Listar IC - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 145-164 de 221
Novel approximation of misalignment fading modeled by Beckmann distribution on free-space optical links
(Optica Publishing Group, 2016)A novel accurate and useful approximation of the well-known Beckmann distribution is presented here, which is used to model generalized pointing errors in the context of free- space optical (FSO) communication systems. We ... -
Novel Results for the κ–μ Extreme Fading Distribution: Generation of White Samples and Capacity Analysis
(IEEE Communications Letters, 2015-09)We provide new analytical results for the κ-μ extreme (κ-μ-E) fading distribution, which is useful to model propagation conditions more severe than Rayleigh fading. First, we calculate a closed-form expression for the ... -
On the Calculation of the Incomplete MGF with Applications to Wireless Communications
(IEEE, 2017)The incomplete moment generating function (IMGF) has paramount relevance in communication theory, since it appears in a plethora of scenarios when analyzing the performance of communication systems. We here present a general ... -
On the capacity of MISO FSO systems over gamma-gamma and misalignment fading channels.
(Optica Publishing Group, 2015-08)In this work, the ergodic capacity performance for multipleinput/single-output (MISO) free-space optical (FSO) communications system with equal gain combining (EGC) reception is analyzed over gamma-gamma and misalignment ... -
On the Effect of Air Bubbles-Induced Scattering on Turbid Waters: An Experimental UOWC Channel Modeling Approach
(IEEE Xplore, 2024-05-23)The influence of the oceanic medium on the underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) highlights the need for an accurate mathematical channel characterization that models the properties of realistic oceanic environments, ... -
On the Improvement of Cellular Coverage Maps by Filtering MDT Measurements
(IEEE, 2023-07-01)In cellular systems, network re-planning aims to update network configuration to cope with permanent changes in the environment. In this task, terminal measurements are often used to calibrate performance models integrated ... -
On the scattering-induced fading for optical wireless links through seawater: statistical characterization and its applications
(Optica Publishing Group, 2021-11-08)Recent research has shown that an accurate underwater channel characterization is necessary for underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) in order to improve its current limitations related to the achievable data ... -
On-Chip Metamaterial Antenna Array with Distributed Bragg Deflector for Generation of Collimated Steerable Beams
(WILEY, 2022-07-03)The generation of collimated steerable beams of light is a fundamental function in optics needed in many applications, including free-space optical communications, remote sensing, and light detection and ranging. Implementing ... -
Online Anomaly Detection System for Mobile Networks
(MDPI, 2020)The arrival of the Fifth-Generation (5G) standard has further accelerated the need for operators to improve the network capacity. With this purpose, mobile network topologies with smaller cells are being currently deployed ... -
Opportunistic fusion of ranges from different sources for indoor positioning
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021-07)Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) technology stands out as one of the most promising technologies for locating the user in indoor scenarios for the new 5G mobile generation. As a drawback, it requires a dense infrastructure. For this ... -
Optical pump-rejection filter based on silicon sub-wavelength engineered photonic structures
(Optical Publishing Group, 2017-04-04)The high index contrast of the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform allows the realization of ultra-compact photonic circuits. However, this high contrast hinders the implementation of narrow-band Bragg filters. These ... -
Optimal Fair Scheduling in S-TDMA Sensor Networks for Monitoring River Plumes
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2016)Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) are a promising technology to provide oceanographers with environmental data in real time. Suitable network topologies to monitor estuaries are formed by strings coming together ... -
Optimal scheduling and fair servicepolicy for STDMA in underwater networks with acoustic communications
(MDPI, 2018-02)In this work, a multi-hop string network with a single sink node is analyzed. A periodic optimal scheduling for TDMA operation that considers the characteristic long propagation delay of the underwater acoustic channel is ... -
Optimization of 5G Networks for Smart Logistics.
(MDPI, 2021-03-22)Industry 4.0 is generalizing the use of wireless connectivity in manufacturing and logistics. Specifically, in Smart Logistics, novel Industry 4.0 technologies are used to enable agile supply chains, with reduced management, ... -
Outage capacity of rate-adaptive relaying for FSO links with nonzero boresight pointing errors
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019-03-20)An outage capacity analysis of a three-way free-space optical (FSO) setup based on the optical path selection, either source-destination (S-D) or source-relay-destination (S-R-D), with a greater value of channel gain along ... -
Outage Performance of Exponentiated Weibull FSO Links Under Generalized Pointing Errors.
(IEEE, 2017)Even in clear conditions, free-space optical (FSO) links are impaired by scintillation and dynamic misalignment which result in a slow fading channel. This paper presents the first characterization of outage performance ... -
Parameters characterization of dielectric materials samples in microwave and millimeter-wave bands
(IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2021-03-06)In this work, an optimized broadband method using multilayer transmission lines to characterize dielectric permittivity and loss tangent of material samples is presented. For this purpose, a microstrip line loaded with a ... -
PCA filtering and Probabilistic SOM for Network Intrusion Detection.
(Elsevier, 2015-09-21)The growth of the Internet and, consequently, the number of interconnected computers, has exposed significant amounts of information to intruders and attackers. Firewalls aim to detect violations according to a predefined ... -
Perfectly vertical surface grating couplers using subwavelength engineering for increased feature sizes.
(Optica, 2020-06-29)We present perfectly vertical grating couplers for the 220 nm silicon-on-insulator platform incorporating subwavelength metamaterials to increase the minimum feature sizes and achieve broadband low back-reflection. Our ...