Listar Biología Molecular y Bioquímica - (BMB) por título
Mostrando ítems 551-566 de 566
Ultraestructura de la epidermis del fruto del tomate (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) durante el desarrollo
(UMA Editorial, 2017-05-14)La epidermis es el tejido que recubre todos los órganos de las plantas, actuando como una barrera protectora y como un medio para el intercambio de gases, agua y nutrientes. En la parte más externa de la pared celular de ... -
Under pressure: Abies pinsapo Boiss, queen of the response to high temperature and water stress.
(2023)The Spanish fir (Abies pinsapo Boiss) is an ecologically and economically important conifer species, but little is known about its molecular responses to abiotic stresses related to climate change. The study of molecular ... -
Undercovering the molecular mechanisms of lipid signalling at ER-PM contact sites in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) under abiotic stress conditions
(2019-01-11)Abiotic stresses cause large reductions in crop production. Therefore, is important to understand how plants respond in order to develop varieties with increased resistance. Lipid-transport proteins (LTP) are emerging as ... -
An unexpected actor in ammonium assimilation in conifer trees
(2018-07-27)Conifers are tree species with enormous environmental and economic interests but with several characteristics that complicate their investigation (big size, secondary compounds, large long-life cycles, megagenomes…). ... -
Unraveling the mechanism of TTL genes in cellulose biosynthesis
(2019-05-10)As sessile organisms, plants require mechanisms to sense and respond to the challenging environment, that encompass both biotic and abiotic factors that results in differential development. In these conditions is essential ... -
Unravelling adverse reactions to NSAIDs using systems biology.
(Cell Press, 2015-01-08)Unpredictable adverse drug reactions are non-dose-related reactions that appear only in susceptible individuals. Their biological basis remains a puzzle. Here we introduce the reader to systems biology using adverse drug ... -
Unravelling genotypic and environmental influences on strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) fruit quality and composition across different European latitudes: Implications for climate change adaptation.
(2024)Cultivated strawberry holds a significant status as a berry crop in Europe, both economically and nutritionally. Its quality, determined by the optimal combination of organoleptic and bioactive compounds accumulated in the ... -
Unravelling the molecular mechanism of TTL proteins in cellulose biosynthesis
(UMA Editorial, 2021-02-04)Plants require mechanisms to sense and respond to the challenging environment, that encompass both biotic and abiotic factors that results in differential development. As cell walls shape plant growth, this differential ... -
Validación experimental de una red génica regulatoria específica de epidermis de frutos verdes de Fragaria vesca
(2019-10-17)La maduración del fruto es un proceso de desarrollo altamente regulado en el que se producen una serie de cambios fisiológicos, bioquímicos y estructurales que lo hace más atractivo para la dispersión de las semillas. La ... -
Valoración de los trastornos ansioso-depresivos en la mujer histerctomizada
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2004)La presente Tesis Doctoral tiene como objeto de estudio detectar de forma precoz, eficaz y eficiente, síntomas ansioso-depresivos en pacientes sometidas a una histerectomía, descubrir la relación entre las variables clínicas, ... -
Variabilidad natural de caracteres morfológicos y fisiológicos de la raíz de tomate: implicaciones en la mejora de la eficiencia del uso del agua
(UMA Editorial, 2016)El principal objetivo de este trabajo de tesis ha sido generar información sobre los parámetros involucrados en la eficiencia del uso del agua en el cultivo de tomate con idea de poder introducir este carácter en programas ... -
Vitamin C content in fruits: Biosynthesis and regulation
(Frontiers, 2019-01-24)Throughout evolution, a number of animals including humans have lost the ability to synthesize ascorbic acid (ascorbate, vitamin C), an essential molecule in the physiology of animals and plants. In addition to its main ... -
Volatile compounds other than CO2 emitted by different microorganisms promote distinct post-transcriptionally regulated responses in plants
(2019-02-22)Using a “box-in-box” co-cultivation system we have investigated plant responses to microbial volatile compounds (VCs), and evaluated the contributions of organic and inorganic VCs (VOCs and VICs, respectively) to these ... -
VUS next in rare diseases? Deciphering genetic determinants of biomolecular condensation
(BioMed Central, 2024-09-06)The diagnostic odysseys for rare disease patients are getting shorter as next-generation sequencing becomes more widespread. However, the complex genetic diversity and factors influencing expressivity continue to challenge ... -
Wheat Type One Protein Phosphatase Participates in the Brassinosteroid Control of Root Growth via Activation of BES1.
(MDPI, 2021-09-27)Brassinosteroids (BRs) play key roles in diverse plant growth processes through a complex signaling pathway. Components orchestrating the BR signaling pathway include receptors such as kinases, transcription factors, protein ... -
When metabolism meets topology: Reconciling metabolite and reaction networks.
(Wiley, 2010)The search for a systems-level picture of metabolism as a web of molecular interactions provides a paradigmatic example of how the methods used to characterize a system can bias the interpretation of its functional meaning. ...