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Mostrando ítems 87-106 de 127
Taxonomic revision and molecular phylogeny of Pisa (Decapoda: Majoidea: Epialtidae), including the description of a new genus of Pisinae.
(CSIC, 2023-12-20)The spider crabs of the genus Pisa Leach, 1814 (Epialtidae: Pisinae) are reviewed in this study based on mor- phological and molecular data (16S and COI genes). From these results, a new genus, Afropisa n. gen., is established ... -
Terrestrial Megafauna Response to Drone Noise Levels in Ex Situ Areas
(IOAP-MPDI, 2022-10-30)Drone use has significantly grown in recent years, and there is a knowledge gap on how the noise produced by these systems may affect animals. We investigated how 18 species of megafauna reacted to drone sound pressure ... -
Terrestrial Megafauna Response to Drone Noise Levels in Ex Situ Areas
(2022)Drone use has significantly grown in recent years, and there is a knowledge gap on how the noise produced by these systems may affect animals. We investigated how 18 species of megafauna reacted to drone sound pressure ... -
Testing for errors in estimating bird mortality rates at wind farms and power lines
(CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2017)Wind power, as an alternative to fossil fuels, is increasingly common, and is expanding worldwide. Wind farms cause mortality of flying animals through collision with moving rotor blades, and from electrocution on associated ... -
The Amphioxus Hox Cluster: Characterization, Comparative Genomics, and Evolution.
(Wiley, 2008-03-19)The amphioxus Hox cluster is often viewed as ‘‘archetypal’’ for the chordate lineage. Here, we present a descriptive account of the 448 kb region spanning the Hox cluster of the amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae from Hox14 ... -
The anatomical components of the cardiac outflow tract of chondrichthyans and actinopterygians
(Cambridge University Press, 2018)The outflow tract (OF) of the fish heart is the segment interposed between the ventricle and the ventral aorta. It holds the valves that prevent blood backflow from the gill vasculature to the ventricle. This paper offers ... -
The dispersal capacity of Mollusca—a test on the South Azorean Seamount Chain
(Springer, 2023)This study investigates the molluscan fauna of the South Azorean Seamount Chain (SASC), which comprises several seamounts culminating in 300–1600 m depth, separated by distances less than 200 km. Material was collected ... -
The draft genomes of softshell turtle and green sea turtle yield insights into the development and evolution of the turtle specific body plan
(2013-06)The unique anatomical features of turtles have raised unanswered questions about the origin of their unique body plan. We generated and analyzed draft genomes of the softshell turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) and the green sea ... -
The embryonic epicardium: an essential element of cardiac development
(Wiley Online Library, 2010-08)The epicardium has recently been identified as an active and essential element of cardiac development. Recent reports have unveiled a variety of functions performed by the embryonic epicardium, as well as the cellular and ... -
The evolutionary origins of chordate hematopoiesis and vertebrate endothelia
(Elsevier, 2013-03-15)The vertebrate circulatory system is the most complex vascular system among those of metazoans, with key innovations including a multi-chambered heart and highly specialized blood cells. Invertebrate vessels, on the other ... -
The expanding role of the epicardium and epicardial-derived cells in cardiac development and disease
(2012-10)In this review, we aim at presenting and discussing the cellular and molecular mechanisms of embryonic epicardial development that may underlie the origin of congenital heart disease (CHD). -
The Eye in the Sky: Combined Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems and GPS Data Loggers for Ecological Research and Conservation of Small Birds.
(PlosOne, 2012)Technological advances for wildlife monitoring have expanded our ability to study behavior and space use of many species. But biotelemetry is limited by size, weight, data memory and battery power of the attached devices, ... -
The genus Kelliella (Bivalvia) in the Atlantic Ocean
(Oxford University Press, 2024-11)Kelliella M. Sars, 1870 is a genus of small epibenthic bivalves inhabiting muddy bottoms of the outer shelf and slope worldwide, commonly in habitats that are oxygen-poor or enriched in organic carbon. Currently, there are ... -
The North Atlantic Oscillation and sea surface temperature affect loggerhead abundance around the Strait of Gibraltar.
(Institut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC, 2011-09)The aim of this study was to explore the possible link between variations in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and sea surface temperature (SST) and the abundance of loggerhead turtles around the Strait of Gibraltar, ... -
The northern wheatear is reducing its distribution in its southernmost European range and moving to higher altitudes
(Wiley, 2024-03-19)Under the current pattern of climate change, mountain bird populations are generally shifting their ranges to higher elevations, tracking their climatic optima. Nevertheless, space limitations at high altitudes constrain ... -
The relevance of host overcrowding in wildlife epidemiology: a new spatially explicit aggregation index.
(Elsevier, 2018)Species distribution and population abundance are keystone patterns in ecology, and currently also in epidemiology. The aggregation of individuals in the population is closely related to distribution and abundance, but ... -
Thyroid and endostyle development in cyclostomes provides new insights into the evolutionary history of vertebrates
(BMC, 2022)The endostyle is an epithelial exocrine gland found in non‑vertebrate chordates (amphioxi and tunicates) and the larvae of modern lampreys. It is generally considered to be an evolutionary precursor of the thyroid gland ... -
Uncertainty in distribution forecasts caused by taxonomic ambiguity under climate change scenarios: a case study with two newt species in mainland Spain.
(Wiley, 2013)To analyse a source of uncertainty when forecasting the possible effects of climate change on species distributions, which may appear when the species studied have doubtful taxonomy or are subdivided into subspecies with ... -
Understanding factors affecting the distribution of the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in South America: Spatial dynamics and environmental drivers.
(Elsevier, 2018-04)The maned wolf is the largest canid in South America, and is currently classified as a near threatened species. Though once widely distributed in open habitats throughout the continent, the species’ current distribution ... -
Understanding the Geographic Patterns of Closely-Related Species of Paspalum (Poaceae) Using Distribution Modelling and Seed Germination Traits
(MDPI, 2023-03-16)The sexual species of the Dilatata complex (Paspalum dasypleurum, P. flavescens, P. plurinerve, P. vacarianum, and P. urvillei) are closely related phylogenetically and show allopatric distributions, except P. urvillei. ...