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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 26
A system of insolvency prediction for industrial companies using a financial alternative model with neural networks
(2013-01)En la literatura contable, encontramos el uso de redes neuronales (NN) para predecir datos de insolvencia del último año financiero antes de la quiebra, con una tasa de éxito inferior al 85%. El objetivo de este trabajo ... -
Cruise passengers´ intention and sustainble management of cruise destinations
(MDPI, 2019-04)Estudios turísticos recientes han demostrado que la intención de los pasajeros de cruceros puede utilizarse como una herramienta para evaluar la sostenibilidad del destino del puerto de escala. Sin embargo, los estudios ... -
Quantum neural networks for forecasting inflation dynamics
(Journal of Scientifica & Industrial Research, 2020-02)La inflación es un indicador clave en la economía que mide el nivel promedio de precios de bienes y servicios, siendo una proporción importante en la toma de decisiones públicas y privadas. Por lo tanto, predecirla con ... -
A global prediction model for sudden stops of capital flows using decision trees.
(PLOS, 2020-02-12)Capital flows is an important aspect of the international monetary system because they pro- vide great direct and indirect benefits, and at the same time, they carry risks of vulnerability for countries with an open ... -
Predicting Audit Opinion in Consolidated Financial Statements with Artificial Neural Networks.
(MDPI, 2020-08-05)Los modelos para predecir la opinión de auditoría analizan las variables que afectan la probabilidad de obtener una opinión calificada. Esto ayuda a los auditores a planificar procedimientos de revisión y controlar su ... -
Forecasting foreing exchange reserves using Bayesian Model Averaging-Naïve Bayes
(World Scientific, 2020-08-17)Foreign exchange reserves are used by governments to balance international payments and make stable the exchange rate. Numerous works have developed models to predict foreign exchange reserves; however, the existing models ... -
Sovereign Debt and Currency Crises Prediction Models Using Machine Learning Techniques.
(MDPI, 2021-04-12)Sovereign debt and currencies play an increasingly influential role in the development of any country, given the need to obtain financing and establish international relations. A recurring theme in the literature on ... -
Country factor behavior for integration improvement of European life insurance markets
(ELSEVIER, 2021-12)This paper provides evidence of the role that financial market development and institutional quality play in the integration of European Union (EU) life insurance markets. It analyzes ten EU life insurance markets over a ... -
Family firm heterogeneity on CSR approach: A socio-emotional (SEW) perspective.
(SAGE, 2021-12-12)Cómo las empresas familiares adoptan un enfoque específico de responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) sigue siendo un tema relativamente poco explorado en la investigación sobre empresas familiares y ética empresarial. ... -
Forecasting stock market crashes via real-time recession probabilities: a quantum computing approach.
(World Scientific Publishing, 2022)A fast and precise prediction of stock market crashes is an important aspect of economic growth, fiscal and monetary systems because it facilitates the government in the application of suitable policies. Many works have ... -
Integration and convergence in efficiency and technology gap of European life insurance markets
(Springer, 2022-04-23)This paper applies the meta-frontier Data Envelopment Analysis and the main concepts of convergence from the economic growth literature (β-convergence and σ-convergence) to analyze integration and convergence both in ... -
Bancassurance and the coexistence of multiple insurance distribution channels
(Emerald, 2022-04-25)Purpose This paper investigates why bancassurance coexists with alternative insurance distribution channels in the long run, considering the bank channel is known to involve lower costs than traditional distribution ... -
Multi-objective reference point techniques to optimize profitability, growth, and risk in the non-life insurance industry: international analysis
(Wiley, 2022-05-20)This paper combines reference point techniques and econometric analyses to provide the profile of non-life insurers that simultaneously optimize the strategic growth, profitability, and risk goals. The econometric analyses ... -
A dynamic modelling approach to manage the cruise port of call
(Elsevier, 2022-06)This study presents a dynamic model for the management of a cruise port, simulating the behavior of the system under different scenarios for the period 2015–2025. The proposed management system considers the factors ... -
The Effect of Public Healthcare Expenditure on the Reduction in Mortality Rates Caused by Unhealthy Habits among the Population
(IOAP-MDPI, 2022-11-10)The health systems of developed countries aim to reduce the mortality rates of their populations. To this end, they must fight against the unhealthy habits of citizens, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and ... -
Analysis of insurers’ performance using frontier efficiency and productivity methods: the great contributions by David Cummins and Mary Weiss.
(Wiley, 2022-11-23)This article provides an in-depth analysis of the great contributions by J. David Cummins and Mary A. Weiss to research on insurers' performance using frontier efficiency and productivity methods. Twenty-nine empirical ... -
How does financial literacy influence undergraduates’ risk-taking propensity?
(Elsevier, 2023)Previous evidence is contradictory about the financial literacy-individual’s risk-taking propensity relationship. Therefore, this article attempts to examine the relationship between financial literacy and risk-taking ... -
Quantum Monte Carlo simulations for estimating FOREX markets: a speculative attacks experience.
(Springer Nature, 2023)The foreign exchange markets, renowned as the largest financial markets globally, also stand out as one of the most intricate due to their substantial volatility, nonlinearity, and irregular nature. Owing to these ... -
Environmental behavior of university students
(Emerald, 2023-02-03)This study aims to build a model for the analysis of the environmental behavior of university students. A partial least square method was adopted, and a questionnaire on intelligence, knowledge, attitude and environmental ... -
The Relationship between Innovation and the Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Industrial Sector: The Mediating Role of CSR.
(MDPI, 2023-03-14)This paper analyses the effect of innovation on the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mediates this relationship. In order to evaluate our assumptions, a partial ...