Enfermería - (ENF)
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Envíos recientes
Lesiones en la región anatómica de pie y tobillo en jugadores/as de rugby de la Universidad de Málaga. Estudio observacional.
(Inspira Network, 2024-08-08)Introducción: El rugby es un deporte de equipo de contacto, practicado en todo el mundo. Las cualidades fisiológicas principales del rugby son la fuerza, la potencia neuromuscular, la velocidad, la capacidad de sprint ... -
Herramientas de medición de la patología ungueal: revisión literaria.
(Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Podólogos de España, 2023)El sistema ungueal conforma una compleja unidad anatómica fundamental en el ser humano, susceptible de sufrir numerosas alteraciones debido a procesos patológicos, tanto sistémicos como locales. El estudio de la patología ... -
Eficacia de diferentes diseños de ortesis plantares en la biomecánica multisegmentaria del pie en pacientes con hallux limitus.
(UMA Editorial, 2025)La primera articulación metatarsofalángica (1ª AMTF) juega un papel crucial en la marcha humana. Cuando su movilidad se ve restringida, como en el hallux limitus (HL), puede afectar gravemente la función del pie y la calidad ... -
Pressure levels in the trochanter area according to repositioning at different degrees of inclination in healthy subjects.
(Elsevier, 2020)Objectives Patient repositioning is a recommended intervention to prevent or treat pressure ulcers (PUs). One option under consideration is the tailored repositioning according to patient characteristics, but more knowledge ... -
Utilidad y validez de un instrumento basado en indicadores de la Nursing Outcomes Classification como ayuda al diagnóstico de pacientes crónicos de Atención Primaria con gestión ineficiente de la salud propia
(Gobierno de Navarra. Departamento de Salud, 2011-04)Fundamento. El autocuidado y el manejo del régimen terapéutico por parte del paciente (adherencia a su medicación, conductas preventivas y desarrollo de estilos de vida saludables) son componentes clave del abordaje de ... -
Overestimation of hours dedicated to family caregiving of persons with heart failure
(Wiley Online Library, 2018-10-01)Abstract Aims: The aim of this study is to profile the family caregivers of people living with heart failure, to determine the perceived and real time devoted to daily care and to identify the factors associated with ... -
Instruments for assessing the risk of falls in acute hospitalized patients: a systematic review protocol
(Wiley Online Library, 2012-06-23)Abstract Aim. The purpose of this article is to present the research protocol of a systematic review about fall risk assessment tools in acute hospitalized patients. Background. Various risk assessment tools for falls ... -
Análisis modal de fallos y efectos en las transferencias intrahospitalarias
(Elsevier, 2019-01-08)Abstract Objectives: To identify gaps in patient safety during intra-hospital transfers. Material and methods: A working group was set up and patient transfers carried out in the different healthcare areas of a hospital ... -
Impact of a nurse-led intervention on quality of life in patients with chronic non-malignant pain: An open randomized controlled trial
(Wiley Online Library, 2020-09-30)Aims: To determine the effect of a comprehensive nurse-led programme for patients with chronic non-malignant pain, on quality of life, level of pain, anxiety, and depression, as primary outcomes and patients' satisfaction ... -
Socioeconomic Status and Health Services Utilization for Children With Complex Chronic Conditions Liable to Receive Nurse‐Led Services: A Cross‐ Sectional Study.
(Wiley, 2019)In total, 265 children were analyzed (mean age 7.3 years, SD 4.63; 56.6% male). The average duration of the disease was 63.26 months (SD 54.09). The most common types of disease were neurological (35.80%), congenital ... -
Morpho-structural characteristics of feet in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A cross sectional study.
(IIvyspring International Publisher, 2021-03-30)Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate and classify the types and incidences of foot deformities in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Methods: A cross-sectional study with convenience sample was obtained ... -
Perfusion, tissue oxygenation and peripheral temperature in the skin of heels of healthy participants exposed to pressure: a quasi‐experimental study.
(Wiley, 2020)Aim: To evaluate the relationship between the pressure exerted on the heel of one footresting directly on a mattress, versus that exerted on the other heel, protected by a pillowbeneath the Achilles tendon area and the ... -
Nursing Students' and Tutors' Satisfaction with a New Clinical Competency System Based on the Nursing Interventions Classification.
(Wiley, 2015-05-30)PURPOSE: To assess students’ satisfaction with their clinical tutors, their clinical practices, and tutors’ satisfaction with the new approach of clinical placements and tutorship. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was used, ... -
Post-traumatic stress disorder after subsequent birth to a gestational loss: An observational study
(Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz, 2020-05)Introduction. The loss of a pregnancy puts women at risk of suffering post-traumatic stress disorder. This circumstance can influence a subsequent pregnancy, and the link with the future baby. Objective. The main objective ... -
Post-traumatic stress and related symptoms in a gestation after a gestational loss: narrative review
(Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz, 2018-09)Background. Around 30% of pregnancies conclude in a gestational loss. Most women who suffer a gestational loss become pregnant again. However, mothers who have experienced this situation live the new pregnancy with fear ... -
Predictive factors for foot pain in the adult population
(BMC, 2024-01)Antecedentes: El dolor de pie se ha relacionado con factores como sobrepeso, índice de masa corporal (IMC), aumento de edad, género femenino y presencia de patologías, aunque con evidencia limitada. Este estudio busca ... -
Effectiveness of olive oil for the prevention of pressure ulcers caused in immobilized patients within the scope of primary health care: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
(BMC, 2013-10-23)Las úlceras por presión se consideran un problema importante y afectan principalmente a pacientes mayores inmovilizados, aumentan la carga asistencial al profesional de los servicios sanitarios y el gasto farmacéutico. ... -
Short-term effect of scalpel debridement of plantar callosities versus treatment with salicylic acid patches: the EMEDESCA randomised controlled trial
(Wiley, 2017)This study compares scalpel debridement versus salicylic acid patches in the treatment of plantar callosities. A randomized clinical trial (ACTRN12614000591651) was performed with 62 patients, divided into two intervention ... -
Effect of the act on promotion of personal autonomy and care for dependent persons on heir family caregivers.
(BMC, 2012-12-17)Background The need of home care services is becoming an increasingly common scenario. These cares are mainly provided by the dependents’ relatives specifically, by the women part of the family. This situation might take ... -
Resources for innovative learning of anatomy and foot ossification: Graphic design and virtual reality.
(Wiley, 2024-12-28)Introduction: This study addresses the ossification process of the foot, a topic of great relevance within podiatry courses. Understanding the chronology of foot bone formation is essential for evaluating pathological ...