Biología Animal - (BA)
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Envíos recientes
Metodología para el estudio de líneas eléctricas mediante UAS.
(2008)Las líneas eléctricas pueden causar electrocución y colisión en aves, afectando especialmente a rapaces y especies migratorias. La electrocución ocurre cuando un ave toca dos conductores o un conductor y un apoyo, mientras ... -
Bacterial density rather than diversity correlates with hatching success across different avian species
(Oxford University Press, 2018)Bacterial communities within avian nests are considered an important determinant of egg viability, potentially selecting for traits that confer embryos with protection against trans-shell infection. A high bacterial density ... -
La perdiz roja y la liebre ibérica en el olivar: una visión veinticinco años después.
(2024)Entre 2022 y 2024 se ha realizado un seguimiento mensual de las poblaciones de perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa) y liebre ibérica (Lepus granatensis) en un coto de 16 km2 localizado en la comarca de Antequera, provincia de ... -
Impacto de la fragmentación del hábitat en las aves esteparias en la provincia de Almería
(2003)El estudio analiza el impacto de la fragmentación del hábitat en las aves esteparias de los artales del Poniente Almeriense, destacando que esta fragmentación, agravada por actividades humanas, representa una de las mayores ... -
Ectoparasite activity during incubation increases microbial growth on avian eggs
(Springer Nature, 2018)While direct detrimental effects of parasites on hosts are relatively well documented, other more subtle but potentially important effects of parasitism are yet unexplored. Biological activity of ectoparasites, apart from ... -
Unravelling the drivers of maned wolf activity along an elevational gradient in the Atlantic Forest, south‑eastern Brazil
(Springer Link, 2020-03-10)The maned wolf, the largest canid in South America, was originally distributed in areas with open natural vegetation in the Cerrado biome, Chaco and Pampas regions. The dynamics of its distribution are, however, in flux, ... -
Repeat associated mechanisms of genome evolution and function revealed by the Mus caroli and Mus pahari genomes
(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2018)Understanding the mechanisms driving lineage-specific evolution in both primates and rodents has been hindered by the lack of sister clades with a similar phylogenetic structure having high-quality genome assemblies. Here, ... -
Challenges and perspectives in the epigenetics of climate change-induced forests decline
(Frontiers, 2022)Forest tree species are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. As sessile organisms with long generation times, their adaptation to a local changing environment may rely on epigenetic modifications when allele ... -
Remote water sampling using flying robots.
(2014)Sampling of water for laboratory measurements is important in various circumstances. We present reasoning why it is of great importance for sensible ecosystems like natural parks wich include wetlands. Since many places ... -
A low-cost way for assessing bird risk hazards in power lines: Fixed-wing small Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
(Canadian Science Publishing, 2014)Accidents on power lines are one of the most important causes of man-induced mortality for raptors and soaring birds. The factors that condition the hazard have been extensively studied, and currently there are a variety ... -
Spatial analysis to identify invasion colonization strategies and management priorities in riparian ecosystems
(Elsevier, 2018-01)Exotic species have different strategies to invade a new area. Invasive species limited by establishment have a wide dispersion range and high seedling mortality rate. Riparian forests are harsh environments for the ... -
Using indigenous knowledge to link hyper-temporal land cover mapping with land use in the Venezuelan Amazon: “The Forest Pulse”.
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2016-12-01)Remote sensing and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) can be combined to advance conservation of remote tropical regions. Integrating TEK into monitoring and management of these areas allows for community participation, ... -
Factors involved in the biogeography of the honey locust tree (Gleditsia triacanthos) invasion at regional scale: an integrative approach.
(Springer Nature, 2021)Native to the southeastern United States, the honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) is an invasive tree in several South American countries. Since eradication of invasive species is often costly, prevention is a better ... -
Applying fuzzy logic to assess the biogeographical risk of dengue in South America.
(BMC - Parasites & Vectors, 2019-09-05)Over the last decade, reports about dengue cases have increase worldwide, which is particularly worrisome in South America due to the historic record of dengue outbreaks from the seventeenth century until the first half ... -
Understanding factors affecting the distribution of the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in South America: Spatial dynamics and environmental drivers.
(Elsevier, 2018-04)The maned wolf is the largest canid in South America, and is currently classified as a near threatened species. Though once widely distributed in open habitats throughout the continent, the species’ current distribution ... -
The Monk Parakeet in the Western Palearctic: Distribution, Feeding Ecology, Public Perception and Management Implications.
(UMA Editorial, 2024)This thesis investigates the changes in ecological, behavioral, and societal aspects of the monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus), focusing on its invasion patterns. Chapter one compares the population dynamics of monk ... -
AEROMAB: Small UAS for Montagu´s Harrier´s Circus pygargus nests monitoring.
(2011)This presentation explains the rationale, objectives and results of Montagu´s Harrier’s nests surveillance experiments conducted in the Aeromab Project using small UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) in Seville countryside ... -
IRIS: Efficient Visualization, Data Analysis and Experiment Management for Wireless Sensor Networks
(EUDL Digital Library, 2014)The design of ubiquitous computing environments is challenging, mainly due to the unforeseeable impact of real-world environments on the system performance. A crucial step to validate the behavior of these systems is to ... -
Responsible drone use in biodiversity conservation: guidelines for environmental and conservation organization who use drones [Policy briefing].
(CIFOR, 2023)Drawing on interdisciplinary research expertise, this document lays out principles for best practice for the use of drones as part of biodiversity conservation and/or efforts to defend rights to land. We outline the ... -
Drones: una nueva tecnología para el estudio y monitoreo de fauna y hábitats
(El Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas (México), 2017)La investigación y manejo de fauna silvestre requiere un monitoreo constante del estado de las poblaciones y de sus hábitats. Esta información es necesaria para detectar posibles amenazas y llevar a cabo eficazmente el ...