Listar Física Aplicada I - (FAI) por título
Mostrando ítems 36-55 de 99
Galaxias Activas: alimentando al monstruo
(2015-10-20)Uno de los resultados más relevantes de la astrofísica en los últimos años es que muchas galaxias (incluida nuestra propia Vía Láctea) contienen un gran agujero negro de gran masa en el centro. Cuando uno de estos agujeros ... -
GISPLIT: High-performance global solar irradiance component-separation model dynamically constrained by 1-min sky conditions
(Elsevier, 2024-01-31)The separation of global horizontal irradiance (GHI) into its direct and diffuse components is necessary in a variety of applications, most specially in solar energy utilization, where knowledge of direct normal irradiance ... -
Impact of increased resolution on the representation of the Canary upwelling system in climate models
(European Geosciences Union, 2022-11-17)We investigate the representation of the Canary upwelling system (CUS) in six global coupled climate models operated at high and standard resolution as part of the High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project (HighResMIP). ... -
Impacto de las intrusiones de polvo africano en el aire ambiente de Málaga
(2014-05-07)A partir de datos de calidad del aire registrados en Málaga en el periodo 2007-2012, y del análisis de su variabilidad temporal a distintas escalas, se describen las distintas fuentes (antrópicas o naturales) de materia ... -
Indoor radon measurements in Ny-Ålesund, the northernmost civilian settlement in the world
(2015-06-02)Ny-Ålesund is situated at 78° 55´ N, 11° 56´ E on the west coast of Spitsbergen, the largest island in the Svalbard archipelago and is a centre for international Arctic scientific research and environmental monitoring. ... -
Influence of ion size effects on the electrokinetics of aqueous salt-free colloids in alternating electric fields
(American Physical Society (APS), 2020)Electrokinetics is an important tool for the characterization of colloids because of its sensitivity to the electrical properties of particle-solution interfaces. Its rigorous description may require inclusion of the effects ... -
Influence of meteorological parameters on gamma radionuclides and major-ions of bulk deposition in Málaga (South of Spain)
(2014-06-10)Gamma radionuclides and major-ion concentrations in bulk deposition samples were monthly measured in bulk deposition over a seven year period (January 2005- December 2013). Bulk deposition was dominated by Ca2+,Cl-, SO42- ... -
Influencia de las intrusiones atmosféricas africanas en el sur de la península
(2015-05-06)A partir de datos de calidad del aire registrados en Málaga en el periodo 2007-2012, y del análisis de su variabilidad temporal a distintas escalas, se describen las distintas fuentes (antrópicas o naturales) de materia ... -
Interacción plasma-pared. Retos científicos y tecnológicos
(2014-10-16)INTERACCIÓN PLASMA-PARED. RETOS CIENTÍFICOS Y TECNOLÓGICOS Dr. Francisco L. Tabarés Plasma-Wall Interaction Group Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión CIEMAT, Madrid RESUMEN La investigación en materiales compatibles ... -
Intercomparison of WRF-chem aerosol schemes during a dry Saharan dust outbreak in Southern Iberian Peninsula
(Elsevier, 2024-12-15)The Iberian Peninsula (IP), where this study is conducted, has experienced an increase of the frequency and intensity of Saharan aerosol dust outbreaks over the latest decades, which may have an impact on its regional ... -
La0.8Sr0.2MnO3-d-based nanocomposite functional layers for improved cathode efficiency in SOFCs
(2022)Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) are efficient electrochemical devices that are able to convert chemical energy in the form of fuels into electricity, but at low operating temperatures they are mainly limited by the high ... -
LaCrO3–CeO2-Based Nanocomposite Electrodes for Efficient Symmetrical Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
(2022-04-05)La0.98Cr0.75Mn0.25O3−δ–Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (LCM-CGO) nanocomposite layers with different LCM contents, between 40 and 60 wt %, are prepared in a single step by a spray-pyrolysis deposition method and evaluated as both air and ... -
Long - term atmospheric depositional fluxes of radionuclides at Málaga (Coastal Mediterranean Station)
(2015-06-16)7Be and 210Pb are radionuclides which have been measured routinely in many places in order to study the description of environmental processes such as aerosol transit and residence times in the troposphere, aerosol ... -
Low-temperature spin-glass behaviour in a diluted dipolar Ising system
(2015-07-27)Using Monte Carlo simulations, we study the character of the spin-glass (SG) state of a site-diluted dipolar Ising model. At high dilution, well deep in the SG phase, we find spiky distributions that are strongly ... -
Mean-preserving interpolation with splines for solar radiation modeling
(Elsevier, 2022-11-17)Interpolation is a fundamental process in solar resource assessment that glues consecutive components of the modeling chain. Most interpolation techniques assume that the interpolating function must go through the interpolation ... -
Modelos de balance de energía para el estudio del clima global
(2014-12-17)Estudiamos distintos modelos climatológicos del clima global. Todos ellos basados en balance energético sobre la superfcie de la Tierra. Las escalas temporal y espacial consideradas son globales y la sensibilidad de estos ... -
Modificación de membranas artificiales y estudio de su efecto en parámetros estructurales y de transporte
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)En la presente Tesis se analiza el transporte iónico y difusivo a través de membranas artificiales de distintos materiales, con características eléctricas y morfológicas diferentes, tanto comerciales como experimentales. ... -
Monte Carlo simulation of the dynamic micro-multileaf collimator of a LINAC Elekta Precise using PENELOPE.
(IOP, 2011-05-13)Micro-multileaf collimators are devices that are added to LINAC heads for stereotactic radiosurgery. In this work, the performance of an Elekta Precise LINAC, with a dynamic micro-multileaf collimator manufactured by ... -
Multidecadal modulation of El Niño influence on the Euro-Mediterranean rainfall.
(American Geophysical Union, 2012)[1] El Niño influence on the Euro-Mediterranean Rainfall (EMedR) has changed along the 20th century, and the reasons for this lack of stationarity, which represents an important issue in the climate change context, are ... -
Multidecadal Modulation of ENSO Teleconnection with Europe in Late Winter: Analysis of CMIP5 Models
(American Meteorological Society, 2016-11-15)Many studies point to a robust ENSO signature on the North Atlantic–European (NAE) sector associated with a downstream effect of Rossby wave trains. Some of these works also address a nonstationary behavior of the ...