Listar EAE - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 307-326 de 326
Understanding antecedents of continuance and revisit intentions: The case of sport apps
(Elsevier, 2023)Prior studies have investigated the antecedents of sport application (Sapp) adoption, but few researchers have concentrated on attitudinal, cognitive and behavioural factors’ effects on users’ continuance intention (CI) ... -
Understanding destination brand experience through data mining and machine learning
(Elsevier, 2024-02-03)This research formalises a new methodology to measure and analyse Destination Brand Experience, improving upon traditional approaches by offering greater objectivity and rigour. Adopting a case study approach, five distinct ... -
Understanding the drivers of organic foods purchasing of millennials: Evidence from Brazil and Spain.
(Elsevier, 2019-09-05)This paper examines the antecedents of millennials’ organic food purchasing. A conceptual framework, based on product characteristics, and consumers’ concerns and consciousness, is proposed. Data collection was conducted ... -
Understanding the entrepreneurial resilience of indigenous women entrepreneurs as a dynamic process. The case of Quechuas in Bolivia
(Taylor & Francis, 2022-07-21)Little literature exists regarding the study of entrepreneurial resilience of indigenous women entrepreneurs (IWEs) in environments challenged with isolation, marginalization, or poverty. New insights that explain the role ... -
Understanding users’ willingness to travel on autonomous buses: The moderating effect of experience
(Elsevier, 2024)The aim of this research is to analyse the factors that influence users' willingness to travel on an autonomous bus (AB). This analysis adopted a mixed-methods approach. The findings indicated that the main antecedents of ... -
University internships in Spain: what is missing for its stakeholders?
(Universidad de Alicante, 2016-12)The purpose of this paper is to analyze the performance of the current university internship programs, with a particular focus on the present needs of the main stakeholders: the students and businesses. The study draws on ... -
Unpacking Entrepreneurial Education: Learning Activities, Students’ Gender, and Attitude Toward Entrepreneurship.
(Academy of management, 2022-12-14)To promote entrepreneurship among students, academic institutions should focus on developing a positive entrepreneurial personal attitude (EPA), since it is a strong antecedent of entrepreneurial intentions, which in ... -
Urban food policies and their influence on the development of Territorial Short Food Supply Chains: The case of cities in Colombia and Spain
(Elsevier, 2022)Urban food policies (UFPs) have emerged as a key mechanism to drive the transition towards more sustainable food systems, with cities as the appropriate scale for their implementation. The aim of the paper is analysis of ... -
Usability Analysis of Andalusian Spas’ Websites
(MDPI, 2021-02-20)Health tourism is booming all over the world, and thermal spa tourism in Spain is a type of tourism aimed at integrating with nature, achieving sustainable development. In general, its facilities are located in areas ... -
Use of technologies for the creation of new hybrid services, based on physical exercise, to improve the health of workers: a case study
(Universidad Católica de Murcia, 2024-06-27)The COVID-19 pandemic brought teleworking into the spotlight due to the limitations for containing the spread of the virus, while compulsory confinement increased the proportion of sedentary or obese workers, and work-related ... -
Using functional resonance analysis method to understand construction activities for concrete structures.
(Elsevier, 2020-04-22)The improvement of safety management in the construction sector, especially in activities for concrete structures, continues to be necessary. This paper aims at increasing understanding of everyday construction activities for ... -
Validation of a Satisfaction Questionnaire on Spa Tourism
(MDPI, 2021-04-23)The authors’ line of research is within the existing methodological debate around the concepts of quality of services, destinations, and quality measurements methods. The authors consider that the most appropriate way ... -
Value proposition as a framework for value co-creation in crowdfunding ecosystems.
(SAGE, 2019)The aim of this article is to explore whether the ecosystem approach is required to understand the new service model of crowdfunding. The value proposition approach offers different interpretations for each of the eight ... -
Web 2.0 toolds for role-play methodology in an undergraduate interdisciplinary environment
(Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013-01-23)El objetivo de este trabajo es, en primer lugar, proponer una actividad a través de la metodología activa denominada juego de rol en un contexto interdisciplinar, esto es, una actividad que aboga por la interacción de ... -
Web appendices - Exploring the antecedents of customers’ willingness to use service robots in restaurants.
(2022)In recent times researchers have begun to use several theories to explain how relationships develop between service robots and consumers, and to identify the reasons and motives consumers use these technologies. In this ... -
What can talent management do about involuntary remote working in the post-COVID-19 era? Spanish IT employees’ organizational commitment
(Springer Nature, 2024-09)The purpose of this study is to understand the role of professional isolation and work–family balance (WFB) as talent retention strategies, considering organizational commitment (OC) and the mediating role of job satisfaction ... -
What can talent management do about involuntary remote working in the post-COVID-19 era? Spanish IT employees’ organizational commitment
(Springer Nature, 2024-09-18)The purpose of this study is to understand the role of professional isolation and work–family balance (WFB) as talent retention strategies, considering organizational commitment (OC) and the mediating role of job satisfaction ... -
Why can organizational resilience not be measured?
(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2023-05-05)Our aim is to justify why organizational resilience cannot be measured in an ex-ante way and the consequences we can draw from it. To achieve this goal, we examine the relations between different approaches to organizational ... -
Why Is the spanish hotel trade lagging so far behind in gender equality? a sustainability question
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020-05-27)There are far more women than men who hold higher qualifications in tourism, but nevertheless, inequalities still prevail on executive committees in the tourism industry. Society nowadays is aware that gender inequality ... -
Work-related road safety: The impact of the low noise levels produced by electric vehicles according to experienced drivers.
(Elsevier, 2019-02-26)The introduction of electric vehicles in urban areas contributes to the reduction of air and noise pollution in these environments. However, the low noise levels produced by these vehicles, previously seen as an advantage, ...