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Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 57
Evaluación de la fuerza relativa de las extremidades superiores con la Plataforma de Bosco
(Universidad de Málaga/ Fernández García JC, 2013-07-30)El propósito del estudio fue comprobar si la Plataforma de contacto Ergojump, utilizada para medir la capacidad de impulsión de las extremidades inferiores a través de saltos, era válida para hacerlo sobre las extremidades ... -
El aprendizaje servicio en la universidad: una experiencia en el marco de una asignatura del Grado en Educación Primaria
(Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, 2018)Estrechar las conexiones entre lo que aprenden los estudiantes en la universidad y la practica en escenarios profesionales reales es una aspiración secular de la educación superior. El aprendizaje servicio es una metodología ... -
The Online Ecology of Literacy and Language Practices of a Gamer
(2018)Previous studies have examined how to integrate video games in formal education settings across disciplines and from various perspectives. However, few have explored digital literacy practices prompted by gaming as a fan ... -
How many daily steps are really enough for adolescents? A cross-validation study.
(Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física, 2018-01-01)The main purpose of the present study was to compare the accuracy of total daily steps thresholds associated to the recommended 60 min per day moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in adolescents. A total of 156 adolescents, ... -
Does school physical education really contribute to accelerometer-measured daily physical activity and non sedentary behaviour in high school students?
(Taylor & Francis, 2018-01-11)Physical education has been highlighted as an important environment for physical activity promotion, however, to our knowledge there are no previous studies examining the contribution of physical education to daily ... -
Fan translation of games, anime, and fanfiction
(National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2019)Fan practices involving translation open up opportunities to explore language learning practices within the fandom (Sauro, 2017). We examine how three fans capitalize on fan translation and language learning. We consider ... -
The influence of mobile instant messaging in language education: perceptions of current and future teachers.
(Taylor&Francis, 2019-05-03)The globalisation of mobile instant messaging (MIM) in applications like WhatsApp encourages the use of a non-standard linguistic register. The purpose of this study is to determine and assess the perception of school ... -
Sedentariness and physical activity during school recess are associated with VO2Peak
(MDPI, 2020)Recess time (RT) is a main component of school-based activities, and could contribute up to 40% of the physical activity (PA) recommended in the health guidelines. The main goal was to analyze the association between ... -
Effect of Physical Education-based stretching programs on hamstring extensibility in high school students: A systematic review.
(Universidad Católica de San Antonio de Murcia, 2020-03-09)The purpose of the present review was to examine the effects of Physical Education-based stretching programs on hamstring extensibility in high school students. Relevant studies were searched from 10 databases. The results ... -
Estudio de caso sobre el desarrollo de la competencia oral en Educación Infantil y Primaria en un centro público.
(Ediciones Complutense, 2020-07-01)Las dificultades para implementar prácticas orales en el aula con una evaluación rigurosa sitúan a la competencia oral en desventaja respecto a otras destrezas comunicativas en el sistema educativo actual. El objetivo ... -
Does students’ self-determined motivation toward Physical Education influence the effectiveness of a fitness teaching unit? A cluster-randomized controlled trial and cluster analysis.
(Elsevier, 2020-08-08)Objective: The aim was to compare the effect of a Physical Education (PE)-based fitness teaching unit to improve cardiorespiratory fitness levels between students’ motivational profiles toward PE in high-school students ... -
A systematic review about the characteristics and patterns of use of outdoor gyms.
(Universidad de Alicante-Facultad de Educación, 2020-09-26)The outdoor gyms have risen exponentially during the last years as a way of revitalizing public areas to enhance the practice of physical activity by insufficiently active older people. However, little is known about their ... -
A comparison of the utility of different step-indices to translate the physical activity recommendation in adolescents.
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-09-30)Previous studies translating the daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) recommendation of total steps/day among adolescents are inconsistent, and those with cadence-based steps are scarce. The main purpose was ... -
Aplicación móvil Endomondo para promocionar la actividad física en estudiantes de educación secundaria.
(Universidad Católica de San Antonio de Murcia, 2020-10-10)Las aplicaciones móviles están integradas en la vida de los estudiantes y, por tanto, su uso con fines educativos puede convertirse en un recurso para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Simultáneamente, el uso ... -
High school physical education teachers’ perceptions of blended learning one year after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
(MDPI, 2021)The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the educational landscape worldwide. One year after the disease outbreak, blended learning, which combines distance and face-to-face learning, became an alternative to fully online learning ... -
Análisis prospectivo del uso de flipped classroom por el futuro profesorado de lengua castellana y literatura en secundaria
(UEX Editorial. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Extremadura, 2021)El objetivo principal de la presente investigación es analizar la percepción de un grupo de estudiantes del Máster de Secundaria sobre el uso futuro de flipped classroom como docentes de Lengua castellana y literatura. ... -
Análisis de propuestas de Educación Física en casa durante la suspensión de clases por la COVID-19 y orientaciones para su diseño en Educación Primaria
(Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física, 2021)El sistema educativo está tratando de responder de manera eficaz a los retos y cambios en materia educativa provocados por la COVID-19. El proceso de transición de una enseñanza predominantemente presencial a una virtual ... -
Sustainable Education, Emotional Intelligence and Mother–Child Reading Competencies within Multiple Mediation Models
(IOAP-MPDI, 2021-02-07)The influence of the family on the education of children is indisputable, and the mother plays a fundamental role as a direct influence on the educational process of children, especially on their reading competence. ... -
Informal digital learning of English (IDLE): a scoping review of what has been done and a look towards what is to come.
(Routledge, 2021-06-28)As technology has advanced, so have opportunities for language socialization and practice. This reciprocal relationship has resulted in the emergence of a subfield of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL): informal ...