Listar Física Aplicada I - (FAI) por título
Mostrando ítems 13-32 de 99
CAELUS: Classification of sky conditions from 1-min time series of global solar irradiance using variability indices and dynamic thresholds
(Elsevier, 2023-08-12)Precise sky classification as a function of cloudiness is desirable or necessary in a variety of applications. CAELUS, a novel classification algorithm that relies on various thresholds to separate all possible sky conditions ... -
Carbon and oxygen minibeam radiation therapy: An experimental dosimetric evaluation
(Wiley, 2017-05-29)Abstract Purpose: To perform dosimetric characterization of a minibeam collimator in both carbon and oxygen ion beams to guide optimal set up geometry and irradiation for future radiobiological studies using these ... -
Chemical State of Nitrogen and Visible Surface and Schottky Barrier Driven Photoactivities of N-Doped TiO2 Thin Films.
(ACS, 2009-07-07)N-doped TiO2 thin films have been prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition and by physical vapor deposition by adding nitrogen or ammonia to the gas phase. Different sets of N-doped TiO2 thin films have been ... -
Conferencia: "Phase diagram of magnetic nanoparticles ensembles from Monte Carlo simulations in the framework of an effective macro spin model."
(2018-10-24)In this presentation, after a brief overview of the topic we present Monte Carlo simulations aimed at model an actual experimental situation, namely the magnetic phases of well ordered superlattices made of either Co or ... -
Contribuciones desde la electroquímica para la optimización de materiales semiconductores con potencial uso en dispositivos fotovoltaicos”
(2018-10-30)Dr. Daniel Ramírez Ruiz Laboratorio de electroquímica y nanociencias Instituto de Química y Bioquímica, Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Valparaíso. Av. Gran Bretaña 1111, Valparaíso. Se describe el trabajo ... -
Cortometrajes para el laboratorio docente LABFIS
(2015-07-21)Alumnos de la asignatura Física de muchos primeros cursos de los nuevos Grados en que imparte docencia nuestro departamento provienen del Bachillerato de Ciencias de la Salud, con una buena base en Química y Biología, ... -
Deposition patterns of atmospheric 7Be, 210Pb, 40K in cost of west Mediterranean sea, Málaga (Spain)
(2016-11-14)The deposition of radionuclides on the ground is an essential process to understand atmospheric transportation, sedimentation and geological process, being the major removal pathway for airborne particulates. To predict ... -
Development of Integrated Devices for Both Photoelectric Conversion and Energy Storage
(UMA Editorial, 2018-11)En las últimas décadas, la creciente demanda mundial de energía y el hecho de que los combustibles fósiles son limitados ha fomentado el desarrollo y la investigación de las energías renovables en muchos campos, como la ... -
Diseño racional de nanoreactores sensibles a estímulos
(2017-10-16)La catálisis mediante nanopartículas metálicas es uno de los campos de mayor crecimiento en nanociencia [1]. Sin embargo, el control óptimo de la actividad y selectividad catalíticas con nanopartículas sigue siendo un gran ... -
Dynamic viscosity of colloidal silica suspensions at low and high volume fractions.
(Elsevier, 2018)A comprehensive study was carried out on the dynamic viscosity of X30 silica dispersions at both high and low volume fractions of colloidal silica particles at various electrolyte ionic strength and pH values. Booth and ... -
Effects of finite counterion size and nonhomogeneous permittivity and viscosity of the solution on the electrokinetics of a concentrated salt-free colloid
(American Physical Society (APS), 2024)In the present work, a general model of the electrokinetics and dielectric response of a concentrated salt-free colloid is developed which includes consideration of the finite size of the counterions released by the particles ... -
Electrochemical characterization of charged membranes from different materials and structures by membrane potential analysis.
(MDPI, 2023-08-17)Electrochemical characterization of positively and negatively charged membranes is performed by analyzing membrane potential values on the basis of the Teorell–Meyer–Sievers (TMS) model. This analysis allows the separate ... -
Electrodeposición y caracterización de láminas de Cu2C.Aplicación como electrodos de baterías de ión-litio
(Universidad de Málaga,Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007)El trabajo que se expone en la presente tesis doctoral tiene por objetivo la electrodeposición y posterior caracterización de láminas de Cu2O puro para la obtención de electrodos negativos de baterías de ión-litio ... -
Electrokinetic and dielectric response of a concentrated salt-free colloid: Different approaches to counterion finite size effects.
(American Physical Society (APS), 2022)In the present work, a general model is developed for the electrokinetics and di- electric response of a concentrated salt-free colloid that takes into account the finite size of the counterions released by the particles ... -
Electrokinetic detection of the salt-free condition in colloids. Application to polystyrene latexes.
(Elsevier, 2022)Because of their singular phenomenology, the so-called salt-free colloids constitute a special family of dispersed systems. Their main characteristic is that the dispersion medium ideally contains only the solvent and the ... -
Energías alternativas. La fusión nuclear
(2015-09-11)La fusión termonuclear controlada ofrece la posibilidad de ser una fuente segura y virtualmente inagotable de energía. Dentro de la investigación en fusión nuclear, es el confinamiento magnético (en particular, los ... -
ENSO influence on the North Atlantic European climate: A non-linear and non-stationary approach
(Springer, 2015-12-29)ENSO impact on the North Atlantic European sector (NAE) is still under discussion. Recent studies have found a non stationary feature of this teleconnection, suggesting an effective modu- lating role of the ocean mean ... -
ENSO Influence on Western European Summer and Fall Temperatures.
(American Meteorological Society, 2021)In certain regions, such as Europe, the increase in global air temperatures in the world is translated into more frequent extreme events. Recent studies suggest that the increasing intensity in heatwaves seems to be related ... -
¿Es una onda? ¿Es una partícula? ¡Es el bosón de Higgs!
(2016-04-29)El bosón de Higgs proporciona un mecanismo para explicar el origen de las masas dentro del modelo estándar de partículas. En dicho modelo las partículas elementales no son propiamente ni corpúsculos ni ondas, son excitaciones ... -
Evaluation of a Database of the Spanish Wind Energy Resources Derived from a Regional Reanalysis
(MDPI, 2024-03-22)An enhanced database (RetroDB) of the Spanish wind energy resources, derived from a high spatial resolution integration with the WRF model, is proposed and evaluated. RetroDB provides hourly capacity factor (CF) values for ...