Listar Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana - (FIFA) por título
Mostrando ítems 101-120 de 343
Familial Traces: Photography and Trauma in Doris Lessing’s Auto/biographical Narratives
(2014-12-16)This paper deals with the use of photography in Doris Lessing’s auto/biographical writings, particularly, Under My Skin: Volume One of My Autobiography, to 1949 (1994), and more recently, Alfred and Emily (2008). Both works ... -
Female Attachment in Contemporary Fiction in English.
(2023)The main objective of my doctoral dissertation is the analysis of complex female characters and their relationships in a selected corpus of novels, potential choices being Mona Awad’s Bunny (2019), Eliza Clark’s Boy Parts ... -
The Female Gaze in Cinematographic Adaptations of Little Women
(2019-04-26)La novela Little Women de Louisa May Alcott ha sido adaptada al cine en cinco ocasiones, aunque sólo han sobrevivido tres. Los guiones, la selección del reparto y la dirección artística de estas tres adaptaciones fueron ... -
Feminist Geography and the Cityscape in Neo-Victorian Literature
(2014-12-17)Feminist Geography is a relatively new discipline within Human Geography that undertakes the study of space, place and gender as scholars try to work out how these categories intersect in the production of social identities ... -
Finite Complementation in Early English Medical Writing: A case Study of Syntactic Constructions in Competition
(2014-10-03)The present paper discusses the distribution of complement clauses in a corpus of early English medical writing, considering whether the object is introduced by the complementizer that (I have already promised that […]) ... -
Flipping the English grammar classroom: a pedagogical experiment for undergraduate students
(2022)Grammar is a key component of any language teaching curriculum, whether it ascribes to structural or to communicative approaches (Ur 2012). Although the attention devoted to grammar has decreased in the latter models ‒mainly ... -
Florence Farr o la búsqueda incesante desde la heterodoxia y el feminismo pagano
(Reichenberger, 2023)La británica Florence Farr (1860-1917) representa una figura fascinante y no siempre suficientemente reconocida dentro del panorama cultural y social del Londres de finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX. Esta polifacética ... -
From demonstratives to degree words: on the origin of the intensifying function of this/that in american english
(2018-09-03)The intensifying function of this/that can be traced back to the 14th century, when they acquired their adverbial status as a result of a grammaticalization process that turned them from deictic demonstratives into degree ... -
Futuros pandémicos en la ficción distópica en lengua inglesa.
(Dykinson, 2022)El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar un recorrido por los modos en los que la ficción literaria y audiovisual en el ámbito anglosajón ha imaginado situaciones de pandemias apocalípticas contextualizándolas en ... -
Gender Performance and Spatial Negotiation in the Neo-Victorian Novel
(Universidad de Málaga, 2014)The present volume examines Judith Butler's concept of gender performance in Angela Carter's Nights at the Circus (1984), Sarah Waters's. Tipping the Velvet (1998) and Peter Ackroyd's. Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem ... -
Gendered Geographies of the European East in the American Cold-War Literary Imaginary
(Open Edition Journals, 2023)In the American Cold-War imaginary, the representation of Eastern Europe was strongly influenced by male intellectuals and writers from the region, whose works were celebrated in the US not only for their artistic merits ... -
Genders, mobilities, and interdependencies: the aims and theoretical background of bodies in transit
(2018-11-12)The aim of this round table is to present an overview of the aims, research topics and theoretical framework of the new project “Bodies in Transit 2: Genders, Mobilities, and Interdependencies”. This project has connections ... -
‘Give hit him with great honour’: on the Double Object Construction in Late Middle English
(2014-10-23)The term ‘dative alternation’ is generally used to refer to the three different variants of encoding of the objects of a ditransitive verb, which are elsewhere regarded as equivalent in present-day English: a) the prepositional ... -
Glocalization in CLIL: Analyzing the training needs of in-service CLIL teachers in Taiwan and Spain
(Taylor and Francis, 2022-03-17)Glocalization is the local adaptation of global trends, and though it has been extensively studied in other fields, there has been a lower emphasis on it in pedagogy. Glocalization is especially relevant in education given ... -
“Gods second maister peece. The woman”. Medical terminology addressing women in Early Modern English.
(2017-05-16)The expansion of the medical science that took place in the Early Modern period (16th and 17th century) was accompanied and promoted by the proliferation of medical writing materials, enhanced, in turn, by two synergic ... -
La Guardia Civil en los libros de viajes en lengua inglesa
(Universidad de Málaga,Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998)Dejado a un lado el aspecto más geográfico del estudio del género de libros de viajes, me aproximo a éste en esta Tesis Doctoral desde una óptica inédita: desde el análisis de la visión literaria que los viajeros ... -
Has Europe Forgiven Us for Brexit?”: A Corpus-Based Analysis of Tweets about the Eurovision Song Contest
(2022)11/16/2022 To 11/18/2022 -
Hermenéutica del lenguaje violinístico. Estudio filológico de la escuela parisina de Viotti a partir de la contextualización de sus publicaciones metodológicas
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)El presente trabajo está dedicado a la expresión lingüística que caracteriza la escuela instrumental formada por los autodenominados discípulos parisinos de Giovanni Battista Viotti. Según la historiografía decimonónica, ... -
How fortunate we are indeed to have such a poet on these shores’: Shakespeare, Monty Python, and the Tradition of the Wise Fool
(Rowman & Littlefield, 2014)This paper purports to explore the presence of William Shakespeare in Monty Python’s creations, a presence which is not limited to the explicit allusions to the Bard himself or to the characters, the events or even the ... -
‘I got into the room by means of a picklock key and found him’ Complex Prepositions in Early Modern English
(2016-11-02)English complex prepositions can be subdivided into two-word and three-word sequences, the former containing an adverb, adjective or conjunction together with a simple preposition (i.e. instead ADV of PREP ); and the latter ...