Listar Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana - (FIFA) por título
Mostrando ítems 233-252 de 343
Sacred Sexuality: Spirituality and Wholeness in African American Women’s Texts
(AEDEAN EBook, 2014-02)Esta mesa redonda es una aproximación a la problemática del silencio de la sexualidad femenina en la literatura contemporánea feminista norteamericana -
Santé, bien-être et mieux-être : promesses et génération de valeur dans la publicité touristique
(2017-06-06)Des promesses de santé, de bien-être, de mieux-être remplissent la publicité concernant le tourisme de santé, voire le débordent. Décliné sous différentes facettes, le bonheur que le voyage procure s’oppose à un quotidien ... -
Scribal punctuation of coordinate and subordinate clauses in Late Middle English and Early Modern English
(2018-10-03)The study of punctuation has traditionally focused on Old and Middle English handwritten material—literary and scientific texts in particular, while the early modern period has been left unexplored (Calle-Martín forthcoming). ... -
'The Sea is History': Transoceanic Perspectives on the Neo-Victorian Maritime Novel
(UMA Editorial, 2019-10)This PhD thesis examines a selection of postcolonial neo-Victorian novels in the context of oceanic migration during the nineteenth century. The Victorian period (1837-1901) in Britain features today as a fulcrum point for ... -
Semiosfera turística: crear el acontecimiento
(2018-07-30)Si el efecto persuasivo culmina en el plano perlocutivo, la promesa gobierna el plano discursivo y con ello la retórica del discurso promocional turístico. Sobre esta hipótesis fuerte, fundamentada en la observación, que ... -
Sémiosphère touristique : la construction de la promesse par l’événement dans la publicité
(2018-04-23)Une marque de destination ou brand serait porteuse d’une promesse détenue par l’objet touristique véhiculant un imaginaire valorisant sinon euphorique. Sous-tendue par la doxa inhérente à la sémiosphère touristique, qui ... -
Sense of agency and the role of entertainment in Infinite Jest’s “Living Dead”
(2018-11-26)This paper attempts to betoken the relevance of emotions in the representation of the body and in the 'reviving' of the self in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest. The novel discerns a world where the oversaturation of ... -
SentiTur: Building Linguistic Resources for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis in the Tourism Sector
(2018-04-30)The use of linguistic resources beyond the scope of language studies, i.e. commercial purposes, has become commonplace since the availability of massive amounts of data and the development of tools to process them. An ... -
Sexism in political discourse: a case study
(2023)It can be argued that language not only reflects gender inequalities but that it is also a key tool to perpetuate, shape and create these inequalities (Graddol & Swann, 1989, p. 9). However, in recent decades, the use of ... -
Sh@Kespe@Re 2.0: La Presencia de El Bardo en Twitter
(Tirant, 2019)El objetivo de este estudio es valorar la presencia digital del dramaturgo inglés William Shakespeare en la popular plataforma de microblogging Twitter. Pese a la corta vida aún de la red social, resulta sorprendente la ... -
Significance of the Scream: Otherness in Postcolonial and Gothic Fiction
(2014-09-23)Starting with an examination of some of the gothic tropes used to narrate India in colonial literature (fiction and non-fiction), this paper will look at some highly visible postcolonial narratives of/about India and compare ... -
Sin novedad en el paraíso. Emociones, terrorismo y turismo
(2018-07-27)Los diferentes actores del sistema turístico responden a las agresiones terroristas de formas diversas. Analizo diversos medios de comunicación para caracterizar dichas reacciones y determinar cómo se regenera la imagen ... -
Sintaxis y semántica de la pasiva preposicional
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007)El objetivo de estudio de esta tesis es la configuración de pasiva preposicional de la lengua inglesa, tanto desde una perspectiva sintáctica como desde un punto de vista semántica. La configuración de pasiva preposicional ... -
Sociolinguistic research on chinese children in Spain
(2022)Some studies have indicated that Chinese children face more difficulties than Spanish children when learning the Spanish language and, therefore, tend to have a poor academic performance in Spain. Obviously, as second ... -
Space, history and trauma in Doris Lessing's short fiction set in Europe.
(UMA Editorial, 2023)The past two wars have left their mark on those who participated, witnessed, or had to live in an environment in which one or more traumatised veterans returned home carrying history on their bodies. Doris Lessing and her ... -
Spelling and punctuation practice in London, Wellcome Library, MS 3731 (ff. 3r–43r, f. 125v)
(Servizo de Publicacións de la Universidade de Vigo, 2023-11-24)A large and growing body of literature has investigated the standardization process of the English language in the Late Modern English period (Auer 939–948, Percy 55–79, Tieken-Boon van Ostade 37–51), ... -
Spelling Forms in Competition The Case of -ise vs. -ize
(Cambridge, 2021-03-30)One of the problems of English spelling is the dual representation of the so-called ‘eyes’-words, rendered in discourse as -ise and -ize, both with high-frequency verbs such as modernise/modernize and rare coinages, as in ... -
Spelling Practice in London, Wellcome Library, MS 3731.
(2022)There is a growing body of studies describing the standardization process in Late Modern English (Auer, 2012, pp. 939-952, for example). The influence of the printed press, spelling reforms, normative grammars and dictionaries ... -
Spelling Variation across Time and Space: A Study on Colour-, Theatre- and Licence-type Words.
(UMA Editorial, 2024)La presente tesis doctoral propone un estudio diacrónico y sincrónico-diatópico de la variación ortográfica de voces inglesas como colour/color, theatre/theater y licence/license. La existencia de dos variantes estándar ... -
Standing on the brink of change? The ME receptarium in Wellcome Library MS 409
(2014-12-16)The following paper is intended to present the main features, mostly grammatical but not only, of a receptarium, that is a collection of medical recipes, contained in London, Wellcome Library, MS 409, ff. 16r–54v, 88r–98r ...