Filosofía - (F)
Estas son las colecciones en las que puede catalogar la producción investigadora del departamento Filosofía. Si considera que ninguna de estas se ajusta a su material pida una nueva colección en la sección de sugerencias.
Colecciones en esta comunidad
Envíos recientes
Why history is always political.
(Aeon, 2024-12-20)At present, describing historians as political actors evokes bias, political manoeuvring and a lack of critical thinking. This description conjures up historians merely as political pundits, rummaging through history in ... -
The Joint Practice of Conceptual History and the Study of Political Thought: Kari Palonen in Conversation with Rosario López and José María Rosales.
(Università di Bologna, 2024-07-03)Kari Palonen’s work has remained an inspiration for conceptual and intellectual historians as well as for political theoristsover the years. His career and contributions make him an ideal interlocutor for a conversation ... -
La verdad de los enunciados morales y la búsqueda de una fundamentación realista de la moral.
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2008)The question of a realist foundation of morality will soon be shifted to the question of the justification and truth of moral judgments, assuming that, in some cases, an answer to this last question serves the purposes of ... -
Discourse Ethics and Practical Knowledge. Estable structures for practical reasoning.
(Universidad Central de Venezuela. Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, 2023-06-07)The present paper departs from the discussion on the foundation of morality in Discourse Ethics (DE) and the criticism raised against it, co- ming to reconstruct in a somewhat different way the foundational process. ... -
A Meinongian Empirical Case Based on Galician ‘Meigas’: (‘I Do not Believe in Meigas, but There Are Such!’)
(Department of Philosophy, University of Economics, Prague, 2020-05-26)This paper aspires to meet a philosophical challenge posed to the author to give treatment to what was seen as a particularly nice Meinongian case; namely the case of Galician Meigas. However, through the playful footpaths ... -
Populismo islámico.
(Almuzara, 2020)Vivimos en la era de los populismos. Hemos cambiado la razón por las vísceras y nos han dirigido hacia un debate político de promesas imposibles y de continua violencia. En todo el planeta, una horda de populistas nos ha ... -
El Corán. Estudio introductorio.
(Almuzara, 2024)El Corán es el libro sagrado de más de mil quinientos millones de musulmanes y la obra más importante de la literatura árabe. Un símbolo vivo, universal, que contiene el mensaje revelado al profeta Muhammad para toda la ... -
Épilogo filosófico: Reencontrar la luminosa nada en tiempos oscuros. Sobre la actualidad del pensamiento del maestro Eckhart.
(2024)La nada de Eckhart, la de un vacío pleno y luminoso, es la garante de una nueva ontología no basada en las palabras, sino en lo imaginal y en la experiencia sobrenatural. La naturaleza es un nivel, un símbolo, pero lo Real ... -
Sufismo negro. Una breve historia del sufismo en África occidental.
(Almuzara, 2019)La historia de África contemporánea no puede entenderse sin el sufismo. Una espiritualidad vibrante llena de historias increíbles de santos y santas quienes han configurado la identidad de los países del Sahel enlazándola ... -
Invasive Weeds in Parmenides’s Garden.
(Institute of Philosophy (Zagreb), 2020-12-15)The paper attempts to conciliate the important distinction between what-is, or exists, and what-is-not, thereby supporting Russell’s existential analysis, with some Meinongian insights. For this purpose, it surveys the ... -
Konsequenzen der post-empiristischen Sprachphilosophie für die metaethische Diskussion. Moralischer Realismus und die Frage nach der Begründung der Moral.
(Grin Verlag, 2011)Die Arbeit liefert eine historische Rekonstruktion der post-empiristischen sprachphilosophischen Prämissen, die zu der heutigen Debatte um den moralischen Realismus führten. Diese Perspektive ermoglicht, die Schwächen der ... -
Superestabilidad: estudio sobre la concepción de la verdad como Superasertabilidad en Crispin Wright
(Ediesser, 2008)Este trabajo trata el problema de la verdad y la objetivad aplicado a distintos ámbitos del discurso (matemático, físico, moral, estético o cómico). Se centra en un estudio de la posición de Crispin Wright en Verdad y ... -
Tracing the territory: a unitary foundational account
(“Gheorghe Zane” Institute for Economic and Social Research of The Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch, 2017-03)The paper offers an integrative interpretation of the different lines of thought Wittgenstein was inspecting in On Certainty and what he might have been looking for through them. It suggests that we may have been focusing ... -
Beyond Witches, Angels and Unicorns.
(Department of Philosophy, University of Economics, Prague, 2018-03-30)This paper attempts to be a contribution to the epistemological project of explaining complex conceptual structures departing from more basic ones. The central thesis of the paper is that there are what I call “functionally ... -
Boghossian’s ‘Blind-Reasoning’ Conditionalization and Thick Ethical Concepts
(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 2012-01-01)Boghossian’s (2003) proposal to conditionalize concepts as a way to secure their legitimacy in disputable cases applies well, not just to pejoratives – on whose account Boghossian first proposed it – but also to thick ... -
Providing stability to our world. Identity, Geach and Quine
(Romanian Academy, “Gheorghe Zane” Institute for Economic and Social Research (1939-2019), 2024-03)El problema de la identidad es central para la transferencia epistémica. Sin embargo, la identidad relativa parece ser la única manera de elaborar una noción epistémica útil de identidad. La identidad relativa, por su ... -
Richard Hare en Perspectiva
(Sociedad Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas, 2013-02-24)En los debates meta-éticos contemporáneos los análisis de Hare sobre lenguaje moral han sido, cuando no obviados, clasificados sin mucha dilación junto a superadas formas del no-cognitivismo humeano. Se ha considerado que ... -
Between Realism and Non-Cognitivism in Ethics, A Three-Fold-Model. A Three-Fold-Model
(Society for the Advancement of Philosophy (Croatia), 2011-10-01)The aim of the paper is to propose an alternative model to realist and non-cognitive explanations of the rule-guided use of thick ethical concepts and to examine the implications that may be drawn from this and similar ... -
Numbers, empiricism and the a priori
(Institute for Economic and Social Research of The Romanian Academy, 2020)The present paper deals with the ontological status of numbers and considers Frege ́s proposal in Grundlagen upon the background of the Post-Kantian semantic turn in analytical philosophy. Through a more systematic study ... -
Patterns, patterns, patterns: art and meaning at the crossroads between two opposing forces
(Wiley, 2020-03-24)This article aims to defend the need to recognize the independent role of those cognitive abilities on whose behalf linguistic meaning is introduced from the proper institution of language. I call this capacity “private ...