Listar Biología Molecular y Bioquímica - (BMB) por título
Mostrando ítems 402-421 de 566
(-)-Oleacein and (-)-oleocanthal, two phenolic compounds present in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, inhibit angiogenesis
(2022-11)Phenolic compounds in the Mediterranean diet contribute to many of the health-related benefits accounted in this dietary choice. (-)-Oleocanthal and the less studied (-)-oleacein, are two phenolic compounds present in the ... -
OliveAtlas: a gene expression atlas tool for olea europaea
(MDPI, 2023-03-10)The olive (Olea europaea L.) is an ancient crop of great importance in the Mediterranean basin due to the production of olive oil and table olives, which are important sources of fat and have benefits for human health. ... -
Optical properties and location of phenolic compounds in plant cuticles
(UMA Editorial, 2023)The main findings from the present Doctoral Thesis are summarized hereunder. The location and identification of the main cuticle components throughout tomato fruit development was achieved combining hyperspectral data from ... -
Organisation and control of ascorbate biosynthesis pathway in plants
(UMA Editorial, 2021-02-03)Ascorbate, also known as vitamin C, plays fundamental roles in human health. However, we are unable to synthesise ascorbate due to a series of accumulated mutations in the last enzyme of the pathway. Therefore, fruits and ... -
Organoides: qué son y para qué sirven. Organoides colónicos y cáncer
(2019-02-05)Los organoides son cultivos celulares tridimensionales, inicialmente de origen epitelial, generados por células stem/troncales (adultas, embrionales o inducidas) que reproducen parcialmente las características de sus tejidos ... -
Overcoming stress: new insights in the regulation of cell wall biosynthesis
(2022)In addition to being crucial in plant development and defence, cellulose is the most abundant organic compound of all biomass on Earth1. Therefore, it is essential to elucidate the regulation of its biosynthesis to improve ... -
PainNetworks: A web-based resource for the visualisation of pain related genes in the context of their network associations.
(IASP/Wolters Kluwer, 2013-08-11)We now know of hundreds of genes that have some association with pain. Several genes have been shown to alter pain sensitivity in humans, and can be found in the OMIM database. The Pain Gene Database gives details of genes ... -
Papel de la suplementación preoperatoria de vitamina D, en la mejora del síndrome metabólico, de obesos mórbidos sometidos a cirugía bariátrica.
(UMA Editorial, 2017-07-21)La vitamina D es considerada una hormona debido a su síntesis interna y a que actúa en numerosos órganos y tejidos, a través de sus receptores VDR localizados en la membrana y en el núcleo de diferentes células, regulando ... -
El papel de las proteínas NTMC2T5 en el desarrollo de plastos.
(2024)Las proteínas NTMC2T5 contienen un dominio SMP, por lo que se consideran proteínas transportadoras de lípidos. Recientemente, se ha demostrado que estas proteínas se localizan en la envuelta externa del cloroplasto e ... -
Parámetros antropométricos y nutricionales en un grupo de alumnas de 12-16 años
(Universidad de Málaga, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007)El estudio realizado en 166 adolescentes, de alto nivel socio-cultural y económico de dos centros privados de Marbella es pionero en Andalucía. Este grupo tan homogéneo, tanto desde el punto de vista cronológico, ya ... -
Peripheral membrane proteins modulate stress tolerance by safeguarding cellulose synthases
(American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2022-11-16)Controlled primary cell wall remodeling allows plant growth under stressful conditions, but how these changes are conveyed to adjust cellulose synthesis is not understood. Here, we identify the TETRATRICOPEPTIDE THIOREDOXIN-LIKE ... -
Peripheral membrane TTL proteins safeguard cellulose synthesis under stress.
(2023)Land plants provide around eighty percent of biomass on Earth and roughly one-third corresponds to cellulose (Bar-On et al 2018). Despite its biological and societal importance, many aspects of cellulose biosynthesis and ... -
PGC-1 alpha activates CYP7A1 and bile acid biosynthesis
(American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2003)Cholesterol 7-alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) is the key enzyme that commits cholesterol to the neutral bile acid biosynthesis pathway and is highly regulated. In the current studies, we have uncovered a role for the transcriptional ... -
Phenotypic and Metabolomic Responses of Fragaria vesca to Varied Environmental Conditions: Insights from the PlantCline Project.
(2024)Climate change poses a significant threat to plant species, potentially altering their distribution and physiological processes. The European project PlantCline seeks to understand these impacts through a collaborative ... -
Phenylalanine biosynthesis: the role and evolution of arogenate dehydratase gene family in c
(2014-06-19)In plants, arogenate dehydratase activity (ADT, EC is responsible for the last step in the main pathway for phenylalanine biosynthesis, known as the arogenate pathway, which consist in two steps: the conversion ... -
Phosphorylation regulates cellulose biosynthesis regulation.
(2023)Plants comprise over 82% of all biomass on Earth, a third of which is cellulose, making it the most abundant organic compound¹. Cellulose is also essential for plant development and defense against multiple stresses. ... -
Physiological, epigenetic and genetic regulation in some olive cultivars under salt stress.
(Springer Nature, 2019-01-31)Cultivated olive, a typical fruit crop species of the semi-arid regions, could successfully face the new scenarios driven by the climate change through the selection of tolerant varieties to salt and drought stresses. ... -
Pine has two glutamine synthetase paralogs, GS1b.1 and GS1b.2, exhibiting distinct biochemical properties
(Wiley, 2023)The enzyme glutamine synthetase (EC is mainly responsible for the incorporation of inorganic nitrogen into organic molecules in plants. In the present work, a pine (Pinus pinaster) GS1 (PpGS1b.2) gene was identified, ... -
Pining for answers: Study of cationic amino acids (CATs) transport in maritime pine Pinus pinaster Aiton.
(2023)Amino acid (AA) transporters are membrane proteins involved in AA mobilization within and between cells and cells compartments. In plants, these transporters are responsible of AA transport from sink to source organelle/cell ... -
Pitx2; un viaje desde la regulación embrionaria a la arritmogenésis cardiaca
(2017-05-30)Nuestra línea de investigación se ha centrado en diseccionar el papel funcional de factor de transcripción Pitx2 durante en desarrollo cardiovascular y también la miogenesis esquelética. Más recientemente hemos descubierto ...