Listar EAE - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 83-102 de 329
Data set on the influence of members of a couple on family vacation decision-making
(Elsevier, 2019-08)This article describes a database on the perceptions of members of a couple regarding the influence exerted in three stages and seven sub-decisions in the family vacation decision-making process. We obtained responses from ... -
De la marca comercial a la marca territorio. Una revision de la literatura conceptual aplicada al caso del vino Malaga.
(Universidad de Málaga, 2017-06)La creciente importancia de las marcas territorio, como elementos de promoción de amplias zonas rurales, hacen conveniente el estudio de casos. Se ha partido de una extensa revisión de la literatura académica, necesaria ... -
Una década de turismo sin fronteras. El caso de la Región Duero/Douro, el turismo fluvial y la diversidad turística
(Universidad de Murcia, 2020)La incorporación de España y Portugal a la Comunidad Europea ha impulsado la coo-peración transfronteriza y el turismo a ambos lados de la frontera luso española. Nuestro análisis se ciñe a la Región Duero/Douro ... -
Delphi assessment of occupational hazards in the wineries of Andalusia, in southern Spain.
(Elsevier, 2018-09-20)Risk assessment is essential to making informed decisions on occupational risk prevention. The health and safety conditions of workers can be improved by issuing voluntary certifications, such as ISO 45001. This is ... -
Descripción del puesto de Responsable de Calidad en el Servicio de Transfusión Hospitalaria
(2017-10-31)En este trabajo se da a conocer la formación necesaria para desarrollar el puesto de Facultativo responsable del sistema de calidad en el servicio de transfusión hospitalaria así como las funciones encomendadas al mismo -
Destination image, satisfaction and destination loyalty in cruise tourism: the case of Malaga (Spain).
(Universidade do Algarve, 2018)El turismo de cruceros es un sector que ha experimentado un enorme desarrollo en el mundo en las últimas décadas. Las relaciones que se producen entre los diferentes agentes que interactúan en esta industria, pasajeros, ... -
Determinants of quality and food safety systems adoption in the agri-food sector
(Emerald, 2022-04-05)Purpose In order to meet the increasingly demanding needs of international markets, quality and food safety systems have become widespread among companies in the agri-food sector. This has led to a transformation of the ... -
Digital accessibility of smart cities - tourism for all and reducing inequalities: Tourism Agenda 2030
(Emerald, 2022-08-24)Purpose: There is widespread agreement that the tourism sector should address the issue of sustainability. The purpose of this study is to analyze the digital accessibility of the cities awarded as European Capitals of ... -
Digital strategy aligning in SMEs: a dynamic capabilities perspective.
(2021-07-31)Digital strategy alignment is a dominant concern for today’s managers and information systems researchers. Yet research in this area remains fragmented, particularly on the digital strategy alignment of small and medium-sized ... -
Digital transformation of the agrifood system: quantifying the conditioning factors to inform policy planning in the olive sector.
(Elsevier, 2021)Despite the growing importance of the digital transformation (DT) of the agrifood sector on the political agenda, traditional policies are not enough to provide proactive responses to rapid technological changes and new ... -
La digitalización de la experiencia enoturística: una revisión de la literatura y aplicaciones prácticas
(CEU, 2021-07)La evolución tecnológica unida al uso de las tecnologías TICs y otros recursos de comunicación digitales como la realidad virtual, aumentada y la tecnología 4D están transformando el ciclo de la experiencia turística. El ... -
Digitalization of Agri-Cooperatives in the Smart Agriculture Context. Proposal of a Digital Diagnosis Tool
(MPDI, 2020-02-12)The use of digital technologies has been recognized as one of the great challenges for businesses of the 21st century. This digitalization is characterized by the intensive use of information technologies in the different ... -
Disability, Human Resources and Behavioral Economics: The Labour Inclusion case of Ilunion Hotels of the Costa del Sol (Spain).
(MDPI, 2021)The situation of labour inclusion of people with disabilities in Spain is still too negative, in spite of the different efforts carried out by public and private sector. Previous research points to social discrimination ... -
Disclosures about algorithmic decision making in the corporate reports of Western European companies
(Elsevier, 2023)Over the last decade, the use of different artificial intelligence (AI) tools has increased. To shed some light on the emerging trend of AI disclosure, the aim of this paper is to analyse the current practices of major ... -
Disparities in entrepreneurial activity and attitude across EU countries
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2017-02-21)The levels and characteristics of entrepreneurship differ widely across EU countries and regions. Taking as reference data provided by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) on entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurial ... -
Disposable masks: Disinfection and sterilization for reuse, and non-certified manufacturing, in the face of shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic.
(2020-05-13)The COVID-19 pandemic is posing a huge global health threat. To deal with this problem, in addition to research and work in the medical field, the main health measures being taken in the workplace and at home involve the ... -
DMO online platforms: image and intention to visit.
(Elsevier, 2018-04)The online platforms (i.e., websites and social media) of Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) are among the most useful tools for building and promoting a destination image (DI). However, the associated effects on ... -
Do biometric payment systems work during the COVID-19 pandemic? Insights from the Spanish users' viewpoint.
(2022-02-09)Technological developments are changing how users pay for goods and services. In the context of the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic, new payment systems have been established to reduce contact between buyer ... -
Does a green supply chain improve corporate reputation? Empirical evidence from European manufacturing sectors.
(Elsevier, 2021)Managing supplier relationships in an environmentally responsible way may prevent risk of adverse publicity and reputational damage to the buying firm. Drawing on the stakeholder approach and the environmental management ... -
Does economic freedom increase income inequality? Evidence from the EU countries
(Taylor and Francis Group, 2016-01-25)This paper examines the relationship between economic liberalization and income inequality in the EU using panel data for the 2000s. The empirical evidence suggests that economic freedom is strongly related to income ...