Listar Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana - (FIFA) por título
Mostrando ítems 74-93 de 343
Early modern english scientific text types: different levels of linguistic complexity?
(2017-06-05)Complexity was first defined by Simon as hierarchies of different elements originating from simplicity (1962: 468). In Linguistics, Givon (2009) has analysed syntactic complexity from the point of view of language typology; ... -
Early Modern English Scientific Text Types: Edition and Assessment of Linguistic Complexity in the Texts of MS Hunter 135 (ff. 34r–121v)
(UMA Editorial, 2017-09)La presente tesis doctoral pretende el estudio del discurso médico en lengua inglesa en el período moderno-temprano (1500-1700), teniendo como objetivo la edición, la compilación de un corpus y el análisis de la complejidad ... -
Eastern Europe as a Liminal Space in the Life and Fiction of Philip Roth
(2013-10-25)In the present paper, the concept of liminality is applied to study the portrayal and significance of the post-war Eastern Europe, and Czechoslovakia in particular, in the life and fiction of one of the best contemporary ... -
Eastern or Central? Tracing Poland’s Place in the American Literary Representations and Cultural Discourses on Europe.
(2024)In this paper, I attempt to explore Poland’s place within the American imaginative geographies of East-Central Europe by looking at selected American texts and discourses from the second-half of the twentieth century and ... -
Editing The Cure of Bytyng in London, Wellcome Library, MS 411 (ff. 56r-61r)
(2022)London, Wellcome Library, MS 411 is a codex in one volume which houses a collection of practical treatises and tracts in English and Latin, in verse as well as in prose, on different topics including prognostications, ... -
Ekphrasis Revisited: Crossing Artistic Boundaries.
(Rodopi - Brill, 2012)In the context of the preeminence of relationality in contemporary literature and criticism, the concept of ekphrasis is undergoing a process of revision that points to the broadening of the scope of the interartistic ... -
El empleo de las actividades de mentoría entre iguales.
(2020-10-19)Este capítulo trata sobre el rol de los mentores en la enseñanza superior universitaria en la enseñanza del inglés como medio de instrucción. Esta investigación se desarrolla dentro del marco de un Proyecto de Innovación ... -
El lenguaje económico en los tiempos de la crisis global: un estudio longitudinal de análisis de sentimiento
(UMA Editorial, 2020-02-17)Esta tesis se centra en el estudio longitudinal de la influencia de los eventos en la forma en la orientación semántica en la terminología económica. En este caso se estudiará el periodo de la Gran Recesión, un acontecimiento ... -
Elevator pitch: an english-spanish sociolinguistic analysis
(2018-10-05)Análisis contrastivo en inglés y español del Elevator Pitch desde una perspectiva sociolingüística, basado en los programas televisivos Dragon's Den y Tu Oportunidad. -
ELF and teacher education: attitudes and beliefs
(English Language Teaching, 2020-10-10)The growing relevance of research in English as a lingua franca (ELF) for ELT has led to a need to rethink the way we approach English in the language classroom and to reassess how we configure knowledge about language in ... -
ELF Pedagogy in Spain and the UK
(2018-09-05)Our research project shows that exposing ELT practitioners to language change and to reflective attitudes towards language and towards new developments in ELT methodology can in return help them envisage an ELF aware ... -
Elizabeth Jacob’s Physicall and Chyrurgical Receipts in London, Wellcome Library, MS 3009 (ff. 17r-90r): Edition, Philological Study and Corpus Compilation
(UMA Editorial, 2020-02-19)La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio del inglés científico en el periodo moderno temprano, teniendo como objetivos principales la edición y el análisis filológico del texto objeto de estudio, que incluye un ... -
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps's Advocacy for Women’s Homeownership in 19th-century America through Her Writings.
(2023)Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (1844-1922) received the well-deserved acclaim and recognition as an exceptional author, with a remarkable body of work encompassing over fifty books, hundreds of articles, poems, and short stories ... -
Émotions, terrorisme, tourisme. Le cas de la Côte d'Azur
(2018-04-30)Confrontés à l’incertitude et la peur provoquées par les attaques terroristes, les agents de l’activité touristique réagissent de façon diverse. Le refoulement des émotions, la mise en discours des mesures de prévention ... -
English as a foreign language: speech acts and greetings by saudi learners
(UMA Editorial, 2017-12-11)This study aims to explore the correlation between learners’ pragmatic competence performance and language proficiency. It further aims to determine the degree to which pragmatic shifts take place from L1 to L2 in relation ... -
English as a lingua franca in higher education: local perspectives of a global phenomenon. The case study of the University of Málaga
(2018-05-16)English as a Lingua Franca in higher education: Local perspectives of a global phenomenon. The case study of the University of Málaga PINEDA, INMACULADA (Universidad de Málaga) This presentation introduces the main ... -
English Medium Instruction (EMI) in Spanish higher education: the role of students’ English language proficiency and their needs or language support.
(UMA Editorial, 2024)El número de programas de enseñanza que utilizan el inglés como medio de instrucción (EMI) en la educación superior ha aumentado rápidamente en muchas partes del mundo, incluida España. Los estudios existentes sobre la ... -
La enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera en la titulación de Filología inglesa
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2006) -
Entre objectivité et subjectivité, le tourisme de santé et de bien-être sur le web
(2017-05-29)Internet es una de las fuentes principales de información para preparar viajes y estancias. Los sitios web y los documentos digitales creados por las empresas generadoras de servicios turísticos, del mismo modo que los ... -
Erased identities: Marita Conlon’s The Magdalen (1999)
(2015-12-15)Following postmodernist and trauma studies discourses our aim here is to analyse Marita Colon’s novel in which she gives voice to a fictional character, Esther, as representative of those Irish women who were sent to a ...