Listar Filosofía - (F) por título
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 191
A Dynamic Epistemic Logic for Abstract Argumentation
(2021)This paper introduces a multi-agent dynamic epistemic logic for abstract argumenta- tion. Its main motivation is to build a general framework for modelling the dynamics of a debate, which entails reasoning about goals, ... -
A Meinongian Empirical Case Based on Galician ‘Meigas’: (‘I Do not Believe in Meigas, but There Are Such!’)
(Department of Philosophy, University of Economics, Prague, 2020-05-26)This paper aspires to meet a philosophical challenge posed to the author to give treatment to what was seen as a particularly nice Meinongian case; namely the case of Galician Meigas. However, through the playful footpaths ... -
A multi-modal logic for Galois connections
(College Publications, 2022-07-19) -
A New African Orality? Tijānī Sufism, Sacred Knowledge and the ICTs in Post-Truth Times.
(Boydell & Brewer, 2021)West Africa is a space of paradoxes. Not even the most traditional Sufis can resist information and communication technologies (ICT). Nowadays they carry the tasbīḥ (prayer beads) in one hand and, in the other, a mobile ... -
Abraham and Empedocles: two forms of religious sacrifice in the origins of Europe
(2014-10-30)During their period of Frankfurt, Hölderlin and Hegel paid special attention to the phenomenon of self-sacrifice, and its relationship with the configuration of Europe’s early forms of religiosity. Moreover, and according ... -
El aburrimiento no es lo que te habían contado
(FICUM y Universidad de Málaga, 2023)La cuestión del aburrimiento se ha puesto de moda, provocando que la ciudadanía hable de su desagradable experiencia en multitud de foros no necesariamente académicos. Esto debería ser una buena noticia para quienes nos ... -
Arguments Evaluation in Multi-Agent Systems
(2018-12-13)In this paper, a novel problem within the field of Epistemic Logic and Justification Logic is presented. This problem can be stated as follows: how epistemic agents should prefer one justification to another for supporting ... -
Arguments to believe and beliefs to argue. Epistemic logics for argumentation and its dynamics
(UMA Editorial, 2022)Arguing and believing are two skills that have typically played a crucial role in the analysis of human cognition. Both notions have received notable attention from a broad range of disciplines, including linguistics, ... -
La Arquitectura después de Nietzsche. La nueva espacialidad arquitectónica
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2012)La importancia de Nietzsche, el filósofo más influyente de la contemporaneidad, en las artes ha sido ampliamente conocida. De hecho, ha habido numerosos estudios en el campo de la música. Sin embargo, si en algún campo ... -
The Art of Living: John Dewey and the Melioristic Character of Aesthetic Experience
(2019-09-26)Today aesthetics is a fertile branch of research which tries to transcend the narrow art-oriented approach, widening the focus of attention to include objects, phenomena and activities of our contemporary world that had ... -
El arte como celebración de la vida de una cultura. Aportaciones de la estética deweyana a la actualidad.
(Universidad del Norte, 2019)En nuestros días el término arte ha ampliado su horizonte hasta incluir prácticas y objetos que tradicionalmente habían sido negados. Este cambio de perspectiva se introduce a partir del siglo XX cuando la noción de arte ... -
Autonomía personal y pluralismo de valores en el liberalismo de Joseph Raz
(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2022)Este trabajo quiere rendir tributo a Joseph Raz, fallecido el pasado 2 de mayo, uno de los grandes filósofos contemporáneos, cuya obra abarca todos los dominios de la filosofía práctica. Aquí me centraré en su filosofía ... -
Autoridad política
(Editorial Ariel, 2021)Resumen El capítulo está dedicado a un examen conceptual del concepto de autoridad política así como a la discusión de sus principales justificaciones normativas. En la primera sección del capítulo, veremos qué es la ... -
Autoridad y razones para la acción: dos problemas
(Revista de Estudios Políticos / Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 2018)La autoridad es uno de los conceptos más importantes y también más controvertidos en teoría política. El objetivo de este artículo es abordar los dos principales problemas, conceptual y normativo, planteados por la noción ... -
Awakened vision as an initiatory experience in the ṭarīqa Tijāniyya.
(2024)In Sufism, the visionary experience (ru‘ya) is one of the main methods of acquiring profound knowledge of the Reality (ḥaqīqa). For many Sufis, this experience was an initiation in which they received a hierophanic ... -
Awareness in Logic and Epistemology A Conceptual Schema and Logical Study of The Underlying Main Epistemic Concepts.
(Springer Nature, 2021)This book creates a conceptual schema that acts as a correlation between Epistemology and Epistemic Logic. It connects both fields and offers a proper theoretical foundation for the contemporary developments of Epistemic ... -
Awareness of and awareness that: their combination and dynamics.
(Oxford University Press, 2020-01-19)The paper proposes a logical framework representing the notion of explicit knowledge as the combination of awareness of and awareness that. The setting, semantically combining neighbourhood models with ideas from awareness ... -
Basic Beliefs and Argument-based Beliefs in Awareness Epistemic Logic with Structured Arguments
(IOS PRESS, 2020-09-04)There are two intuitive principles governing belief formation and argument evaluation that can potentially clash. After arguing that adopting them unrestrictedly leads to an infinite regress, we propose a formal framework ... -
El Benarés tántrico de Bettina Bäumer: la estética del deseo
(2015-01-07)Esta presentación pretende continuar y profundizar en algunos aspectos de otras comunicaciones relativas a mujeres que en el siglo XX han contribuido decisivamente a la conformación de lo que hoy entendemos por teoría y ... -
Between Realism and Non-Cognitivism in Ethics, A Three-Fold-Model. A Three-Fold-Model
(Society for the Advancement of Philosophy (Croatia), 2011-10-01)The aim of the paper is to propose an alternative model to realist and non-cognitive explanations of the rule-guided use of thick ethical concepts and to examine the implications that may be drawn from this and similar ...