Listar Derecho del Estado y Sociología - (DES) por título
Mostrando ítems 207-226 de 241
The apprenticeship contract: an evaluation
(Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2019-11)The apprenticeship contract is an instrument to fight against youth unemployment which has undergone several reforms since the crisis in 2008. Despite its changes, the empirical evidence on its effects on the employability ... -
The Catholic Church and Consolidation of Democratic Civil Society in Spain
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2019-07-05)This article examines how the Catholic Church assisted the transition to democracy and consolidation of democratic civil society in Spain through a position of political neutrality. By abstaining from any active role in ... -
The constitutional system of Canada
(2014-05-30)Conferencia pronunciada por la profesora Fannie Lafontaine en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga el 29 de mayo de 2014 sobre el sistema constitucional de Canadá -
The Constitutional System of the Czech Republic
(2014-06-04)Resumen de la Conferencia pronunciada por el profesor Jaroslav Sovinsky en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga el 29 de abril de 2014 sobre el sistema constitucional de la República Checa -
The constitutional system of Turkey
(2014-05-29)Resumen de la Conferencia pronunciada por el profesor Sami Dogru en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga el 29 de abril de 2014 sobre el sistema constitucional de Turquía. -
The effect of the Spanish Constitution on Spanish Private Law
(2016-07-01)Para reseñar los efectos de la Constitución Española en el Derecho Privado Español se recuerdan en primer lugar algunas generalidades sobe el Derecho Constitucional Español y a continuación se repasan, a título de ejemplo, ... -
The Effects of COVID-19 Confinement on the Spanish Family: Adaptation or Change?
(University of Toronto Press, 2020-08-28)Spain is one of the countries that has been most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. As a southern European country, Spain is characterized by high levels of sociability and the vital role of the family in its ... -
The Evolution of Gender Segregation over the Life Course
(Sage in association with American Sociological Association, 2018-10)We propose a measure of gender segregation over the life course that includes differences between women and men in occupational allocation, degree of time involvement in paid work, and their participation in different forms ... -
The Mediterranean Sea as a border: difficulties surrounding the concept of migration.
(Centro de Estudios de las Migraciones y las Relaciones Interculturales, 2017)The main purpose of the present article is to face some difficulties that arise from researching the so called “irregular migration”. Focusing on the southern border of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, we capture some ... -
The new spanish families law. Diversity in the 16 types of family
(2024)El Anteproyecto de Ley de Familias del Ministerio Derechos Sociales y Agenda 2030 y cuya tramitación se inició por la ahora exministra Ione Belarra contempla en su artículo 1 el objeto y la finalidad de dicha ley. El objeto ... -
The relativity of sociodemographic determinism on the digital divide in high school students in Ecuador
(University of Southern California (USC), 2017)Although the digital divide on physical access to the Internet in developing countries is closing with respect to developed countries, a new gap on the social usage of the Internet is opening. This study focuses on Ecuador ... -
The Secession-remedy episodes. Massive and grave violations against the human rights of minorities and peoples.
(Universidad de Deusto, 2019-12-31)This Paper intends to give an overview of the development in the concept of self-determination made by United Nations after World War II, from the last period of colonialism, codifying the right to self-determination and ... -
The use of the internet by the elderly in the UK and its influence on their well-being
(2013-09-24)The main objetive of the present study is to describe the use of the Internet by elderly in the United Kingdom in order to determine if this use influences their perception of well-being. The structure of the present ... -
Think Family, Act Family. Seminario di approfondimento e confront dell'equipe del progetto D32-2022.
(2024-02-01)The main aim of this paper is to offer a reflection about the different EU welfare states support in relation to work-family balance. In order to achieve this goal, it has been developed a descriptive analysis of Work-Family ... -
Towards utopia: the social smart home
(2023-11-19)Digital gaps (& homes & environment) are and will be widening in the near future. This will contribute to a much bigger social exclusion. Social smart homes is a solution but, at least in spain, for the time being is a ... -
Los trabajos fin de grado en la universidad pública: un acercamiento a sus fortalezas y debilidades a través del grupo de discusión
(2020-12-01)El objetivo del presente trabajo es valorar la gestión, coordinación y desarrollo del TFG en el Grado de Trabajo Social en la actualidad, así como la contribución desempeñada por los principales agentes implicados: PDI, ... -
Transfuguismo político en España y procedimientos parlamentarios
(2023)En España existe, desde 1998 (con versiones posteriores en 2000, 2006 y 2020) un pacto político contra el transfuguismo, que viene definido como el representante público que, traicionando al sujeto político que los presenta ... -
Transiciones a la maternidad a través de las generaciones. Factores causales del nacimiento del primer hijo en España
(Federación Española de Sociología (FES), 2022)El objetivo del trabajo es analizar la transición a la maternidad de las generaciones de mujeres nacidas en las décadas de 1960, 1970 y 1980. De manera particular se trata de estudiar el efecto de las características ... -
La transparencia en las Cortes Generales a la luz de las recomendaciones del GRECO: el Código de conducta de los Diputados.
(Revista Española de la Transparencia, 2020-03-12)En el presente trabajo pretenden exponerse las principales recomendaciones que el Grupo de Estados Contra la Corrupción del Consejo de Europa (GRECO) viene formulando a España en materia de transparencia. De modo más ... -
Two faces of power. Cohesion and diversification in government elites. A study of two executives in Spain
(2014-07-11)La comunicación presenta algunos resultados del anàlisis de dos ejecutivos españoles (2004 y 2012)