Listar EAE - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 143-162 de 326
El futuro de la energía. El reto hacia una transformación energética justa
(2022-12-21)La Transformación Energética Justa (TEJ) es un concepto que está ganando cada vez más importancia en el mundo de la energía. Se trata de una iniciativa ambiental y social que busca proteger el medio ambiente y proporcionar ... -
Gender differences in teachers' occupational accidents.
(Routledge Taylor&Francis, 2021-09-17)The authors stated that the main objective of the current research is to analyze the relationship between the gender of injured teachers and independent variables, such as age, place of the accident, absence days, and ... -
Gender diversity, inclusive innovation and firm performance
(Wiley, 2023)This study delves into intra-organizational dimensions that might impact inclusive innovation. Based on the expectation states theory, we explore how gender diversity in management positions and on the board of directors ... -
Generation Z members' intentions to work in tourism in their World Heritage Site hometowns
(Springer Nature, 2023-11-18)This study analyzes the impact of four dimensions on Generation Z’s intentions to work in the tourism industry in their hometown of Antequera (Malaga, Spain) within the specific tourism context of World Heritage Sites ... -
Generation Z young people’s perception of sexist female stereotypes about the product advertising in thefood industry: influence on their purchase intention
(MDPI, 2021-12-27)Previous studies have generated important insights into consumer behavior. However, no study has addressed how to persuade young people belonging to Generation Z to increase the purchase intention of food products from a ... -
Gestión de la diferenciación en la transfusión de neonatos y niños
(2020-04-28)La población pediátrica transfundida representa una pequeña proporción respecto a todos los pacientes transfundidos. En los últimos años aunque se han ido desarrollado nuevas guías de transfusión pediátrica la evidencia ... -
Gestión sostenible de empresas y destinos turísticos: la nueva economía
(Revista Diecisiete, 2018)El presente artículo, tras presentar un marco conceptual sobre los principales aspectos de la nueva economía, se centra en la sostenibilidad en el sector turístico de acuerdo con esta nueva economía. Los objetivos de este ... -
Going beyond the curve: Strategic measures to recover hotel activity in times of COVID-19
(ELSEVIER, 2021-06)Hospitality firms are facing unprecedented challenges on a global scale. The catastrophic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and its multiple devastating global consequences have initiated a profoundly disruptive transformation ... -
Hedonic price models with geographically weighted regression: An application to hospitality
(Elsevier, 2018)The objective of this study was to propose and test a methodology that allow destination managers and hoteliers improve the allocation of resources. For this purpose, this paper analysed the impact of both establishment ... -
Hotels’ online reputation management: benefits perceived by managers.
(2019-02-13)Purpose – This study aims to develop a measurement model to help hotels manage their reputation within the context of online reviews and ratings platforms and evaluate the impact of this reputation management on the benefits ... -
How Chatbot Language Shapes Consumer Perceptions: The Role of Concreteness and Shared Competence.
(Sage, 2023-07-02)In service settings, chatbots frequently are associated with substandard care, depersonalization, and linguistic misunderstandings. Drawing on assemblage theory (i.e., the examination of how heterogeneous parts, through ... -
How does innovation emerge in open platform ecosystems?
(Springer, 2025-01-20)New collaborative contexts like open platforms represent a growing area in which the institutions are questioned and, in some cases, challenged (de-institutionalized) as part of a process that drives market innovation, ... -
How economic freedom affects opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship in the OECD countries
(Elsevier, 2017-04)This research addresses the extent to which economic freedom, understood as market economy-oriented institutions and policies, matters for opportunity entrepreneurship and necessity entrepreneurship. To this end, we carry ... -
How public funding affects complexity in R&D projects. An analysis of team project perceptions.
(Elsevier, 2023)In this paper, we apply a case study approach to advance current understanding of what effects public co-funding of R&D projects have on project team members’ perceived complexity. We chose an R&D project carried out by ... -
Identifying employee engagement drivers using multilayer perceptron classifier and sensitivity analysis
(Springer Nature, 2024-12-16)Employee engagement is increasingly important, as it can become a competitive advantage for companies, helping them increase productivity, attract talent and improve customer satisfaction. Numerous works have studied the ... -
Immigrants’ entrepreneurial motivation in Europe: liabilities and assets.
(Emerald, 2020-08-19)Purpose: This paper examines how the institutional distance between immigrants’ country of residence and country of origin, as well as the regulative and normative aspects of institutions in immigrants’ country of residence, ... -
Impact of aleatoric, stochastic and epistemic uncertainties on project cost contingency reserves
(ELSEVIER (International Journal of Production Economics), 2022)In construction projects, contingency reserves have traditionally been estimated based on a percentage of the total project cost, which is arbitrary and, thus, unreliable in practical cases. Monte Carlo simulation provides ... -
Impact of perceived value on intention to use voice assistants: the moderating effects of personal innovativeness and experience.
(Wiley, 2023)Voice assistants (VAs), such as Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant, are instruments increasingly used by consumers to perform daily tasks. The objectives of the present study are to examine the antecedents of consumers’ ... -
Impact of virtual reality experiences on destination image and visit intentions: the moderating effects of immersion, destination familiarity and sickness
(Emerald Insight, 2024)The aims of this study are to explore how the experience of “visiting” a destination in a virtual reality (VR) technology environment influences destination image and visit intentions and to evaluate the moderating effects ... -
El impacto de la era digital en el sector financiero español. Análisis 2000-2024.
(2024)Resumen: Este estudio analiza la evolución de la era digital y su impacto en el sector financiero, particularmente en la banca. Se explora cómo las tecnologías como internet, computación personal y smartphones han ...