Listar Biología Molecular y Bioquímica - (BMB) por título
Mostrando ítems 303-322 de 549
KinFams: De-Novo Classification of Protein Kinases Using CATH Functional Units
(IOAP-MDPI, 2023-02-02)Protein kinases are important targets for treating human disorders, and they are the second most targeted families after G-protein coupled receptors. Several resources provide classification of kinases into evolutionary ... -
La ciencia de los viajes
(2020-03-04)Viajar y hacer ciencia son dos áreas de la actividad humana que tienen muchos factores en común: la curiosidad y la inquietud por descubrir lo desconocido de aquel que las lleva a cabo o la inevitable tendencia a caracterizar ... -
La Ciencia, más allá de la Investigación
(2020-01-23)La relevancia de la investigación científica y tecnológica está fuera de discusión en el siglo XXI. El desarrollo de programas y proyectos de investigación y contar con una masa crítica de profesionales dedicados a investigar ... -
La enseñanza del metabolismo: retos y oportunidades
(2017-12)Hemos estructurado los contenidos del libro en diversas secciones. La primera presenta el Proyecto en cuyo marco se ha gestado la iniciativa que ha conducido a la edición del presente libro. La segunda sección la hemos ... -
De la idea al negocio o ¿Cómo montar una startup biotecnológica?
(2020-01-07)En la sociedad actual es cada vez más común hablar de emprendimiento. Emprender es afrontar la incertidumbre del desarrollo de un proyecto que generalmente contiene una componente alta de innovación. Las habilidades ... -
Lactate Oxidation in Endothelial Cells: A Feature of All Endothelial Cells?
(2019-04-24)Metabolism of endothelial cells is a topic that has gained an increasing interest in the last years. This is due to their role in the angiogenic process, which is pathologically upregulated in several diseases, such as ... -
Learning contract, co-operative and flipped learning as useful tools for studying metabolism
(2018-06-25)Undergraduate students in Biology identify Metabolic Biochemistry as a particularly difficult subject. This is due to the fact that students need to interconnect properly all the contents of its syllabus throughout their ... -
Libro de actas del Workshop Internacional Metabolic Reprogramming as a Target for Cancer and Other Diseases
(2018-12-17)Este libro sobre el Workshop Internacional Metabolic Reprogramming as a Target for Cancer and Other Diseases se ha publicado con el apoyo económico de los fondos para difusión y divulgación del Proyecto del Plan Estatal ... -
Lipid droplet degradation by autophagy connects mitochondria metabolism to Prox1-driven expression of lymphatic genes and lymphangiogenesis.
(SpringerNature, 2022-05-19)Autophagy has vasculoprotective roles, but whether and how it regulates lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) homeostasis and lymphangiogenesis is unknown. Here, we show that genetic deficiency of autophagy in LEC impairs ... -
Lipidome remodeling during cold acclimation is controles by plasma membrane associated synaptotagmins
(2013-11-25)The lipidome remodeling during cold acclimation is an important evolutionary milestone to plant adaption to sub-optimal temperature conditions. In Arabidopsis, the phospholipid binding protein Synaptotagmin1 (SYT1) ... -
Lo que vale un aguacate: cultivos tropicales en la Axarquía y gestión integrada de los recursos hídricos
(2019-03-25)En la presente comunicación avanzamos los elementos básicos de una propuesta de gestión integral del agua en la comarca de la Axarquía malagueña, ante la preocupante expansión descontrolada de cultivos subtropicales, ... -
Localization and characterization of SMP-containing proteins in Membrane Contact Sites
(2021)Membrane contact sites (MCS) are discrete regions where two membranes from different organelles are closely apposed (10-30 nm). In those regions, non-vesicular transfer of lipids takes place to ensure proper organelle ... -
Looking for resilience? Who you gonna call? Abies pinsapo Boiss!
(2024)Currently, little is known about the molecular response to climate change-related stresses in the Spanish fir (Abies pinsapo Boiss), a conifer species of great ecological relevance, which is in danger of extinction. ... -
Looking for specialized ribosomes in plants. Characterization of the riboprotein families L10 and L24
(2022)Translation and its regulation play an important role in plant adaptation. Ribosomes have traditionally been considered passive molecular players regarding which RNA to translate. However, this view is changing due to ... -
Looking for specialized ribosomes in plants. Characterization of the riboprotein families L10 and L24.
(2021-06-21)Translation and its regulation play an important role in plant adaptation but ribosomes have traditionally been considered passive molecular machines with regards to which mRNA translate. This view is changing as studies ... -
Looking for specialized ribosomes in plants. Characterization of the riboprotein family L24.
(2022-09-14)Translation and its regulation play an important role in plant adaptation. Ribosomes have traditionally been considered passive molecular players regarding which RNA to translate. However, this view is changing due to ... -
Los receptores CB1 y GPR55 en la fisiología del islote pancreático y en la fisiopatología de la diabetes tipo 2
(UMA Editorial, 2017-05-26)La diabetes tipo 2 (T2D), es una enfermedad caracterizada por hiperglucemia, debida a una combinación entre resistencia a la insulina y una progresiva disfunción y pérdida de masa de las células β que impide compensarla ... -
Luminiscence of isolated tomato fruit cuticles
(2019-09-04)This work is based on the study of the luminiscence properties of isolated tomato fruit cuticles. The green fluorescence that takes place in the ripe stage of development after blue excitation is explained by the presence ... -
Lysophosphatidic Acid and Glutamatergic Transmission.
(Frontiers, 2019-05-28)Signaling through bioactive lipids regulates nervous system development and functions. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a membrane-derived lipid mediator particularly enriched in brain, is able to induce many responses in ... -
Mammalian Glutaminase Gls2 Gene Encodes Two Functional Alternative Transcripts by a Surrogate Promoter Usage Mechanism.
(PLOS, 2012-06-05)Glutaminase is expressed in most mammalian tissues and cancer cells, but the regulation of its expression is poorly understood. An essential step to accomplish this goal is the characterization of its species- and cell-specific ...