Listar Arquitectura de Computadores - (AC) por título
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 214
A cross-dataset deep learning-based classifier for people fall detection and identification
(Elsevier, 2020)This paper addresses the issue of fall detection, particularly for elderly individuals who may live alone and be unable to call for help after a fall. The objective is to develop a deep learning-based approach that can ... -
A CUDA approach to compute perishable inventory control policies using value iteration.
(Springer Nature, 2018)Dynamic programming (DP) approaches, in particular value iteration, is often seen as a method to derive optimal policies in inventory management. The challenge in this approach is to deal with an increasing state space ... -
A data relocation approach for terrain surface analysis on multi-GPU systems: a case study on the total viewshed problem.
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-12-04)Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are important datasets for modelling line-of-sight phenomena such as radio signals, sound waves and human vision. These are commonly analysed using rotational sweep algorithms. However, ... -
A Framework For TV Logos Learning Using Linear Inverse Diffusion Filters For Noise Removal
(IEEE, 2013)Different logotypes represent significant cues for video annotations. A combination of temporal and spatial segmentation methods can be used for logo extraction from various video contents. To achieve this segmentation, ... -
A Hybrid Piece-Wise Slowdown Model for Concurrent Kernel Execution on GPU
(José Cano, Phil Trinder, 2022-08)Current execution of kernels on GPUs allows improving the use of hardware resources and reducing the execution time of co-executed kernels. In addition, efficient kernel-oriented scheduling policies pursuing criteria based ... -
Accelerating exhaustive pairwise metagenomic comparisons
(Springer, Cham, 2017-08-11)In this manuscript, we present an optimized and parallel version of our previous work IMSAME, an exhaustive gapped aligner for the pairwise and accurate comparison of metagenomes. Parallelization strategies ... -
Accelerating Massive Sensor-based Analytics.
(UMA Editorial, 2025)Esta tesis aborda los desafíos y oportunidades en el campo de <<massive data analytics>> mediante el desarrollo de métodos y herramientas para la extracción y análisis de información, centrándose en la intersección de la ... -
Accelerating Sequence Alignments Based on FM-Index Using the Intel KNL Processor
(IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS,, 2020-07-01)FM-index is a compact data structure suitable for fast matches of short reads to large reference genomes. The matching algorithm using this index exhibits irregular memory access patterns that cause frequent cache misses, ... -
Accelerating Time Series Analysis via Near-Data-Processing Approaches
(UMA Editorial, 2023)The explosion of the Internet-Of-Things and Big Data era has resulted in the continuous generation of a very large amount of data, which is increasingly difficult to store and analyze. Such a collection of data is also ... -
Accelerating time series motif discovery in the Intel Xeon Phi KNL processor.
(2020-02-11)Time series analysis is an important research topic of great interest in many fields. However, the memory-bound nature of the state-of-the-art algorithms limits the execution performance in some processor architectures. ... -
Aceleración de la computación en altas prestaciones mediante FPGA.
(UMA Editorial, 2017-07-06)Actualmente, cada vez es más común ver algoritmos implementados para arquitecturas heterogéneas, en las que se distinguen más de un tipo de elemento procesador. En esta tesis se quieren presentar las increíbles ventajas ... -
Aceleración de Time-Series sismográficas en Python
(Miguel Angel Vega Rodríguez y Antonio J. Plaza Miguel, 2019)Python se ha convertido en un lenguaje de programación muy popular, pero también es uno de los menos eficientes en términos de prestaciones y consumo energético. Este artículo describe el proceso que hemos seguido para ... -
Aceleración del análisis de series temporales en el procesador Intel Xeon Phi KNL
(Sociedad de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores (SARTECO), 2019)El análisis de series temporales es un campo de investigación de gran interés con innumerables aplicaciones. Recientemente, el método Matrix Profile, y particularmente una de sus implementacio nes, el algoritmo SCRIMP, ... -
Acelerando la comparación de huellas dactilares basadas en agrupaciones deformables de minucias
(2018-07-11)El reconocimiento de huellas dactilares es considerado como uno de los m´etodos de acreditaci´on biom´etrica m´as utilizado en la actualidad. La identificaci´on de una huella requiere realizar la comparaci´on de sus ... -
Acelerando los momentos de Zernike sobre Kepler
(2014-05-02)Este trabajo analiza las características más avanzadas de la arquitectura Kepler de Nvidia, principalmente el paralelismo dinámico para el lanzamiento de kernels desde la GPU y la planificación de hilos con Hyper-Q. ... -
Adaptive Partition Strategies for Loop Parallelism in Heterogeneous Architectures
(2014-07-30)This paper explores the possibility of efficiently using multicores in conjunction with multiple GPU accelerators under a parallel task programming paradigm. In particular, we address the challenge of extending a ... -
Advanced Quantization Schemes to Increase Accuracy, Reduce Area, and Lower Power Consumption in FFT Architectures.
(IEEE, 2024)This paper explores new advanced quantization schemes for fast Fourier transform (FFT) architectures. In previous works, FFT quantization has been treated theoretically or with the sole aim of improving accuracy. In this ... -
Advancements in long-read genome sequencing technologies and algorithms
(Elsevier, 2024-03)The recent advent of long read sequencing technologies, such as Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford Nanopore technology (ONT), have led to substantial improvements in accuracy and computational cost in sequencing ... -
Algorithms and methods for large-scale genome rearrangements identification
(UMA Editorial, 2017-06-28)Esta tesis es un compendio de tres artículos recientemente publicados en revistas de alto impacto, en los cuales mostramos el proceso que nos ha llevado a proponer la definición de Unidades Elementales de Conservación ...