Listar Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana - (FIFA) por título
Mostrando ítems 117-136 de 343
Has Europe Forgiven Us for Brexit?”: A Corpus-Based Analysis of Tweets about the Eurovision Song Contest
(2022)11/16/2022 To 11/18/2022 -
Hermenéutica del lenguaje violinístico. Estudio filológico de la escuela parisina de Viotti a partir de la contextualización de sus publicaciones metodológicas
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)El presente trabajo está dedicado a la expresión lingüística que caracteriza la escuela instrumental formada por los autodenominados discípulos parisinos de Giovanni Battista Viotti. Según la historiografía decimonónica, ... -
How fortunate we are indeed to have such a poet on these shores’: Shakespeare, Monty Python, and the Tradition of the Wise Fool
(Rowman & Littlefield, 2014)This paper purports to explore the presence of William Shakespeare in Monty Python’s creations, a presence which is not limited to the explicit allusions to the Bard himself or to the characters, the events or even the ... -
‘I got into the room by means of a picklock key and found him’ Complex Prepositions in Early Modern English
(2016-11-02)English complex prepositions can be subdivided into two-word and three-word sequences, the former containing an adverb, adjective or conjunction together with a simple preposition (i.e. instead ADV of PREP ); and the latter ... -
'I Have Every Reason to Love England': Black (neo)Victorianism and Transatlantic Fluidity in Neo-Victorian Fiction
(2016-12-13)Within neo-Victorianism, or contemporary fiction which rewrites the Victorian age, Marie-Lousie Kohlhe has pointed out a critical “reluctance to engage head-on in cross-cultural comparisons, which seem essential ... -
“'I Have Every Reason to Love England': Dark (Neo)Victorianism and Transatlantic Radicalism in Belinda Starling's The Journal of Dora Damage (2007).”
(Nordic Association of English Studies - Umeå University, 2016-12-31)This paper provides a close reading on post-colonial engagements with American slavery in Belinda Starling’s neo-Victorian novel The Journal of Dora Damage (2007), particularly on the transoceanic links between Antebellum ... -
‘I make them drink heartily of warm Water three or four Times’: Periphrastic Causative Constructions in Late Modern English Scientific Writing.
(2024)Periphrastic causative constructions or analytic causative constructions could be defined as “two-part configurations such as He makes me laugh or I had my hair cut, where a causative verb controls a non-finite complement ... -
“I speak, therefore I am”: Repositioning Nonhuman Intelligence, Language, and Cognition within Assemblages in “The Great Silence” by Ted Chiang.
(2023)Cognition has become one of the central analytical categories in the current debate of posthuman and animal studies, which has been proliferating in the last decade. N. Katherine Hayles (2017) proposes a reconsideration ... -
“I Was Never So Unmanned Before”: (Emasculating) Imperialism and the Late Victorian Crisis of Masculinity in Fin-de-Siècle Fiction
(2015-07-14)The Victorian Fin de Siècle was a period characterized by decay, anxiety and identity fragmentation. Within the convolution of race, gender and class which was evinced in those decades, the crisis of masculinity outstands ... -
“[I]t was a cost priced into living in America:” Exploring normalization of selective social privilege and economic inequality in Gary Shteyngart’s Lake Success (2018)
(2023)This paper argues that Gary Shteyngart uses his protagonist's privileged position as a departure point for exploring the ongoing corruption of the formative narrative of the US identity, the American Dream, in contemporary ... -
Identidades Digitales en la Cuarta Revolución Industrial: Tik Tok, Inclusión y la Ecología de la Atención.
(2022)El objeto de esta charla divulgativa es explorar la identidad poshumana contemporánea en el contexto de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial. Se pretende definir la identidad poshumana actual y reflexionar acerca de las conexiones ... -
Incentivizing student participation in QAS questionnaires: an evaluation of a guaranteed prize system at the University of Malaga
(MDPI, 2024-02-21)This paper investigates the effects of a guaranteed prize incentive, in the form of an extra score, on student engagement in the quality assurance system (QAS) questionnaires employed for evaluating teaching performance ... -
Indian Ocean Cosmopolitanism(s) in Adulrazak Gurnah's By the Sea (2001)
(2022-11)The recent Nobel Prize winner for literature, Abdulrazak Gurnah, is considered one of the most distinguished chroniclers of the Indian Ocean.That is the case of By the Sea (2001), an epic narrative criss-crossing three ... -
Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education-Professor Support Network
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2015)En esta tesis doctoral se analiza el proyecto de formación para la docencia bilingüe que se realizó durante el curso 2011-2012 en nueve asignaturas de los nuevos grados en Informática en la Universidad de Málaga (UMA). ... -
The Intensifiers this/that in Some Varieties of English
(2020-01-20)The intensifiers this/that acquired their adverbial status as a result of a grammaticalization process by means of which the deictic demonstratives became degree adverbs with the meaning of ‘to this/that extent, so much, ... -
"'It is not exactly that bad': on the use of the intensifiers this and that in english
(2015-11-13)The intensifying function of the adverbs this and that can be traced back to the 14th century, when they just appeared in combination with gradable scalar adjectives like big ¿ small, good ¿ bad, easy ¿ difficult, etc. ... -
Jaded selves and body distance: a case study of Cotard’s syndrome in “Infinite Jest”.
(Universidad de La Rioja, 2020-12-23)his article attempts to betoken the relevance of emotions and sensations arousing from the body for the reviving of the self in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest. The novel discerns a world where the oversaturation of ... -
Je veux me traquer. Images et paroles pour des anti-mémoires
(2019-09-20)Le but de cette étude est d’analyser les rapports structurels et fonctionnels existant entre le discours visuel et le discours verbal dans Aveux non avenus, un ouvrage né de la collaboration artistique de Claude Cahun et ... -
Juan Latino "El Negro": Poet and Humanist
(2015-10-05)The article explores the historical novel written by José V. Pascual about the life and Works of Juan Latino "El Negro" focusing on the humanism of this black poet and professor and his contributions to the Afro-spanish ... -
“Kate Williams’s The Pleasures of Men" (2012): mental disorder, trauma, resilience
(2018-07-04)Violence against women has been an important issue for neo-Victorian studies. Women’s bodies and minds have been the object of violence in Victorian times and historical fiction echoes traumas from the past that need ...