Listar Física Aplicada I - (FAI) por título
Mostrando ítems 56-75 de 99
N coordination chemistry in diluted InGaAs nitride layers
(2015-10-14)GaAsN and InGaAsN semiconductor alloys with a small amount of nitrogen, so called dilute nitrides, constitute a novel compounds family with applications in telecom lasers and very efficient multijunction solar cells. The ... -
Nanostructured composites as active layer to boost cathode performance in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
(2022-04)Since the efficiency of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) is largely limited by the high polarization resistance of the cathode, several strategies have been proposed to enhance the electrochemical activity of such electrodes. ... -
Natural radiactivity from building materials in Spain
(2015-06-15)The industrial construction sector is very important in Spain. Building materials used in this industry are sources of radiation from natural radionuclides they contain. The European Commission published some recommendations ... -
Nature of the spin-glass phase in dense packings of Ising dipoles with random anisotropy axes
(2016-09-02)By Monte Carlo simulations, we study the character of the spinglass (SG) phase in dense disordered packings of magnetic nanoparticles (NPs). We focus on NPs which have large uniaxial anisotropies and can be well represented ... -
Ni-Doped PrBaFe2O5+δ As Symmetrical Electrode for Solid Oxide Cells.
(2023)The development of new redox stable electrode materials for Solid Oxide Cells (SOFs) have attracted great attention in recent years, since finding suitable compositions to operate efficiently in both fuel cell and electrolyzer ... -
El Niño as a predictor of round sardinella distribution along the northwest African coast
(2020-05-25)The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) produces global marine environment conditions that can cause changes in abundance and distribution of distant fish populations worldwide. Understanding mechanisms acting locally on ... -
Non-monotonic concentration dependence of the electro-phoretic mobility of charged spheres in realistic salt free suspensions
(AIP Publishing, 2020)Using super-heterodyne Doppler velocimetry with multiple scattering correction, we extend the optically accessible range of concen- trations in experiments on colloidal electro-kinetics. Here, we measured the electro-phoretic ... -
Nuevos materiales para dispositivos fotovoltaicos de tercera generación. De los sistemas de concentración a las perovskitas de bajo coste
(2017-11-22)Este seminario se describirán los avances recientemente realizados tanto en materiales como en dispositivos fotovoltaicos de tercera generación , así como las aproximaciones actualmente en ... -
One-Step Hydrothermal Synthesis of Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanoparticles as an Efficient Visible Light Photocatalyst for the Degradation of Congo Red Azo Dye
(MDPI, 2023-05-25)A hydrothermal method was successfully employed to synthesize kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) nanoparticles. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), field-emission scanning electron ... -
Optical characterization of ALD-coated nanoporous alumina structures: effect of sample geometry or coated layer material
(MDPI, 2023-04-12)Optical characterization of nanoporous alumina-based structures (NPA-bSs), obtained by ALD deposition of a thin conformal SiO2 layer on two alumina nanosupports with different geometrical parameters (pore size and interpore ... -
Optimization of processes for the rear side of monocrystalline silicon solar cells
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)En esta tesis, se ha estudiado la formación de un campo local superficial trasero (LBSF) de aluminio mediante el uso de diferentes pastas de dicho metal, las cuales contienen fritas en su composición para una mejor ... -
Peliculas de jabón
(2014-10-24)Las pompas y películas de jabón han sido durante siglos motivo de entretenimiento de niños y adultos. Un importante resultado experimental dice que si un alambre formando una curva cualquiera se hunde en una solución ... -
Performance of a virtual source model for stereotactic radiosurgery with a dynamic micro-multileaf collimator.
(IOP, 2017-11-17)A virtual source model recently developed for external radiotherapy, which includes two photon sources and two electron sources, is tested for stereotactic radiosurgery with a dynamic micro-multileaf collimator. A 6 MV ... -
Physical and chemical characterization of building materials
(2017-06-12)The products used in the construction of buildings and infrastructures, are made from raw material extracted directly from nature, and after suitable transformation processes are placed on site. Approximately 2.5 tons ... -
Physicochemical Characterization of a Cellulosic Film Modified with Two Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids
(IOAP-MPDI, 2022-10-13)Changes in the physicochemical characteristics of a regenerated cellulose (RC) film due to a surface modification with room-temperature ionic liquids (ILs) are determined. Two ILs (1-butyl-3-metylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ... -
Potential SST drivers for Chlorophyll-a variability in the Alboran Sea: A source for seasonal predictability?
(Frontiers Media, 2022)This study investigates the link between large-scale variability modes of the sea surface temperature (SST) and the surface chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration in spring along the northern flank of the Alboran Sea. To this ... -
Radiation dose assessment of 7Be and activated corrosion products present in the hydrogen trap of IFMIF-DONES lithium system
(Elsevier, 2024-02-17)The radiological impact that 7Be and activated corrosion products (ACP) dissolved in Li could have in normal operation and maintenance in the surroundings of the hydrogen trap (HT) of future IFMIF-DONES facility has been ... -
Relatividad Especial para Matemáticos novel, con v
(2021-05-18)La Relatividad Especial nació como respuesta a una crisis de la Mecánica Newtoniana al intentar universalizar el Principio de Relatividad de Galileo a todas las leyes de la Física. Fué una creación de una sóla persona: ... -
Relatividad y Geometría: hechas la una para la otra
(2021-05)La Teoría de la Relatividad Especial y General han cambiado nuestro entendimiento del espacio, el tiempo y la gravedad. Corrigen los conceptos intuitivos newtonianos y han sido verificados numerosas veces en diversos ...