Listar Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana - (FIFA) por título
Mostrando ítems 164-183 de 370
Lorna Gibb’s A Ghost Story (2015): An Assemblage of Matter and Spirit.
(2023)Much has been written on Victorian Spiritualism and the spiritualist medium, who was, in general terms, female with some notable exceptions like Daniel D Home, for example. Since the 1980s feminist historians like Alex ... -
Louisa May Alcott, la feminista tras los convencionalismos
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2000)Louisa May Alcott ha sido considera siempre como una escritora conservadora que sólo se atrevió a expresar su feminismo de manera clara en sus escritos anónimos o seudónimos. La hipótesis defendida en esta tesis doctoral ... -
La luz y el color, descubrimientos en el exilio
(2022)Sarah Ilínichna Stern, conocida como Sonia Delaunay, nació en Ucrania y fue educada en San Petersburgo por sus tíos maternos. Pronto, en su deseo de aprender técnicas pictóricas y el arte europeo, se dirigió a la para ella ... -
Madres e hijas en la narrativa de Lessing, Atwood y Mantel
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2000)Esta tesis doctoral examina las figuras de madres e hijas en una selección de textos narrativos de tres autoras contemporáneas: Doris Lessing (1919), Margaret Atwood (1939) y Hilary Mantel (1952). En el primer capítulo, ... -
El magisterio dialógico de las mujeres místicas en el discurso biográfico: Teresa de Jesús y Rābi‘a al-‘Adawiyya
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)Estudio de crítica literaria feminista que consta de presentación, introducción, siete capítulos, un resumen en francés, conclusiones y dos secciones bibliográficas. Aspira a contribuir al diálogo intercultural y a la ... -
Los manuscritos en lengua vernácula inglesa de las Colecciones Hunteriana y Ferguson de la Universidad de Glasgow.
(Peter Lang, 2021)El presente trabajo aborda el estudio de dos colecciones de manuscritos de temática científica, a saber, las Colecciones Hunteriana y Ferguson, alojadas en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Glasgow (Reino Unido). Los ... -
Mapping Fear and Potentiality in American Cold-War Narratives of Eastern Europe
(2021)"Mapping Fear and Potentiality in American Cold-War Narratives of Eastern Europe" analyses literary representations of Eastern European capitals under communism in the fiction of prominent American authors, John Updike, ... -
Mapping of political events related to the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter using topic modelling and keywords over time.
(2023)This research aims to study the relationship between actual, real-world events related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact these events produced on social media. To achieve this objective, we employ topic modelling and ... -
Mapping the Liminal Experience of Eastern Europe in Selected American Works, 1965-2002
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)The purpose of this dissertation is to study literary representations of Eastern Europe in the works of celebrated and less-known American authors, who visited and narrated the region between the mid-1960s and early 2000s. ... -
Mapping transnational spaces of contemporary Europe: A look at the post-2004 fiction by Polish migrant authors
(2019-04-29)Poland’s accession to the European Union in 2004 is commonly regarded as a watershed in the history of Polish emigration. The massive inflow of Poles to the EU countries, most notably the United Kingdom, has been amply ... -
Marshall’s The Migration: The Aesthetics of Nonhuman Metamorphosis, Environmental entanglements and the Posthuman Wound.
(2024)Helen Marshall’s novel, The Migration portrays a near-future apocalyptic world afflicted with global climate change and biological transformations. Floods and an unnerving immunological disease threaten human kind as an ... -
Materiality and Female Ageing in Contemporary British Fiction
(UMA Editorial, 2021-04-29)During the last decades new trends in demography have posed the coming of age as a relevant issue that affects population all around the world. This current interest has been apparent with the emergence of Gerontology as ... -
Medical Recipes in Two Middle English Manuscripts: London, Wellcome Library, MSS 404 and 5262.
(Uniwersytet Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, 2020)Recipes in Middle English specialised texts have been the focus of study over the past few decades. In the studies conducted, attention is drawn to particular types of recipes (medical, culinary, etc.) or to the type of ... -
Medicina para mujeres en la época medieval: estudio de Glasgow, Biblioteca Universitaria, Ms. Hunter 307 (ff. 149v-165v).
(Renacimiento, 2024)El presente trabajo centra su atención en la versión del tratado ginecológico y obstétrico The Sekenesse of Wymmen (‘Las enfermedades de las mujeres’) contenida en los folios 149v-165v de Glasgow, Biblioteca Universitaria, ... -
Medicine and female gothic in the Neo-Victorian novel: renegotiating monstrosities now
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)En la época victoriana, las lecturas médicas y escritos sobre el cuerpo femenino se superponía fusionaban con otros discursos. En la actualidad se da también este caso, y las investigaciones medicalizadas sobre las mujeres, ... -
Medieval medical recipes in London, Wellcome Library, MSS 404 and 5262
(2015-11-26)This paper seeks to explore the similarities between different unidentified texts, chiefly London, Wellcome Library MSS 404 and 5262, which are catalogued as a leechbook and a recipe collection, respectively. For the ... -
Memory frictions and reconciliation: Neo-victorian gothic and gender violence in Katy Darby’s The Whores’ Asylum (2012)
(2015-05-11)Katy Derby’s first novel, The Whores’ Asylum (2012), is an attempt to deal with the issue of prostitution and rescue work in Oxford in the 1880s. Jericho is an area where, away from the prestigious university colleges, ... -
Mi opinión cuenta: la expresión del sentimiento en la Red
(Cátedra, 2019-01)Este capítulo representa una contribución significativa al estudio de la expresión de opiniones y sentimientos en el ámbito digital. Este trabajo se destaca por su análisis profundo de cómo los usuarios de Internet expresan ... -
Migrant Lives and the Dynamics of (Non)belonging in the Polish-British Works of A.M. Bakalar, Wioletta Greg, and Agnieszka Dale
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2023)Migration exposes such givens as home and belonging to be more than national or ethnic categories; instead, they emerge as complex affective affiliations which fluctuate in the emotionally volatile situation of relocation. ... -
Misogyny at the onset of the ‘walking simulator’ videogame.
(2024)Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of cultural capital explains how some disciplines, issues, or objects (in the broad sense of the word) are regarded as culturally valuable. Pertaining to these disciplines or having knowledge of ...