Listar Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana - (FIFA) por título
Mostrando ítems 292-311 de 336
The Supernatural as a Feminist Tool in Elizabeth Stuart Phelps's Writings.
(2024)Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1844-1911) is a writer who became extremely famous in the past, was later relegated to a very secondary and “non-canonical” position. She has traditionally been considered as a writer of sentimental ... -
The Translation of John Stuart Mill's Considerations on Representative Government (1861) in the Spanish-speaking World: A Case Study.
(2024-12)This article examines the sustained dissemination of John Stuart Mill’s Considerations On Representative Government (1861) through Spanish-language translations on both sides of the Atlantic, from the initial Chilean ... -
The translation of reformist 19th-century English pedagogy in the United States: La educación intelectual, moral y física (1890) by Juan García Purón from Herbert Spencer’s Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical (1860).
(Universitat de València, 2019)This study examines Juan García Purón's Spanish translation of "La educación intelectual, moral y física" (1890) from Herbert Spencer's "Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical" (1860), both published by Appleton. In ... -
The use of Tik Tok in higher education as a motivating source for students
(Universidad de Granada, 2022-06)This article presents a study conducted at the University of Málaga with the participation of second-year students from the Degree in English Studies. It focuses on a TikTok project that the participants had ... -
The vernacularization of non-native items in early english medical writing
(2017-04-26)Early Modern English is characterised by an extraordinary lexical growth motivated by two main linguistic processes, borrowing and word-formation (Nevalainen 1999: 332). Within affixation, prefixation grew more than ... -
The Visible and the Invisible Hilary Mantel
(2016-07-25)This talk addresses the scarcity of critical material on Hilary Mantel’s writing in the academy. It questions the suitability of the ‘origin’ paradigm within the criticism that is available, which closes off the excess of ... -
Tools for organisation and time management in your research.
(2023)At first glance, time management is an easy task, yet on many occasions we all fail to manage time effectively and make the most of it. As PhD candidates ourselves, we have tried -and failed- to control the amount of time ... -
Towards an Ambivalent Vulnerability: An Ethical Approach to Mother-Daughter Relationships in Contemporary British Fiction
(UMA Editorial, 2022)This doctoral thesis offers a study of the notion of vulnerability as an ambivalent concept in the context of contemporary literary studies. Given the attention that the notion of vulnerability has received in multiple ... -
Towards an annotation schema of financial discourse based on functional discourse analysis
(2023-05-12)The aim of this presentation is to explore the structure of economic opinion news texts and its implications for sentiment analysis. The Lingmotif sentiment analysis tool has achieved great results in detecting polarity ... -
Towards an Enactive Paradigm: A Cognitive Approach to Naomi Wallace's Spectator.
(UMA Editorial, 2021-01-26)This thesis started as a means to illustrate the necessity of new epistemologies in spectatorship analysis of theater. Numerous studies have attempted to approach spectatorship, however, a non-textual analysis is lacking ... -
Town and gown prostitution Cambridge’s architecture of containment of sexual deviance
(Peter Lang, 2022-10-19)This book makes an analysis of prostitution in Cambridge in the Victorian period based on different social and cultural discourses as well as on archival materials concerning institutions devoted to the control and ... -
Tracing the Edwardian Artist in Contemporary Fiction
(2015-11-18)This paper deals with different representations of artists from the beginning of the 20th century in recent fiction written in English. -
Tracking diachronic sentiment change of economic terms in times of crisis: Connotative fluctuations of ‘inflation’ in the news discourse
(2023-11)The present study focuses on the fluctuation of sentiment in economic terminology to observe semantic changes in restricted diachrony. Our study examines the evolution of the target term ‘inflation’ in the business section ... -
Tracking the transnational trickster: Gary Shteyngart and his protagonists
(Nordic Association of English Studies, 2018-12-31)The purpose of this paper is to analyze Gary Shteyngart’s protagonists in the light of his works, particularly his debut work, The Russian Debutante’s Handbook (2002) and his memoir, Little Failure (2014). Drawing on the ... -
La traducción de relatos de viajes en Hispanoamérica y España: el caso de 'Life in Mexico' (1843) de Madame Calderón de la Barca.
(Comares, 2024)Frances Erskine Inglis, esposa del embajador español en México, publicó en 1843 un conjunto de cartas remitidas a sus familiares y allegados relatando su estancia en el país azteca bajo el título "Life in Mexico, during a ... -
La traducción del cuento de terror inglés en España e Hispanoamérica: el caso de 'The Apparition of Mrs. Veal' (1706) de Daniel Defoe
(Peter Lang, 2022)Aunque las editoriales siempre han prestado una especial atención a la literatura de terror, la publicación de A True Relation of the Apparition of Mrs. Veal (1706) por Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) hubo de aguardar casi dos ... -
Transcultural (dis-)orientations: Spain and England in Miguel y William (Inés París, 2007)
(2019-11-21)The film Miguel y William (Inés París, 2007) depicts a fictitious encounter between Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare in 1590 and fantasizes about the possibility of both writers competing for the love of the ... -
Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative.
(Open Edition Journals, 2022)Book review of Sonia Baelo-Allué and Mónica Calvo-Pascual (editors)'s Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative.”, European journal of American studies -
La transición hacia el envejecimiento femenino sobre el trasfondo del arte: la narrativa breve de A.S. Byatt.
(Manuel Brito, 2023)Este artículo aborda la narrativa breve de A.S. Byatt desde la perspectiva de la representación del envejecimiento femenino en su conexión con el arte. Para ello, toma como punto de partida la publicación en 2021 de la ... -
Trauma after a life of torture in irish Magdalene laundries: Magdalene survivors’ testimonies and Patricia Burke-Brogan’s Stained Glass at Samhain
(Routledge, 2023-01)In 2007 James Smith coined the phrase “Ireland’s architecture of containment” referring to the conspiracy of silence Ireland had been immersed since the last decades of the twentieth century concerning institutional abuse ...