Listar Filología Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana - (FIFA) por título
Mostrando ítems 40-59 de 343
Cambridge Female Refuge Rules (1838-1844): An Institution for "Females Who Have Been Leading a Sinful Course of Life"
(2019-06-25)The Cambridge Female Refuge was an institution established in Cambridge Church Street in 1838 as a House of Mercy for the moral rescue of fallen women. Prostitution was a serious preoccupation at the time for both town and ... -
Cambridge Prostitution and the Rules Governing the University Spinning House in the Middle of the Nineteenth Century
(2017-04-19)The aim of this paper is to analyse the situation of prostitution in Cambridge and its regulation by the middle of the nineteenth century based on archival research. Cambridge Universitiy was characterised at the time by ... -
Challenging the Tragic Mulatto Stereotype in Three Nineteen Century African American Texts
(Cambridge Scholars, 2012)The image of the tragic mulatta character calls for a critical exploration in the works of three literary works by 19th century African American women: Harriet Wilson's Our Nig (1859), Harriet Jacobs' Incidents in the Life ... -
Charting the Liminal Geographies of Eastern Europe in Joyce Carol Oates’s Short Stories.
(Peter Lang, 2017)Framed by imagology and geocriticism, this chapter analyses American imaginative geographies of the European East in Joyce Carol Oates’s short stories (1984).1 I argue that Berlin, Warsaw and Budapest turn into liminal ... -
Chekhov in the Times of Lockdown: Gary Shteyngart’s Our Country Friends as a “Fable of Our Broken Time”.
(2023)Inspired by the theme of the 2023 PAAS Conference, this paper approaches Our Country Friends (2021) by Russian-American author Gary Shteyngart as a novel which is at once atemporal and painfully contemporary. -
El cine como recurso didáctico para la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera: la adaptación fílmica desde una perspectiva de género
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2014)Este trabajo doctoral comprueba cómo el cine es un recurso didáctico muy beneficioso en la enseñanza de una segunda lengua, ya que engloba no sólo elementos lingüísticos sino también socio-culturales, fundamentales en el ... -
Claiming the Politics of Articulation through Agency and Wholeness in Two Afro-Hispanic Postcolonial Narratives.
(Bridgewater State University, 2016)Following a context-based approach and the tenets of post-positivist realist theory, this paper will analyze two post-colonial Afro-Spanish novels immersed in the context of the African Diaspora: María Nsue Angüe’s Ekomo ... -
Claude Cahun, creadora y observadora inconformista
(2016-12-01)A Claude Cahun se la conoce todavía hoy más en los medios artísticos por sus fotografías y collages que en los literarios por sus textos innovadores, desde los ensayos-poema, autoficciones cercanas a la novela de aventuras ... -
“Constructing selfhood and otherness in the East-West context"
(2018-06-11)Since his debut in 2002, Gary Shteyngart, a Russian-American author of Jewish extraction has not only garnered popularity among readers, but also inspired critical interest from reviewers and scholars. While Shteyngart’s ... -
Contemporary African American Women Playwrights: Shaping Identity through Violence
(Open Edition Search, 2012)Cet article explore le sujet de la violence comme l’un des facteurs responsables de la formation de l´identité des femmes afro-américaines défavorisées, selon la description qu’en donnent les dramaturges afroaméricaines. ... -
Cooperative Learning in China's EFL and ESL Settings
(UMA Editorial, 2019)Research on the efficacy of instructional approaches has been of great interest to researchers, scholars, instructors, and policy and planning makers in foreign language education. Cooperative learning, originated in the ... -
Corpus annotation and analysis of sarcasm on Twitter: #CatsMovie vs. #TheRiseOfSkywalker
(AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos), 2022-06)Sentiment analysis is a natural language processing task that has received increased attention in the last decade due to the vast amount of opinionated data on social media platforms such as Twitter. Although the methodologies ... -
Crafting, Collecting, and Clubbing in the Victorian Drawing Room
(2022)In her volume Inside the Victorian Home (2003), Judith Flanders scrutinizes the space of home and domesticity as a microcosm of the ideal society of the nineteenth century. Considering Flanders’ ideas as a point of departure, ... -
Creación de recursos ABJ por parte del alumnado universitario como elemento motivador y facilitador.
(2023)Este estudio describe un proyecto ABJ (Aprendizaje Basado en Juegos) que se realizó durante el curso académico 22-23 en la Universidad de Málaga, en el Grado en Estudios Ingleses con alumnado de cuarto año en la asignatura ... -
Creación de un corpus de noticias de gran tamaño en inglés, español y catalán para el análisis del discurso en torno a género y desigualdad social
(2022)Se considera que la prensa desempeña un papel social fundamental, ya que modela la opinión pública reproduciendo o resistiendo discursos de desigualdad (van Dijk 1991). El análisis de ideologías en el discurso de noticias ... -
Creation of a large news corpus for the discourse analysis of Violence Against Women (VAW)
(2022)The press is considered to play a fundamental social role, as it shapes public opinion. In this regard, CDA Critical discourse analysis (CDA) has as a primary aim to study “the way social power abuse, dominance, and ... -
Cultural Haunting and the Trace of the Colonial Other in Arthur Conan Doyle's Short Fiction
(2017-09-28)In Home Truths: Fictions of the South Asian Diaspora in Britain (2002), Susheila Nasta argues that “the arrival in Britain of several generations of black and Asian 'immigrants' in the period following decolonization and ... -
Danger and Disability: The Female Body of Miniature in Neo-Victorian Fiction
(2018-11-21)Neo-Victorian reimaginations of the freak simultanously repeat and reject the binaries of normalcy and deviance to criticise the exploitative and objectifying conventions of nineteenth-century enfreakment practices. This ... -
De la sociedad internacional a la comunidad global: El discurso del sector comunicación e información de la Unesco.
(UMA Editorial, 2024)Esta tesis contribuye a evaluar la dimensión social iniciada por la revolución Internet. Este objeto de estudio nos conduce a tomar como muestra el proceso comunicativo iniciado por el sector Comunicación e Información de ... -
Death in the Spinning House: Cambridge Prostitution and University Regulations by the Middle of the Nineteenth Century
(2016-04-19)The aim of this paper is to analyse the situation of prostitution in Cambridge and its regulation by the middle of the nineteenth century based on archival research. Cambridge Universitiy was characterised at the time by ...