Building high-performance integrated optical devices using subwavelength grating metamaterials
Sánchez-Postigo, Alejandro; Ginel-Moreno, Pablo; Ortega-Moñux, Alejandro; Wanguemert-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo
; Halir, Robert
; Pereira-Martín, Daniel; Hadij-El-Houati, Abdelfettah; Schmid, Jens H.; Wang, Shurui; Vachon, Martin; Xu, Dan-Xia; Ye, Winnie N.; Soler-Penades, Jordi; Nedeljkovic, Milos; Mashanovich, Goran Z.; Cheben, Pavel; Molina-Fernández, Íñigo
2021-09 -
Palabras clave
Fibras ópticas -
The use of subwavelength grating structures in silicon waveguides have fuelled the development of integrated optical components with superior performance. By a judicious lithographic pattern of the grating, the optical properties of the synthesized metamaterial can be accurately tailored. In this work, we review our latest advances in subwavelength-grating-engineered silicon and germanium planar devices. -