Listar Física Aplicada I - (FAI) por título
Mostrando ítems 73-92 de 99
Radiation dose assessment of 7Be and activated corrosion products present in the hydrogen trap of IFMIF-DONES lithium system
(Elsevier, 2024-02-17)The radiological impact that 7Be and activated corrosion products (ACP) dissolved in Li could have in normal operation and maintenance in the surroundings of the hydrogen trap (HT) of future IFMIF-DONES facility has been ... -
Relatividad Especial para Matemáticos novel, con v
(2021-05-18)La Relatividad Especial nació como respuesta a una crisis de la Mecánica Newtoniana al intentar universalizar el Principio de Relatividad de Galileo a todas las leyes de la Física. Fué una creación de una sóla persona: ... -
Relatividad y Geometría: hechas la una para la otra
(2021-05)La Teoría de la Relatividad Especial y General han cambiado nuestro entendimiento del espacio, el tiempo y la gravedad. Corrigen los conceptos intuitivos newtonianos y han sido verificados numerosas veces en diversos ... -
Renewable energy sources for green hydrogen generation in Colombia and applicable case of studies
(MDPI, 2023-11-27)Electrification using renewable energy sources represents a clear path toward solving the current global energy crisis. In Colombia, this challenge also involves the diversification of the electrical energy sources to ... -
Role of positional disorder in fully textured ensembles of Ising-like dipoles
(American Physical Society (APS), 2023-10)We study by numerical simulation the magnetic order in ensembles of randomly packed magnetic spherical particles which, induced by their uniaxial anisotropy in the strong coupling limit, behave as Ising dipoles. We explore ... -
Selective permeability in gels: Beyond the solution-diffusion model
(2019-06-12)Permeability, a measure of potential transport of macromolecules through crowded media such as hydrogels, determines important control parameters in bio-soft functional material applications, e.g., for filtration, drug ... -
Semitransparent Functional Devices using PEDOT and/or ZnO Heterostructures
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)This thesis focus on the development of two differentiated devices, using common and interchangeable materials: (1) electronic diodes and (2) electrochemical capacitors, also known as supercapacitors. Special attention was ... -
Separación y concentración de nanopartículas permeables
(2014-10-29)La ultrafiltración es un proceso dirigido por un gradiente de presión donde partículas Brownianas, por ejemplo pequeños coloides o nanopartículas, son separadas físicamente de la fase líquida a través de una membrana. Este ... -
Silver zirconium oxide cermet coatings spray deposited onto galvanized steel sheet for low temperature solar applications
(Elsevier, 2023-11-01)A new type of cermet coating, with potential use as low-cost solar thermal absorber has been developed using spray pyrolysis. It consists of crystalline silver nanoparticles embedded in amorphous zirconia and was obtained ... -
Solar irradiance component separation benchmarking: The critical role of dynamically-constrained sky conditions
(2024-07-01)The decomposition of global horizontal irradiance into its direct and diffuse components is critical in many applications. To guarantee accurate results in practice, the existing separation techniques need to be validated ... -
SPARTA: Solar parameterization for the radiative transfer of the cloudless atmosphere.
(Elsevier, 2023-10-11)The high-performance SPARTA broadband clear-sky solar irradiance model is presented. It evaluates global (GHI), diffuse (DIF) and direct normal (DNI) irradiances from atmospheric transmittance functions developed using ... -
Spectral integration of clear-sky atmospheric transmittance: review and worldwide performance
(Elsevier, 2022-03-15)Broadband atmospheric transmittance is a key component in many broadband clear-sky solar radiation models, whose performance is inevitably bound to the goodness of their atmospheric transmittance parameterizations. A key ... -
Strategies to obtain efficient symmetrical electrodes for solid oxide cells.
(2023)There is an increase interest on finding alternative energy technologies that can cope with the current energy demand while mitigating the climate change. Among those technologies, Solid Oxide Cells (SOCs) are promising ... -
Stratospheric role in interdecadal changes of El Niño impacts over Europe.
(Springer, 2018-04-02)The European precipitation response to El Niño (EN) has been found to present interdecadal changes, with alternated periods of important or negligible EN impact in late winter. These periods are associated with opposite ... -
Symmetrical solid oxide fuel cells based on titanate nanocomposite electrodes
(Elsevier, 2022-11-26)Nanocomposite electrodes of (Sr0.7Pr0.3)0.95TiO3±δ−Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 are directly prepared by spray-pyrolysis deposition on Zr0.82Y0.16O1.92 electrolytes and their properties are compared with those obtained by the traditional ... -
Teoría de información para tratar variabilidad: magnetismo, hipertensión arterial, mercados financieros y energía eólica.
(2016-05-06)Se ha mostrado que la teoría de información puede encontrar la temperatura crítica de distintas transiciones magnéticas. La performance mejoró al desarrollarse un reconocedor de información basado en algoritmos del tipo ... -
Testing machine learning algorithms for the prediction of depositional fluxes of the radionuclides 7Be, 210Pb and 40K
(Elsevier, 2023)The monthly depositional fluxes of 7Be, 210Pb and 40K were measured at Malaga, (Southern Spain) from 2005 to 2018. In this work, the depositional fluxes of these radionuclides are investigated and their relations with ... -
The Electronic Structure of NiO by means of Electron Spectroscopies and theoretical calculations
(APS, 2007)We report experimental and theoretical evidence of surface effects in the Ni 2p x-ray photoemission spectra XPS of NiO. The Ni 2p3/2 surface-enhanced XPS of a NiO sample show a relative enhancement of the intensity of the ... -
Todo lo que usted quiso saber sobre la expansión del Universo, pero no se atrevió a preguntar
(2014-05-29)El lenguaje científico tiene algo de jerga, de lenguaje de grupo cerrado en el que es preciso iniciarse para poder comunicarse mediante él. En todo caso, como todo lenguaje, sirve para que las personas se entiendan. En ...