Listar Física Aplicada I - (FAI) por título
Mostrando ítems 88-99 de 99
Teoría de información para tratar variabilidad: magnetismo, hipertensión arterial, mercados financieros y energía eólica.
(2016-05-06)Se ha mostrado que la teoría de información puede encontrar la temperatura crítica de distintas transiciones magnéticas. La performance mejoró al desarrollarse un reconocedor de información basado en algoritmos del tipo ... -
Testing machine learning algorithms for the prediction of depositional fluxes of the radionuclides 7Be, 210Pb and 40K
(Elsevier, 2023)The monthly depositional fluxes of 7Be, 210Pb and 40K were measured at Malaga, (Southern Spain) from 2005 to 2018. In this work, the depositional fluxes of these radionuclides are investigated and their relations with ... -
The Electronic Structure of NiO by means of Electron Spectroscopies and theoretical calculations
(APS, 2007)We report experimental and theoretical evidence of surface effects in the Ni 2p x-ray photoemission spectra XPS of NiO. The Ni 2p3/2 surface-enhanced XPS of a NiO sample show a relative enhancement of the intensity of the ... -
Todo lo que usted quiso saber sobre la expansión del Universo, pero no se atrevió a preguntar
(2014-05-29)El lenguaje científico tiene algo de jerga, de lenguaje de grupo cerrado en el que es preciso iniciarse para poder comunicarse mediante él. En todo caso, como todo lenguaje, sirve para que las personas se entiendan. En ... -
Towards airborne laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: A signal recovery method for LIBS instruments subjected to vibrations
(ELSEVIER, 2022-01)Sample or instrument vibrations can scatter laser impacts across the sample surface, which increases the uncertainty of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) measurements. The common sources of noise associated to ... -
Tropical North Atlantic Response to ENSO: Sensitivity to Model Spatial Resolution
(American Meteorological Society, 2022-01-01)In this study, the ENSO teleconnection with the tropical North Atlantic (TNA) sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in boreal spring is analyzed in ocean–atmosphere coupled global circulation models. To assess the role played ... -
Tunable Nanostructure and Photoluminescence of Columnar ZnO Films Grown by Plasma Deposition.
(ACS, 2010-11-22)Se crecieron películas delgadas de ZnO nanoporozo con una nanostructura y fotoluminiscencia (PL) ajustables mediante deposición en fase de vapor asistida por plasma en sustratos de Si oxidados en la superficie. Estas ... -
Vertically Aligned Nanostructures for SOFC applications
(2022)One of the most recent strategies to enhance the electrode performance is preparing composite materials leading to an increase of the triple-phase-boundary (TPB) length. On this way, heteroepitaxial nanocomposite ... -
Wetting at the nanoscale
(2019-06-12)Wetting represents one of the most fundamental features of water interactions with a surface, resulting from interplay between cohesive and adhesive molecular forces. The wettability of a surface by a liquid is characterized ... -
ZnMn2O4 as a material for supercapacitors and its stability against the electrolyte
(2023)The electrolyte is an essential part of a supercapacitor, conditioning its performance. Thus, the specific capacitance measured for the supercapacitor electrode in the typical three-electrode arrangement of an electrochemical ...