Mathematical education in early childhood education has the challenge of incorporating ICT (Information
and communication technologies) as a vehicle that helps the teaching-learning process, adapting in this
way to digital natives. It is also important not to lose the essence of the manipulative and experiential
materials that help to build and develop mathematical thinking. Learnings such as the genesis of
number, counting, order or magnitude relationships, classifications, associations, identifications or
topological and projective coordinates are fundamental concepts for this stage, that will be the basis and
a prelude to learning the operations of the additive field and multiplicative or 2D and 3D geometry in the
following stages of primary education. On the other hand, motivation when carrying out these activities
is essential for lasting and meaningful learning to take place. This proposal aims to make explicit an
experience carried out in the second cycle of early childhood education within the field of logic mathematics with an active and participatory methodology of a playful nature, that respects the different
learning rhythms. To do this, augmented reality tools have been used combined with manipulative
materials that are part of a themed common thread that unites the entire proposal. Autonomous learning
achieved by discovery of the experiential and observational method will be analyzed through a grid of
items. All this, to achieve a lasting and meaningful learning in mathematics in early childhood education.