Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana - (FIFA): Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 370
Medicina para mujeres en la época medieval: estudio de Glasgow, Biblioteca Universitaria, Ms. Hunter 307 (ff. 149v-165v).
(Renacimiento, 2024)El presente trabajo centra su atención en la versión del tratado ginecológico y obstétrico The Sekenesse of Wymmen (‘Las enfermedades de las mujeres’) contenida en los folios 149v-165v de Glasgow, Biblioteca Universitaria, ... -
Análisis de sentimiento del español basado en corpus.
(Routledge, 2022)En este capítulo ofrecemos una visión panorámica del análisis de sentimiento, disciplina en la que los corpus textuales y su análisis son la pieza angular, y que se ha desarrollado en la última década como subárea del ... -
Análisis histórico de los términos ingleses epidemic y pandemic.
(Dykinson, 2022)En el presente trabajo se recoge un estudio léxico de los términos ingleses epidemic y pandemic desde una doble perspectiva, esto es, diacrónica y sincrónica, centrándose esta última en dos variedades del inglés, en concreto, ... -
Supra-textuality in The Sekenesse of Wymmen in Glasgow, University Library, MS Hunter 307 (ff. 149v-165v)
(Edition Reichenberger, 2024)This chapter takes into consideration the witness of the gynaecological and obstetrical treatise known as The Sekenesse of Wymmen held in folios 149v-165v of Glasgow, University Library, MS Hunter 307, which is a translation ... -
An Edition and Study of The Cure of Bytyng in London, Wellcome Library, MS 411 (ff. 56r-61r)
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2022)London, Wellcome Library, MS 411 is a codex in one volume which houses a collection of practical treatises and tracts in English and Latin, in verse as well as in prose, on different topics including prognostications, ... -
Los manuscritos en lengua vernácula inglesa de las Colecciones Hunteriana y Ferguson de la Universidad de Glasgow.
(Peter Lang, 2021)El presente trabajo aborda el estudio de dos colecciones de manuscritos de temática científica, a saber, las Colecciones Hunteriana y Ferguson, alojadas en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Glasgow (Reino Unido). Los ... -
Estudio de dos pares adjetivales en inglés medio e inglés moderno temprano.
(Tirant lo Blanch, 2019)En el presente trabajo se analizan dos pares de adjetivos con la misma raíz y significado, pero distintos sufijos en inglés medio e inglés moderno temprano con la finalidad de: (a) trazar el origen de los sufijos y de los ... -
Medical Recipes in Two Middle English Manuscripts: London, Wellcome Library, MSS 404 and 5262.
(Uniwersytet Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, 2020)Recipes in Middle English specialised texts have been the focus of study over the past few decades. In the studies conducted, attention is drawn to particular types of recipes (medical, culinary, etc.) or to the type of ... -
Economic terms in the news during the Great Recession: A diachronic sentiment and collocational analysis.
(Peter Lang, 2024)This book explores the evolution of sentiment in economic terms in the press during financial crises applying a combination of sentiment analysis techniques and usage fluctuation analysis on a diachronic corpus derived ... -
Guy de Chauliac’s On Bloodletting in Glasgow, University Library, MS Hunter 307 (ff. 165v-166v)
(Universidad de La Laguna, 2023)This paper presents the edition and analysis of the text housed in Glasgow, University Library, MS Hunter 307, ff. 165v-166v, which contains a version of the treatise On Bloodletting by Guy de Chauliac, an important author ... -
Design and Evaluation of SentiEcon: a fine-grained Economic/Financial Sentiment Lexicon from a Corpus of Business News.
(European Language Resources Association, 2020)In this paper we present, describe, and evaluate SentiEcon, a large, comprehensive, domain-specific computational lexicon designed for sentiment analysis applications, for which we compiled our own corpus of online business ... -
Migrant Lives and the Dynamics of (Non)belonging in the Polish-British Works of A.M. Bakalar, Wioletta Greg, and Agnieszka Dale
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2023)Migration exposes such givens as home and belonging to be more than national or ethnic categories; instead, they emerge as complex affective affiliations which fluctuate in the emotionally volatile situation of relocation. ... -
Sisterhood or Female Bonding? Third-wave Feminism in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale (1985) and The Robber Bride (1993)
(Fundamentos, 2010)The aim of this chapter is to discuss Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale (1985) and The Robber Bride (1993) against the backdrop of the third wave of feminism. Mindful of the fact that Margaret Atwood has been ambivalent ... -
Searching for Roth, Kafka, and the Other Europe in Spain
(Purdue University Press, 2023)This essay explores the connections between Philip Roth, Franz Kafka, and the conceptual category of "the Other Europe" through the lens of personal experience and academic inquiry. By retracing Roth’s engagement with ... -
Transoceanic Perspectives in Amitav Ghosh’s Ibis Trilogy.
(Palgrave Macmillan Cham, 2021)Transoceanic Perspectives in Amitav Ghosh’s Ibis Trilogy studies Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies (2008), River of Smoke (2011) and Flood of Fire (2015) in relation to maritime criticism. Juan-José Martín-González draws upon the ... -
Motherlands as Gendered Spaces. Cultural Identity, Mythic Memory and Wholeness in Julie Dash's Daughters of the Dust.
(Peter Lang, 2020)This paper will analyze from an interdisciplinary, post-colonial and Black feminist point of view the project of reconstruction and revision that deeply affects the thematic and formal features of the work of African ... -
Distant Reading vs. Close Reading: Las nuevas tecnologías y la crítica literaria.
(Tirant lo Blanch, 2019) -
Narrating Oneself, Narrating America: Gary Shteyngart's Little Failure: A Memoir (2014).
(Universidad de la Laguna, 2018)This article analyses Gary Shteyngart’s Little Failure: A Memoir (2014) as a migrant’s tale providing a valuable insight into the search for the self on the threshold of several cultures. It argues that in addition to ... -
Narratology in Early Modern Medical Manuscripts: The Case of London, Wellcome Library, MS 213
(Universitat Jaume I, 2023)It has been argued that narrative elements can be found throughout the history of English scientific writing. Narratives can be linked to specific genres; thus, learned texts for medical doctors were different from those ...