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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 158
A common framework for the development of spring water contamination early warning system in western Mediterranean karst areas: Spanish and French sites
(Esevier, 2024)Karst water resources, traditionally used worldwide for drinking purposes, are highly vulnerable to contamination. Scientific-technical efforts must therefore be done to ensure sufficient water quality for human consumption. ... -
A Framework to Assess Natural Chloride Background in Coastal Aquifers Affected by Seawater Intrusion in Eastern Spain.
(MDPI, 2023-07-28)The protection of groundwater resources in coastal aquifers is an increasingly important issue worldwide. To establish threshold values and remediation objectives, it is essential to know the natural background concentrations ... -
A multidisciplinary approach using hydrogeochemistry, δ15NNO3 isotopes, land use, and statistical tools in evaluating nitrate pollution sources and biochemical processes in Costa Rican volcanic aquifers
(Elsevier, 2024)Nitrate pollution threatens the Barva and Colima multi-aquifer system, the primary drinking water source in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica. In addressing nitrate contamination dynamics, this study proposes an ... -
A new Ruscinian site in Europe: Baza-1 (Baza basin, Andalusia, Spain)
(Elsevier, 2017)The Guadix–Baza depression (southeastern Spain) preserves one of the best continental Plio-Pleistocene records of the European continent. The new site, Baza-1, is the first Ruscinian locality with fauna of large vertebrates ... -
A new species of dog from the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena (Orce, Baza Basin, Spain)
(Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 2021)The site of Venta Micena (Orce, Spain), c. 1.6 Ma, preserves one the best paleontological records of the early Pleistocene large mammals fauna in Europe. Here we describe the specimens of the genus Canis Linnaeus, 1758 in ... -
A three-dimensional analysis of morphological evolution and locomotor performance of the carnivoran forelimb.
(PLOS, 2014)In this study, three-dimensional landmark-based methods of geometric morphometrics are used for estimating the influence of phylogeny, allometry and locomotor performance on forelimb shape in living and extinct carnivorans ... -
A three-dimensional analysis of the morphological evolution and locomotor behaviour of the carnivoran hind limb
(2014)The shape of the appendicular bones in mammals usually reflects adaptations towards different locomotor abilities. However, other aspects such as body size and phylogeny also play an important role in shaping bone design. ... -
Advancing Porphyra linearis (Rhodophyta, Bangiales) culture: low cost artificial seawater, nitrate supply, photosynthetic activity and energy dissipation
(Springer, 2024)Fertilizer use in agriculture and aquaculture significantly contributes to nitrate-rich effluent discharge into aquatic environments. Porphyra's high surface area/volume enables efficient nutrient assimilation. This study ... -
Aerodynamic modelling of a Cretaceous bird reveals thermal soaring capabilities during early avian evolution
(2017-07)Several flight modes are thought to have evolved during the early evolution of birds. Here, we use a combination of computational modelling and morphofunctional analyses to infer the flight properties of the raven-sized, ... -
Age and Date for Early Arrival of the Acheulian in Europe (Barranc de la Boella, la Canonja, Spain)
(Public Library of Science (PLOS), 2014)The first arrivals of hominin populations into Eurasia during the Early Pleistocene are currently considered to have occurred as short and poorly dated biological dispersions. Questions as to the tempo and mode of these ... -
An eye for a tooth: Thylacosmilus was not a marsupial ‘‘saber-tooth predator’’
(PeerJ, 2020-06)Background. Saber-toothed mammals, now all extinct, were cats or ‘‘cat-like’’ forms with enlarged, blade-like upper canines, proposed as specialists in taking large prey. During the last 66 Ma, the saber-tooth ecomorph has ... -
Analyzing the causes of method-to-method variability among Rubisco kinetic traits: from the first to the current measurements
(Oxford University Press, 2021)Due to the importance of Rubisco in the biosphere, its kinetic parameters have been measured by different methodologies in a large number of studies over the last 60 years. These parameters are essential to characterize ... -
Anti-hyperglycemic and antioxidant effect of fucoidan extract from Lessonia trabeculata in alloxan-induced diabetes rats
(Springer, 2022-09-30)The objective of this research was to evaluate a nutritional strategy based on the consumption of a fucoidan extract from brown algae Lessonia trabeculata to control oxidative stress in experimental alloxan-induced ... -
Application and reassessment of the reduced species list index for macroalgae to assess the ecological status under the Water Framework Directive in the Atlantic coast of Southern Spain
(Elsevier, 2012)According to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) macroalgae are one of the Biological Quality Elements proposed to assess the ecological status of coastal water bodies. In the case of the North East Atlantic coastal shores, ... -
Application of hydrochemical and multi-isotopic (87Sr/86Sr, δ13C-DIC, δ2H-H2O, δ18O-H2O) tools to determine contamination sources and processes in the Guadalhorce river basin, Southern Spain
(Elsevier, 2022)The integrated use of multi-isotopic (87Sr/86Sr, δ13C-DIC, δ2H-H2O, δ18O-H2O) and hydrochemical data was applied in the highly anthropized Guadalhorce river basin, southern Spain, to improve the knowledge about water ... -
Application of hydrogeochemistry and isotopic characterization for the assessment of recharge in a volcanic aquifer in the eastern region of central Costa Rica.
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)In the eastern region of central Costa Rica, land use in the sub-basins of the Maravilla-Chiz and Quebrada Honda rivers (47 km2) is dominated by agricultural and livestock production, while groundwater resources constitute ... -
Assessing the influence of isotopic composition of water on that of clay minerals during chemical treatments.
(Elsevier, 2022-03-26)The isotopic composition of hydrogen in authigenic minerals is a useful tool to reconstruct past paleo-environments. Clay minerals are an important component of authigenic minerals in soils and sediments but they usually ... -
Assessment and Characterisation of Ireland’s Green Tides (Ulva Species)
(PLoS, 2017)Enrichment of nutrients and metals in seawater associated with anthropogenic activities can threaten aquatic ecosystems. Consequently, nutrient and metal concentrations are parameters used to define water quality. The ... -
Assessment of a wide array of contaminants of emerging concern in a Mediterranean water basin (Guadalhorce river, Spain): Motivations for an improvement of water management and pollutants surveillance
(Elsevier, 2021-05-19)This study investigates the occurrence and distribution of 185 organic contaminants (regulated pollutants and contaminants of emerging concern; CECs) in surface and groundwater of the Guadalhorce River basin (southern ... -
Biochemical composition of temperate and Arctic populations of Saccharina latissima after exposure to increased pCO2 and temperature reveals ecotypic variation
(Springer, 2014)Previous research suggested that the polar and temperate populations of the kelp Saccharina latissima represent different ecotypes. The ecotypic differentiation might also be reflected in their biochemical composition (BC) ...