Listar Biología Molecular y Bioquímica - (BMB) por título
Mostrando ítems 266-285 de 566
Herramientas biotecnológicas para la investigación en coníferas
(2018-03-12)Los bosques de coníferas representan un tercio de los bosques mundiales. En el panorama forestal europeo las coníferas desempeñan un papel clave, tanto desde el punto de vista ambiental como forestal, y por ello, son ... -
High Levels of Variation Within Gene Sequences of Olea europaea L.
(Frontiers Media, 2019-01-08)Gene sequence variation in cultivated olive (Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea var. europaea), the most important oil tree crop of the Mediterranean basin, has been poorly evaluated up to now. A deep sequence analysis of ... -
Homocysteine treatment alters redox capacity of both endothelial and tumor cells
(2015-10-22)Homocysteine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid playing key roles in two interconnected metabolic pathways, namely, the activated methyl cycle and the linear trans-sulfuration pathway that allows the conversion of methionine ... -
Hormone-Mediated Gene-Specific Translation Regulation
(2016-07-22)The central role of translation regulation in the control of critical cellular processes has long been recognized. Yet the systematic exploration of quantitative changes in translation at a genome-wide scale in response ... -
How are DGK1 and DGK2 involved in membrene contact sites?
(Reunión Biología de Plantas Hispano Luso, 2021-07-07)Eukaryotic cells have regions of interaction between two organelles where some proteins, which act as tether, bring both membranes closer (10-30 nm) without fusion, named membrane contact sites (MCS). Two organelles that ... -
How does climate change impact berry fruit quality?
(2024)Berry fruits consumption has increased dramatically over the last decade due to its remarkable flavor and well-known health benefits. The demand for high-quality berry fruits and sustainable production methods is increasing ... -
Hydroxytyrosol targets extracellular matrix remodeling by endothelial cells and inhibits both ex vivo and in vivo angiogenesis
(Elsevier, 2017-04)The health benefits of olive oil are attributed to their bioactive compounds, such as hydroxytyrosol. Previously, we demonstrated that hydroxytyrosol inhibits angiogenesis in vitro. The present study aimed to: i) get further ... -
Identificación y caracterización de genes implicados en la floración y el estolonado en fresa (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)
(UMA Editorial, 2017)A lo largo de su desarrollo las plantas sufren sucesivas transiciones en respuesta a factores ambientales y endógenos (Albani y Coupland, 2010). La primera transición es el paso del estado juvenil al estado adulto, donde ... -
Identificación y caracterización de genes implicados en la maduración y la calidad de la fresa
(2018-12-20)Ripening is a critical step for the development of flavor quality in fruits. This character has significantly declined in many fleshy fruits over recent decades. This is particularly significant in strawberry (Fragaria × ... -
Identificación y regulación transcripcional de genes arogenato deshidratasa implicados en la biosíntesis de kignina en pino marítimo
(2018-05-21)La fenilalanina es un aminoácido esencial para la síntesis de proteínas pero también un precursor de una gran variedad de compuestos del metabolismo secundario que son esenciales para el crecimiento, desarrollo y defensa ... -
Identification and characterization of new anti-angiogenic compounds from natural sources
(2017-07-21)The inhibition of angiogenesis has attracted broad attention in the field of pharmacological research, not only for cancer, but for other angiogenesis dependent diseases including ophthalmic, cutaneous and inflammatory ... -
Identification and characterization of RIPENINGLESS, a key transcription factor in the regulation of fruit development and ripening in the cultivated strawberry Fragaria × ananassa
(2022-09-14)Despite the advances that have allowed to elucidate transcription factors (TFs) involved in the development and ripening of non-climacteric strawberry fruits, key regulators of these processes remain to be identified. Among ... -
Identification and characterization of the NAC transcription factor FaRIF, a key regulator of strawberry fruit ripening
(2021-09-13)Strawberry is becoming a model for studying the molecular mechanism of ripening in non-climacteric fruits. However, a limited number of transcriptional regulators of this process have been identified so far. In this study, ... -
Identification and functional characterization of transcription factors involved in flower development and fruit ripening in Fragaria x ananassa
(UMA Editorial, 2020)Esta tesis doctoral está compuesta por tres capítulos, dos de los cuales han sido publicados: 1) Una revisión bibliográfica sobre el uso de las herramientas de edición génica para modular la maduración: Martín-Pizarro, C. ... -
Identification and functional validation of methyl ketone synthase 2 in woodland strawberry
(2021)Methyl ketones are compounds with demonstrated insect repellent effects. They are highly abundant in the glandular trichomes of wild tomato (Solanum habrochaites), where their pathway was first described, but not in the ... -
Identification and functional validation of Methyl Ketone Synthase 2 in Woodland Strawberry
(2021-09-13)Woodland strawberry is the diploid closest ancestor of the cultivated strawberry and the model species for genetic studies in the Fragaria genus. It is naturally distributed across Europe and it is appreciated for its ... -
Identification of candidate genes for methylketones content in a collection of european woodland strawberry
(2021-01-22)Woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca, 2x) is the diploid closest ancestor of the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x annassa, 8x) and the model species for genetic studies in the Fragaria genus. It is naturally distributed ... -
Identification of candidate genes for methylketones content in a collection of European woodland strawberry
(2019-12-10)Woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca, 2x) is the diploid closest ancestor of the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x annassa, 8x) and the model species for genetic studies in the Fragaria genus. It is naturally distributed ... -
Identification of direct target genes and functional conservation of FaRIF, a key regulator of fruit ripening in strawberry
(2022-09-14)We have identified FaRIF, a NAC transcription factor (TF) that plays a central role controlling strawberry fruit ripening. Thus, our data showed that FaRIF is involved in multiple ripening-related processes, such as ABA ... -
Identification of genes responsible of the synthesis of the volatile Methyl Ketone in Woodland Strawberry
(2021-11-26)Woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca, 2x) is the diploid closest ancestor of the cultivated strawberry (F. x ananassa, 8x) and the model species for genetic studies in the Fragaria genus. It is naturally distributed across ...