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Efficiency analysis of irrigation ditches over different land uses in the Andean region of Ecuador: implication for nature-based water management strategies
(Springer Nature, 2025-02-07)Human pressures and global change are threatening water resources. Circumstances vary in each location; therefore, finding solutions that address local issues helps achieve comprehensive water management strategies. In the ... -
The mammoth from the archaeo-paleontological hominin site of Huéscar-1: A tile in the puzzling question of the replacement of Mammuthus meridionalis by Mammuthus trogontherii in the late Early Pleistocene of Europe
(Elservier, 2018)The site of Huéscar-1 (Baza basin, Granada, Spain) yielded an interesting paleontological record close in age to the Early-Middle Pleistocene boundary. In 2003 two lithic artifacts were found, confirming the human presence ... -
Hypothesis on the hydrogeological context of wetland areas and springs related to evaporitic karst aquifers (Malaga, Cordoba and Jaen provinces, Southern Spain)
(Springer, 2016-05)The northern sector of the External Zone of the Betic Cordillera (S Spain) is formed by an olistostrome unit known as the Chaotic Subbetic Complexes (CSC). This megabreccia is basically made of clays and evaporite rocks ... -
Type II Metacaspases are involved in cell stress but not in cell death in the unicellular green alga Dunaliella tertiolecta.
(Shared Science Publishers OG, 2019)Ultraviolet radiation (UVR; 280–400 nm) has a great impact on aquatic ecosystems by affecting ecophysiological and biogeochemical pro-cesses as a consequence of the global change scenario generated by anthro-pogenic ... -
The Vallparadís section (Terrassa, Iberian Peninsula) and the latest Villafranchian faunas of Europe
(Elservier, 2010)The late Early to early Middle Pleistocene section from Torrent de Vallparadís is a 20 m-thick, composite section with multiple stratigraphic horizons, which have yielded close to 30,000 remains of large and small vertebrates, ... -
Photosynthetic Production of Ulva rotundata Bliding Estimated by Oxygen and Inorganic Carbon Exchange Measurements in the Field
(Gruyter, 2003-07-07)The photosynthetic performance of an estuarine population of. Ulva rotundata Bliding was determined under natural radiation during a daily cycle. The primary production was estimated fol1owing two methods, oxygen evolution ... -
Physiological stress response associated with elevated CO2 and dissolved iron in a phytoplankton community dominated by the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi.
(Inter-Research Science Publisher, 2018)We exposed a natural phytoplankton community to combined present (390 µatm, low carbon [LC]) and future CO2 levels predicted for the year 2100 (900 µatm, high carbon [HC]), and ambient (4.5 nM, -DFB [desferoxamine B]) and ... -
The control of a small dam in nutrient inputs to an hypertrophic estuary.
(Springer Nature, 2007)A two-year study was carried out in the lower part of the Palmones River to describe the role of a small dam controlling the nutrient fluxes to the estuary. Results showed an important spatial heterogeneity in the nutrient ... -
Influence of macrophytes on sediment phosphorus accumulation in a eutrophic estuary (Palmones River, Southern Spain)
(Elsevier, 2004-10-18)The estuary of the Palmones River is a small, shallow and eutrophic system, located in the South of Spain. Presently, it is dominated by the fast-growing macroalgae Ulva rotundata Bliding and Enteromorpha prol´ıfera J.G. ... -
Pattern of phosphorus forms in a Mediterranean shallow estuary: Effects of flooding events
(Elsevier, 2005-07-07)Floods are responsible for the variation in the concentration of different phosphorus forms contained in the sediment of a small shallow estuary (Palmones River). The maximum differences were observed in the middle estuary, ... -
Factors controlling phosphorus speciation in a Mediterranean basin (River Guadalfeo, Spain)
(Elsevier, 2006-12-15)There is a lot of interest nowadays in the role of riverbed sediments in phosphorus cycling and particularly, in the processes that lead the exchange of phosphorus between the sediment and the water column. This study ... -
Genome Sequence of Paracoccus sp. JM45, a Bacterial Strain Isolated from a Marine Sponge with a Dual Quorum Sensing Inhibition Activity.
(American Society for Microbiology (ASM), 2019-01-10)The draft genome sequence of Paracoccus sp. strain JM45, isolated from a marine sponge harvested off the west coast of Ireland, is reported here. Quorum sensing and quorum sensing inhibition activities have been reported ... -
Draft Genome Sequences of Three Pseudomonas fluorescens Strains Isolated from Marine Sponges Harvested off the West Coast of Ireland.
(American Society for Microbiology (ASM), 2020-05-21)Three Pseudomonas sp. strains isolated from marine sponges have shown potential quorum sensing inhibition (QSI) activity. We sequenced the draft genomes of the three strains with the goal of determining which genes or ... -
The Role of Phospholipase D and MAPK Signaling Cascades in the Adaption of Lichen Microalgae to Desiccation: Changes in Membrane Lipids and Phosphoproteome.
(Oxford University Press, 2016)Classically, lichen phycobionts are described as poikilohydric organisms able to undergo desiccation due to the constitutive presence of molecular protection mechanisms. However, little is known about the induction of ... -
Coumarin: a novel player in microbial quorum sensing and biofilm formation inhibition.
(Springer Nature, 2018-02-01)Antibiotic resistance is a growing threat worldwide, causing serious problems in the treatment of microbial infections. The discovery and development of new drugs is urgently needed to overcome this problem which has ... -
Integrated (Meta) Genomic and Synthetic Biology Approaches to Develop New Biocatalysts.
(MDPI, 2016-03-21)In recent years, the marine environment has been the subject of increasing attention from biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries as a valuable and promising source of novel bioactive compounds. Marine biodiscovery ... -
Phosphorylation of MAP Kinases crucially controls the response to environmental stress in Dunaliella viridis
(Elsevier, 2018-08-27)The green unicellular microalga Dunaliella viridis has the ability to cope with a wide variety of environmental stressful conditions, such as thermal and osmotic shocks, high PAR, UV radiation and nitrogen deficiency. ... -
Three-dimensional computer simulations of feeding behaviour in red and giant pandas relate skull biomechanics with dietary niche partitioning.
(The Royal Society, 2014)The red (Ailurus fulgens) and giant (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) pandas are mammalian carnivores convergently adapted to a bamboo feeding diet. However, whereas Ailurus forages almost entirely on younger leaves, fruits and ... -
Challenges and opportunities of the exotic invasive macroalga Rugulopteryx okamurae (Phaeophyceae, Heterokontophyta)
(Springer Nature, 2025-01-13)The invasion of Rugulopteryx okamurae along the southern European coastline is producing significant ecological and socioeconomic impacts. Its rapid proliferation and high adaptability have cause severe ecosystem disruptions, ... -
Ecomorphological determinations in the absence of living analogs: the predatory behavior of the marsupial lion (Thylacoleo carnifex) as revealed by elbow joint morphology.
(Cambridge University Press, 2016-05-06)Thylacoleo carnifex, or the “pouched lion” (Mammalia: Marsupialia: Diprotodontia: Thylacoleonidae), was a carnivorous marsupial that inhabited Australia during the Pleistocene. Although today all researchers agree that ...