Listar FIFA - Tesis por autor "Arias-Doblas, María Rosario"
Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10
Madres e hijas en la narrativa de Lessing, Atwood y Mantel
Arias-Doblas, María Rosario(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2000)
Esta tesis doctoral examina las figuras de madres e hijas en una selección de textos narrativos de tres autoras contemporáneas: Doris Lessing (1919), Margaret Atwood (1939) y Hilary Mantel (1952). En el primer capítulo, ... -
Mapping the Liminal Experience of Eastern Europe in Selected American Works, 1965-2002
Bryla, Martyna Marika(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)
The purpose of this dissertation is to study literary representations of Eastern Europe in the works of celebrated and less-known American authors, who visited and narrated the region between the mid-1960s and early 2000s. ... -
Materiality and Female Ageing in Contemporary British Fiction
González Torres, María del Rocío (UMA Editorial, 2021-04-29)During the last decades new trends in demography have posed the coming of age as a relevant issue that affects population all around the world. This current interest has been apparent with the emergence of Gerontology as ... -
Medicine and female gothic in the Neo-Victorian novel: renegotiating monstrosities now
Heiberg-Madsen, Lea (Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)En la época victoriana, las lecturas médicas y escritos sobre el cuerpo femenino se superponía fusionaban con otros discursos. En la actualidad se da también este caso, y las investigaciones medicalizadas sobre las mujeres, ... -
Neo-Victorian Novels of Spectacle: Mapping Gendered Spaces in the City
Pettersson, Lin Elinor(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2013)
The scope of the present PhD thesis is to analyse the process of spatialising identities in neo-Victorian literature. This study explores how space and gender converge in the formation of subjective identities using a ... -
Queer Bodies: A (Re)Orientation to Henry James, Oscar Wilde and the Genealogy of Same-Sex Desire
Hueso Vasallo, Manuel (UMA Editorial, 2023)This PhD thesis aims to explore the concept of the “queer body” as a historiographical tool through which to understand the literary and cultural genealogy of same-sex desire between men. To achieve this aim, the thesis ... -
'The Sea is History': Transoceanic Perspectives on the Neo-Victorian Maritime Novel
Martín-González, Juan José(UMA Editorial, 2019-10)
This PhD thesis examines a selection of postcolonial neo-Victorian novels in the context of oceanic migration during the nineteenth century. The Victorian period (1837-1901) in Britain features today as a fulcrum point for ... -
Space, history and trauma in Doris Lessing's short fiction set in Europe.
Berio, Maria Eugenia (UMA Editorial, 2023)The past two wars have left their mark on those who participated, witnessed, or had to live in an environment in which one or more traumatised veterans returned home carrying history on their bodies. Doris Lessing and her ... -
Towards an Ambivalent Vulnerability: An Ethical Approach to Mother-Daughter Relationships in Contemporary British Fiction
Flores-Quesada, María Magdalena(UMA Editorial, 2022)
This doctoral thesis offers a study of the notion of vulnerability as an ambivalent concept in the context of contemporary literary studies. Given the attention that the notion of vulnerability has received in multiple ... -
Towards an Enactive Paradigm: A Cognitive Approach to Naomi Wallace's Spectator.
Herrera Medalle, Rovie (UMA Editorial, 2021-01-26)This thesis started as a means to illustrate the necessity of new epistemologies in spectatorship analysis of theater. Numerous studies have attempted to approach spectatorship, however, a non-textual analysis is lacking ...