Listar Derecho del Estado y Sociología - (DES) por título
Mostrando ítems 193-212 de 241
Same-Sex Marriages, Divorce and Children from the Prism of Methodological Triangulation
(IOAP-MDPI, 2023-02-16)This article delves into the social reality of same-sex couples breaking up in Spain, seeking to answer questions, such as: When and why does divorce occur? What type of divorces occur and what is child custody like? To ... -
La segregación de género en España. Un estudio de la situación laboral en perspectiva comparada
(Alianza, 2020)A lo largo de cuarenta años de democracia en España las mujeres han sido protagonistas de uno de los mayores procesos de cambio social que conozcamos por su profundidad—-afectando relaciones y estructuras sociales así como ... -
Self-determination and secession in constitutional democracies. A study of the Spanish case.
(UMA Editorial, 2023)As noted throughout the whole research, secession has had a great historical importance and remains a major issue in the national and international political arena today. The protection of the territorial integrity has ... -
Self-determination and secession in constitutional democracies. A study of the Spanish case.
(Tirant lo Blanch, 2023)Secession has had a great historical importance and remains a major issue in the national and international political arena today. Secession and territorial disputes have historically been solved by force. In fact, in many ... -
Sexual Division in Parenting: A Normative Context That Hinders Co-Responsibility
(Sage Journals, 2022)Recent decades have seen an increase in women’s employment rates and an expansion of egalitarian values. Previous studies document the so-called “motherhood penalty”, which makes women’s employment more difficult. Demands ... -
La sexualidad en la sociedad española: estudio de la "brecha generacional"
(2013-07-17)La comunicación presenta algunos resultados descriptivos sobre las diferencias encontradas entre los jóvenes y los mayores de 65 años en las actitudes hacia la sexualidad y el comportamiento sexual. -
Sobre la Falsedad y la Inevitabilidad: La Paradoja de la Condición Humana desde el Estudio de los Procesos Migratorios
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2016)INTRODUCCIÓN En los últimos tiempos, se percibe en la sociedad una preocupación hacia lo diferente que se manifiesta en procesos discriminatorios y de exclusión. La población y las instituciones manifiestan rechazo al ... -
Social exchange or reinforcement of women’s educational advantage? The influence of educational assortative mating on occupational assortative mating for couples in Spain
(International Sociology, 2024-02)The reversal of the gender gap in education has transformed traditional patterns of homogamy, increasing the number of hypogamous couples. This change has been particularly intense in the case of Spain, a country of great ... -
Social media, trust and news consumption: comparative analysis of France, United Kingdom and Spain.
(2023)Disinformation is one of the most urgent threats facing contemporary societies around the world (Tandoc, Wei Lim, & Ling, 2017). This paper analyzes the audiences of three countries, France, the United Kingdom and Spain, ... -
Social Mobility and Demand for Redistribution. A Comparative Analysis
(2016-07-25)The literature on preferences for redistribution has paid little attention to the effect of social mobility on the demand for redistribution, which is in contrast with the literature on class-voting, where studies on the ... -
Social network services applied to social intervention
(2017-07-11)Since the appearance of the internet, the metaphor of networks has inundated every corner of reality, whether ‘offline’ or ‘online’. The online social system presents new relational possibilities for every type of activity, ... -
Social Trust and Demand for Redistribution. Is There a Crowding out Effect?
(2016-07-25)The debate about the relationship between social capital the welfare state has produced contradictory results for a long time. The crowding out hypothesis states that the growth of the welfare state would erode social ... -
Spanish Law 19/2022, recognizing the legal personality of the Mar Menor lagoon
(2023-11-11)NEW RIGHTS-RIGHTS OF NATURE-LEGAL PERSONALITY OF THE MAR MENOR LAGOON Research project “The genesis of new fundamental rights in Spain within the framework of global constitutionalism (IUSGÉNESIS)”, State Research ... -
Sustentabilidad en la gestión ecoeficiente de los residuos urbanos (GERU): caso de municipios españoles.
(UNITAU, 2014)Este artículo analiza los factores exógenos que influencian la Gestión Ecoeficiente de Residuos Urbanos (GERU) desde una perspectiva cualitativa, a través de entrevistas en profundidad a responsables políticos y personal ... -
The apprenticeship contract: an evaluation
(Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2019-11)The apprenticeship contract is an instrument to fight against youth unemployment which has undergone several reforms since the crisis in 2008. Despite its changes, the empirical evidence on its effects on the employability ... -
The Catholic Church and Consolidation of Democratic Civil Society in Spain
(Taylor & Francis Online, 2019-07-05)This article examines how the Catholic Church assisted the transition to democracy and consolidation of democratic civil society in Spain through a position of political neutrality. By abstaining from any active role in ... -
The constitutional system of Canada
(2014-05-30)Conferencia pronunciada por la profesora Fannie Lafontaine en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga el 29 de mayo de 2014 sobre el sistema constitucional de Canadá -
The Constitutional System of the Czech Republic
(2014-06-04)Resumen de la Conferencia pronunciada por el profesor Jaroslav Sovinsky en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga el 29 de abril de 2014 sobre el sistema constitucional de la República Checa -
The constitutional system of Turkey
(2014-05-29)Resumen de la Conferencia pronunciada por el profesor Sami Dogru en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga el 29 de abril de 2014 sobre el sistema constitucional de Turquía. -
The effect of the Spanish Constitution on Spanish Private Law
(2016-07-01)Para reseñar los efectos de la Constitución Española en el Derecho Privado Español se recuerdan en primer lugar algunas generalidades sobe el Derecho Constitucional Español y a continuación se repasan, a título de ejemplo, ...