Listar EAEEC - Artículos por título
Mostrando ítems 64-83 de 92
Parents’(dis) satisfaction with schools: Evidence from longitudinal administrative data from Spain
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-01-11)This study uses longitudinal census data to explore the correlates of school satisfaction among parents of 3rd and 6th grade students from the Canary Islands, a large administrative region in Spain. We use logistic regression ... -
Peer-to-peer accommodation prices: city listing concentration and host listing share.
(SAGE, 2023)This article examines the relationship of city listing concentration and host listing share with prices in the peer-to-peer accommodation market. To this end, a multilevel analysis is applied to data from 216,960 Airbnb ... -
Protocol for an economic evaluation of the randomised controlled trial of culprit lesion only PCI versus immediate multivessel PCI in acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock: CULPRITSHOCK trial
(BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, 2017)Introduction Emergency percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) of the culprit lesion for patients with acute myocardial infarctions is an accepted practice. A majority of patients present with multivessel disease ... -
Reducing the basic reproduction number of COVID‑19: a model simulation focused on QALYs, hospitalisation, productivity costs and optimal (soft) lockdown
(Springer Nature, 2023)Even if public health interventions are successful at reducing the spread of COVID-19, there is no guarantee that they will bring net benefits to the society because of the dynamic nature of the pandemic, e.g., the risk ... -
Requirements for clinical information modelling tools
(Elsevier, 2015-07)Objective: This study proposes consensus requirements for clinical information modelling tools that can support modelling tasks in medium/large scale institutions. Rather than identify which functionalities are currently ... -
School segregation in public and semiprivate primary schools in Andalusia.
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-07-23)School segregation by socio-economic background is a feature of most education systems and impacts negatively on educational outcomes for poor children. Evidence on this issue is lacking for the Spanish primary education ... -
SCOT: a comparison of cost-effectiveness from a large randomised phase III trial of two durations of adjuvant Oxaliplatin combination chemotherapy for colorectal cancer
(Springer Nature, 2018-11-13)BACKGROUND: The Short Course Oncology Therapy (SCOT) study is an international, multicentre, non-inferiority randomised controlled trial assessing the efficacy, toxicity, and cost-effectiveness of 3 months (3 M) versus ... -
Sharing clinical decisions for multimorbidity case management using social network and open-source tools
(Elsevier, 2013-12)Introduction: Our objective is to develop a tool for collaborative work among health professionals for multimorbidity patient care. We describe the architecture to incorporate decision support functionalities in a social ... -
Social Capital, Labour Market Status and Wages: Some Evidence from Spain.
(Emerald, 2020-04-07)This article analyses the social capital’s influence on the Spanish labour market. In particular, this study examines to what extent the social capital increases the likelihood of being employed, taking into account different ... -
Socioeconomic school segregation in Canary Islands
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-05-23)This study provides evidence about the degree of socioeconomic segregation in Spain’s primary schools. In particular, the analysis is based on data from Canary Islands, a Spanish region with low level of academic performance ... -
Teacher Self-Efficacy, Instructional Practice, and Student Outcomes: Evidence from the TALIS Video Study
(Sage Journals, 2024-12-23)In this paper we use novel data to test the direct and indirect paths between teacher self-efficacy and student outcomes. This includes how teacher self-efficacy is linked to student, teacher, and expert rater views of ... -
Teaching for near transfer: Is maths instruction aimed at schema formation and abstraction associated with pupils' ability to answer unfamiliar maths questions?
(Elsevier, 2024-12-12)There has long been interest in education on the issue of “transfer” – the extent to which students can apply what they have been taught in school to solve related but novel problems or tasks. More recently, attention in ... -
The climate index-length of stay nexus
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-03-02)This study sought to analyze the effect of the climate of tourists’ region of origin on their length of stay in a specific inland destination as climate of origin has been ignored in previous analyses. The present study ... -
The empirical evidence of digital trends in more disadvantaged European Union regions in terms of income and population density
(Wiley, 2024)Remote rural and postindustrial regions are much morevulnerable to population drain in comparison with indus-trialized centers and capitals, due to obvious reasons suchas meager job opportunities, difficulties in accessing ... -
The ideal use of the Internet among students and academic success: finding a balance between competences and knowledge using interval multiobjective programming
(Elsevier, 2021-12-07)Young people are increasingly spending more time connected to the Internet. However, it is not clear how this tool associates with students’ academic achievement. In this research, the association between the use of the ... -
The influence of grade retention on students' competences in Spain
(Wiley, 2024)Grade retention is at the core of the education debate in Spain, to the extent that its impact on students' competences has not been assessed beyond correlation. Because of that, in the present study, we analyse the influence ... -
The power of expectations on students’ years of schooling
(Springer Nature, 2021-07-15)Both students and parents have expectations about students’ academic future. The present study analyses the influence of both sets of expectations when students are at age 15-16 on level of education achieved by students ... -
The quality of measures of educational performance: an empirical approach
(2013-06-14)We assess whether the difference between teacher and test-based assessment at age 14 and 10 -as a measure of bias or uncertainty in assessment specifically– is linked systematically to observable pupil characteristics. To ... -
The role of catchment areas on school segregation by economic, social and cultural characteristics
(Springer, 2021)This research analyses the socioeconomic and cultural segregation of students across school catchment areas using census data for the students in their second year of secondary education in Andalusia (the most populated ... -
The waiting times distribution of public hospitals using a GAMLSS approach: the case of Andalusia (Spain).
(Asociación Española de Ciencia Regional, 2024)Patients’ waiting times are caused by the imbalance between the available supply and the existing demand in the health sector. Exceeding maximum waiting times may worsen diseases and entail additional costs to public health ...