Botánica y Fisiología Vegetal - (BV)
Estas son las colecciones en las que puede catalogar la producción investigadora del departamento Biología Vegetal (Botánica y Fisiología Vegetal). Si considera que ninguna de estas se ajusta a su material pida una nueva colección en la sección de sugerencias.
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Extraction and quantification of Ole e 1 from atmospheric air samples: An optimized protocol
(Elsevier, 2019-06)Olive pollen is the main cause of pollinosis in Mediterranean countries. The immunological analysis of Ole e 1, the major allergen of Olea europaea, has usually carried out by means of ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent ... -
Biotechnology. En: The Avocado. Botany, Production and Uses.
(CABI, 2013)En este capítulo se describen en detalle el desarrollo de diferentes aspectos biotecnológicos en la especie aguacate a fecha de publicación. -
Flora del Paraguay. Osmundaceae
(Conservatoire et Jardin Botanique de Genève & Missouri Botanical Garden, 1987)Se describen las especies de la familia osmundaceae de la Flora de Paraguay -
Psilotaceae in Flora del Paraguay
(Conservatoire et Jardin Botanique de Genève & Missouri Botanical Garden, 1987)Se describen las especies de a familia psilotaceae de Paraguay -
Effect of simultaneous down-regulation of pectate lyase and endo-B-1,4-glucanase genes on strawberry fruit softening
(Springer, 2013)Strawberry is a soft fruit with a short postharvest shelf life. The loss of fruit firmness during ripening is mainly due to the disassembly of parenchyma cell walls mediated by the expression of genes encoding enzymes ... -
Flora vascular de Andalucía Occidental. 1. Pteridophyta.
(KETRES, 1987)Pteridophyte species of the flora of Western Andalusia (SW Spain) are described. -
Factors affecting maturation of avocado somatic embryos
(Elsevier, 2004)The effect of mineral salts, sucrose, gellan gum, abscisic acid and coconut water on maturation of avocado (Persea americana Mill.) somatic embryos was studied. Use of B5 major salts was essential to obtain white-opaque ... -
Variations in storage protein and carbohydrate levels during development of avocado zygotic embryos
(Elsevier, 2002)Variations in carbohydrates and proteins were monitored during avocado (Persea americana Mill.) zygotic embryo development and correlated with growth parameters in order to define specific markers characterizing distinct ... -
The influence of rehydration technique on the response of recalcitrant seed embryos to desiccation
(Cambridge University Press, 2004)The concept of ‘imbibitional damage’ arose when it was observed that considerable leakage of cell contents could occur when dry seed or pollen tissues are plunged directly into water. It is now common practice to imbibe ... -
Assessment of in vitro growth of apical stem sections and adventitious organogenesis to evaluate salinity tolerance in cultivated tomato
(Springer Nature, 2000-08-22)The possible use of in vitro shoot morphogenesis and shoot apex culture to evaluate salt tolerance in cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) has been analyzed, using two cultivars with similar salt tolerance, ... -
Conceptualización de las áreas de confort climático y sus tipologías en la región mediterránea
(CONAMA, 2024-12-02)Los efectos adversos de la Crisis Climática ya están afectando a la sociedad, sobre todo en la región Mediterránea, punto caliente del Cambio Climático. Para combatir estos escenarios y aumentar la resiliencia de las ... -
La aplicación de la economía circular en la habilitación de espacios como refugios bioclimáticos. El caso de los dragados de rio.
(CONAMA, 2024-12-02)La definición de economía circular del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) permite una su consideración como una herramienta que cobra mucha importancia en el contexto de la crisis climática en el ... -
Cryopreservation, encapsulation and promotion of shoot production of embryonic axes of a recalcitrant species Ekebergia capensis, Sparrm.
(CryoLetters, 2006)A study on zygotic axes of the recalcitrant seeds of Ekebergia capensis compared two cryopreservation methods, partial desiccation, and encapsulation-dehydration, and also investigated a method to promote shoot production. ... -
Estimación de los servicios ecosistémicos y la capacidad de enfriamiento del arbolado urbano.
(2024)El proceso urbanístico conlleva la pérdida de superficies naturales y vegetación en favor de superficies artificiales no permeables. Esto implica una degradación de las funciones ecológicas y, por ende, una disminución en ... -
Láser escáner terrestre para la medición automatizada de variables estructurales del arbolado urbano.
(2024-12-02)El arbolado urbano es un componente fundamental de la infraestructura verde urbana y desempeña un papel crucial en el bienestar de los ciudadanos al proporcionar servicios ecosistémicos esenciales. La gestión efectiva del ... -
A population dynamics approach to understand the invasiveness of the seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae (Ochrophyta, Dictyotales)
(Pensoft Publishers, 2025-01-13)The success of invasive species can be measured by invasiveness, which depicts intrinsic characteristics that enable them to thrive in new environments. In invasive seaweeds, for example, the persistence of multiple ... -
Endemic or introduced? Phylogeography of Asparagopsis (Florideophyceae) in Australia reveals multiple introductions and a new mitochondrial lineage
(Wiley Online Library, 2015-12)The red seaweed Asparagopsis taxiformis represents an iconic species complex of five mitochondrial lineages (lineage 1 to 5) introduced worldwide as a consequence of human mediated transport and climate change. Here we ... -
Structure and temporal dynamics of a seaweed assemblage dominated bythe invasive lineage 2 of Asparagopsis taxiformis (Bonnemaisoniaceae, Rhodophyta)in the Alboran Sea
(Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), 2018-05)Asparagopsis taxiformis is a rhodophycean species composed of six genetic lineages, one of which is considered a relevant inva-sive component of Mediterranean flora. This study describes seasonal changes in the structure ... -
Reproductive ecology of an invasive lineage 2 population of Asparagopsis taxiformis (Bonnemaisoniales, Rhodophyta) in the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean Sea)
(De Gruyter, 2017-11-21)Can the reproductive traits of Asparagopsis taxiformis contribute to its success as an invader? We present the reproductive phenology of a population located in southern Spain and a quantitative study of gametophyte ... -
Size structure and dynamics of an invasive population of lineage 2 of Asparagopsis taxiformis (Florideophyceae) in the Alboran Sea.
(Wiley, 2017)In this study, we present basic population data of the red macroalga Asparagopsis taxiformis, widely recognized as invasive in the Mediterranean Sea. A 13-month field study was carried out on a population located in southern ...