Listar Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana - (FIFA) por título
Mostrando ítems 289-308 de 346
The origin and development of the conative alternation in english
(2016-11-17)The conative alternation (“conative” from Latin conor/conari, “to try or attempt”) is a particular type of verb alternation (or argument structure alternation) which modifies the interpretation of the verb towards suggesting ... -
The Philanthropist in Neo-Victorian Literature: (Im)Proper Femininity, Gender Inversion and Freakishness
(Universidad de La Laguna, 2017)The present article singles out the female philanthropist in neo-Victorian fiction to explore the patriarchal unease regarding the unsexing effect of feminism in the mid-Victorian era as well as the literary constructions ... -
The Plays of Carlton and Barbara Molette: The Transformative Power of African-American Theater pp. 94-114
(Liverpool University Press, 2018)My paper will explore several plays of Atlanta based playwrights Barbara and Carlton Molette, former staff at Spelman College and members of the Dramatist Guild. The first play, Rosalee Pritchett (1970), is clearly ... -
The Posthuman Subject in Joma West’s Face (2022): Embodiment, Embeddedness and Affect.
(2022)Joma West’s latest novel, Face (2022) is set in a near future where digital faces and digitally engineered babies determine characters’ social status and power in an “ontology of visibility” (Citton 2014). Recalling ... -
‘The Private Rooms and Public Haunts': Theatricality and The City of London In Michel Faber's The Crimson Petal and The White.
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)The Victorian period was a densely voyeuristic era in which visual forms of entertainment proliferated and the culture of spectacle stretched beyond the theatrical scene. The use of theatrical imagery for representing the ... -
The Public Place of the (Neo-)Victorians
(2017-10-16)The Victorians are everywhere. Neo-Victorian adaptations of their writings, lives and culture are all around us in the contemporary marketplace. (Neo)Victorianism sells in its most popular forms, from blockbuster films, ... -
The Return of the Edwardians in Contemporary Fiction
(2016-10-26)My research stems from the hypothesis that a subgenre exists within the contemporary historical novel in English with a series of features that can be labelled as neoEdwardian and belong in a broader social and cultural ... -
The role of self-concept and expectations in academic achievement: A preliminary study
(2015-09-23)As early career students face new challenges at university, the relationship between L2 skills and academic success depends upon self-perception to a greater extent than previously assumed. Up to the moment, most levelling ... -
The Secrets of Alexis of Piedmont and A Niewe Herball or Historie of Plants in Glasgow, University Library, MS Ferguson 7: Edition, Corpus Compilation and Philological Study
(UMA Editorial, 2022)La presente tesis doctoral propone la edición, análisis lingüístico y compilación de corpus de dos documentos médicos del período moderno temprano, a saber: The Secrets of Alexis of Piedmont and A Niewe Herball or Historie ... -
The somatechnics of enfreakment: literary articulations of the body
(2015-04-22)Lately, the Victorian freak show has attracted scholarly and literary attention alike. New critical approaches to the freak show set the European exhibition of human corporeal deviance apart from the American side show as ... -
The Standardization of Punctuation in Early Modern English Legal Proclamations
(2017-05-29)Punctuation is historically noted to develop from the rhetorical to the grammatical, from the speaker to the reader, the Renaissance standing out as the transitional period with the adoption of syntactic and pragmatic ... -
The status of English modals prior to their recategorization as T and the trigger for their recategorization.
(ICI Publishers Panel, 2022-09-01)This is an account of English modals that invokes their exceptional morpho-syntactic tense properties as original preterite-present verbs in order to explain their becoming T elements. Within the framework of minimalist ... -
The Supernatural as a Feminist Tool in Elizabeth Stuart Phelps's Writings.
(2024)Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1844-1911) is a writer who became extremely famous in the past, was later relegated to a very secondary and “non-canonical” position. She has traditionally been considered as a writer of sentimental ... -
The Translation of John Stuart Mill's Considerations on Representative Government (1861) in the Spanish-speaking World: A Case Study.
(2024-12)This article examines the sustained dissemination of John Stuart Mill’s Considerations On Representative Government (1861) through Spanish-language translations on both sides of the Atlantic, from the initial Chilean ... -
The translation of reformist 19th-century English pedagogy in the United States: La educación intelectual, moral y física (1890) by Juan García Purón from Herbert Spencer’s Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical (1860).
(Universitat de València, 2019)This study examines Juan García Purón's Spanish translation of "La educación intelectual, moral y física" (1890) from Herbert Spencer's "Education: Intellectual, Moral, and Physical" (1860), both published by Appleton. In ... -
The use of Tik Tok in higher education as a motivating source for students
(Universidad de Granada, 2022-06)This article presents a study conducted at the University of Málaga with the participation of second-year students from the Degree in English Studies. It focuses on a TikTok project that the participants had ... -
The vernacularization of non-native items in early english medical writing
(2017-04-26)Early Modern English is characterised by an extraordinary lexical growth motivated by two main linguistic processes, borrowing and word-formation (Nevalainen 1999: 332). Within affixation, prefixation grew more than ... -
The Visible and the Invisible Hilary Mantel
(2016-07-25)This talk addresses the scarcity of critical material on Hilary Mantel’s writing in the academy. It questions the suitability of the ‘origin’ paradigm within the criticism that is available, which closes off the excess of ... -
The Wise Book of Astronomy and Philosophy in London, Wellcome Library, MS 411 (ff. 32r-37v).
(Masaryk University, 2019)London, Wellcome Library, MS 411 is a one-volume codex from the late fifteenth century which holds a collection of short treatises and tracts in English and Latin on different topics including prognostications, nativities, ... -
Tools for organisation and time management in your research.
(2023)At first glance, time management is an easy task, yet on many occasions we all fail to manage time effectively and make the most of it. As PhD candidates ourselves, we have tried -and failed- to control the amount of time ...