ListarAnálisis Matemático, Estadística e Investigación Operativa y Matematica Aplicada - (AM) por tema "Análisis matemático"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 30
A new proof of the characterization of the weighted Hardy inequality
(Cambridge University Press, 2005)Maz'ja and Sinnamon proved a characterization of the boundedness of the Hardy operator from Lp(v) into Lq(w) in the case 0 < q < p, 1 < p < ∞. We present here a new simple proof of the sufficiency part of that result. -
A sparse approach to mixed weak type inequalities.
(Springer Nature, 2019-12-10)Abstract. In this paper we provide some quantitative mixed weak-type estimates assuming conditions that imply that uv ∈ A∞ for Calder´on-Zygmund operators, rough singular integrals and commutators. The main novelty of ... -
Adding user interactivity to FreeFem++ with EJS: From teaching to research
(2015-05-15)In this talk we propose the use of an authoring tool, Easy Java Simulations, to build interactive simulations for pdes where the computing kernel is FreeFem++. This tool allows to play with all the parameters of the pde ... -
Bergman projection on Lebesgue space Induced by doubling weight
(Springer Nature, 2023-11-28)Let ω and ν be radial weights on the unit disc of the complex plane, and denote σ = ωp′ ν− p′ p and ωx = ∫ 1 0 sxω(s) ds for all 1 ≤ x < ∞. Consider the one-weight inequality ‖Pω (f )‖Lp ν ≤ C‖f ‖Lp ν , 1 < p < ∞, ... -
Cesàro-like operators acting on spaces of analytic functions
(Springer, 2022-03-17) -
Cesàro-type operators associated with Borel measures on the unit disc acting on some Hilbert spaces of analytic functions
(Elsevier, 2023)Given a complex Borel measure μon the unit disc D={z∈C:|z| <1}, we consider the Cesàro-type operator Cμdefined on the space Hol(D)of all analytic functions in Das follows: If f∈Hol(D), f(z) = ∞n=0anzn(z∈D), then Cμ(f)(z) ... -
Composition of Haar Paraproducts
(2014-12-03)Paraproducts are important operators in harmonic analysis and there are well known characterizations of when an individual paraproduct is bounded. An interesting question is to characterize when the composition of two, ... -
Dominación sparse para conmutadores y estimaciones cuantitativas
(2018-02-07)Dada una funci ́on localmente integrable y un operador lineal T definimos el commutator [b, T ] como [b, T ]f (x) = b(x)T f (x) − T (bf )(x). En esta charla presentaremos resultados de dominación sparse para conmutadores ... -
Ergodic theorems for Cesàro bounded operators in L1
(Elsevier, 2022) -
Fefferman-Stein inequalities for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on the infinite rooted k-ary tree.
(Oxford Academic, 2020-08-27)In this paper weighted endpoint estimates for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on the infinite rooted k-ary tree are provided. Motivated by Naor and Tao [23] the following Fefferman-Stein estimate w ({x ∈ T : Mf(x) ... -
Hardy operators on weighted amalgams.
(Cambridge University Press, 2010-02-04)We characterize the boundedness of the Hardy operator between weighted amalgams, a problem studied, but not completely solved, by C. Carton-Lebrun, H. P. Heinig and S. C. Hofmann. We also characterize the weighted weak-type ... -
High-order in-cell discontinuous reconstruction path-conservative methods for nonconservative hyperbolic systems–DR.MOOD method
(Wiley, 2024)In this work, we develop a new framework to deal numerically with discontinuous solutions in nonconservative hyperbolic systems. First an extension of the MOOD methodology to nonconservative systems based on Taylor expansions ... -
Mixed weak-type inequalities in Euclidean spaces and in spaces of the homogeneous type
(Wiley, 2023-11-05)In this paper, we provide mixed weak-type inequalities generalizing previous results in an earlier work by Caldarelli and the second author and also in the spirit of earlier results by Lorente et al. One of the main novelties ... -
Multiresolution approximations and wavelet bases of weighted Lp spaces
(Springer, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2003)We study boundedness and convergence on L p(R n,dμ) of the projection operators P j given by MRA structures with non-necessarily compactly supported scaling function. As a consequence, we prove that if w is a locally ... -
On a general metric condition in fixed point theory
(2022-04-25)The purpose of this talk is to present some new fixed point results for singlevalued and multivalued orbital (graph) contractions in complete metric spaces. We will consider existence results, as well as some stability ... -
Operators induced by radial measures acting on the Dirichlet space
(Springer, 2023)Let D be the unit disc in the complex plane. Given a positive finite Borel measure μ on the radius [0, 1), we let μn denote the n-th moment of μ and we deal with the action on spaces of analytic functions in D of the ... -
Operators of Hilbert and Cesàro type acting on Dirichlet spaces
(Springer Nature, 2025)If α > −1 the space of Dirichlet type D2 α consists of those functions f which are analytic in the unit disc D such that f belongs to the weighted Bergman space A2 α. The space D2 0 is the classical Dirichlet space D. If ... -
Optimalidad en la conjetura débil de Muckenhoupt-Wheeden
(2018-03-06)En el año 2009 conjuntamente con A. Lerner y C. P\'erez probamos que la dependencia en relación a la constante $[w]_A_1$ de un peso $w$ en el tipo débil (1,1) de la cualquier operador de Calderón-Zygmund se puede controlar ... -
Reduction of complexity and variational data assimilation
(2015-05-15)Reduced basis methods belong to a class of approaches of \emph{model reduction} for the approximation of the solution of mathematical models involved in many fields of research or decision making and in data assimilation. ... -
Resultados de extrapolación y desigualdades con pesos entre espacios de Lebesgue y Lipschitz integrales
(2015-06-10)En esta charla se dan resultados de extrapolación partiendo de hipótesis que contienen desigualdades en norma entre espacios de Lebesgue y Lipschitz integrales con pesos. Mediante técnicas de extrapolación, se ...