFMSP) is a string selection problem. The objective is to find a string whose distance to other strings in a certain input set is above a given threshold for as many of those strings as ... -
A guided interface for web interaction.
(ScitePress, 2008)Many Web sites are for one use only and need to guide users through paths of decisions and data entering. Users use to feel insecure entering data in not well-known sites and don’t mind at all being guided in their first ... -
A Linda-based Platform for the Parallel Execution of Out-place Model Transformations
(2017)Context: The performance and scalability of model transformations is gaining interest as industry is progressively adopting model-driven techniques and multicore computers are becoming commonplace. However, existing model ... -
A methodology for obtaining More Realistic Cross-Layer QoS Measurements in mobile networks: A VoIP over LTE Use Case
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)Los servicios de voz han sido durante mucho tiempo la primera fuente de ingresos para los operadores móviles. Incluso con el protagonismo creciente del tráfico de datos, los servicios de voz seguirán jugando un papel ... -
A methodology to find the elementary landscape decomposition of combinatorial optimization problems
(2014-10-03)A small number of combinatorial optimization problems have search spaces that correspond to elementary landscapes, where the objective function f is an eigenfunction of the Laplacian that describes the neighborhood structure ... -
A Milestone-Driven Approach for Lab Assignments Evaluation in Information Security
(2014-09-17)In this paper we describe a methodology for designing and evaluating lab assignments based on the fulfilment of milestones. The approach relies on the integration of ICTs with an automatic, milestone-based evaluation. The ... -
A model-driven approach to ensure trust in the IoT
(Springer Link, 2020-12-14)The Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm that permits smart entities to be interconnected anywhere and anyhow. IoT opens new opportunities but also rises new issues. In this dynamic environment, trust is useful to mitigate ...