Listar Análisis Matemático, Estadística e Investigación Operativa y Matematica Aplicada - (AM) por título
Mostrando ítems 105-124 de 155
Point pattern analysis and classification on compact two-point homogeneous spaces evolving time.
(2023-02-14)This paper introduces a new modeling framework for the statistical analysis of point patterns on a manifold Md; defined by a connected and compact two-point homogeneous space, including the special case of the sphere. The ... -
Procesos morfogenéticos y evolución reciente de los depósitos prodeltaicos del sureste de la Península Ibérica: aplicaciones de modelos matemáticos
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2013)El carácter multidisciplar de esta tesis doctoral queda reflejada en el apoyo recíproco que se dan las dos áreas de la ciencia implicadas en dicha tesis: la Geología Marina y las Matemáticas Aplicadas. De este modo, la ... -
Propensity Score Matching en evaluaciones de impacto: Efecto de la educación infantil sobre el rendimiento en matemáticas.
(2019-10-04)Las evaluaciones de impacto pretenden responder un tipo particular de pregunta: ¿Cuál es el impacto (o efecto causal) de un programa en un resultado de interés? Para estimar dicho efecto, cualquier método de evaluación ... -
Pseudo-Probabilistic Design for High-Resolution Tsunami Simulations in the Southwestern Spanish Coast
(IOAP-MPDI, 2022-05-23)The application of simulation software has proven to be a crucial tool for tsunami hazard assessment studies. Understanding the potentially devastating effects of tsunamis leads to the development of safety and resilience ... -
Pseudospectral Roaming Contour Integral Methods for Convection-Diffusion Equations
(SPRINGER, 2021-09-07)We generalize ideas in the recent literature and develop new ones in order to propose a general class of contour integral methods for linear convection–diffusion PDEs and in particular for those arising in finance. These ... -
Quantitative John–Nirenberg inequalities at different scales
(Springer, 2022-06-07)Given a family Z = { · Z Q } of norms or quasi-norms with uniformly bounded triangle inequality constants, where each Q is a cube in Rn, we provide an abstract estimate of the form f − fQ,μZ Q ≤ c(μ)ψ(Z) f BMO(dμ) for ... -
Quantitative matrix weighted estimates for certain singular integral operators.
(Elsevier, 2021)In this paper quantitative weighted matrix estimates for vector valued extensions of -Hörmander operators and rough singular integrals are studied. Strong type estimates, endpoint estimates, and some new results on ... -
Random sets on manifolds under an infinite–dimensional Log–Gaussian Cox process approach.
(Edicions i Publicacions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2022)A new framework is introduced in this paper for modeling and statistical analysis of point sets in a manifold, that randomly arise through time. Specifically, in the characterization of these sets, the random counting ... -
Reduction of complexity and variational data assimilation
(2015-05-15)Reduced basis methods belong to a class of approaches of \emph{model reduction} for the approximation of the solution of mathematical models involved in many fields of research or decision making and in data assimilation. ... -
Resultados de extrapolación y desigualdades con pesos entre espacios de Lebesgue y Lipschitz integrales
(2015-06-10)En esta charla se dan resultados de extrapolación partiendo de hipótesis que contienen desigualdades en norma entre espacios de Lebesgue y Lipschitz integrales con pesos. Mediante técnicas de extrapolación, se ... -
Sawyer’s problem and related open question for one-sided maximal functions
(2018-03-06)In this talk, I will introduce the Sawyer's conjecture, which was proposed by Sawyer in 1980s. Then in 2005, Cruz-Uribe, Martell and Pérez finally solved this conjecture, they also proposed a new conjecture, which can ... -
Sharp A1 weighted estimates for vector valued operators.
(Springer Nature, 2021)Given 1 ≤ q < p < ∞, quantitative weighted L p estimates, in terms of Aq weights, for vector-valued maximal functions, Calderón–Zygmund operators, commutators, and maximal rough singular integrals are obtained. The results ... -
A sharp interface approach for compressible multiphase flow
(2019-07-04)The numerical simulation of compressible multiphase flow is a difficult task due to the close connection of thermodynamics and fluid dynamics. Our approach is based on a sharp interface treatment. The two phases are coupled ... -
Singular integrals in the Cesàro sense
(Springer, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2000)The existence of the singular integral ∫K(x, y)f(y)dy associated to a Calderón-Zygmund kernel where the integral is understood in the principal value sense TF(x)=limε→0+∫|x−y|>εK(x, y)f(y)dy has been well studied. In this ... -
Some new weighted weak-type iterated and bilinear modified Hardy inequalities
(Springer Nature, 2024-03-02)We characterize the good weights for some weighted weak-type iterated and bilinear modified Hardy inequalities to hold. -
Some quantitative one-sided weighted estimates
(Elsevier, 2022-12-20)We show a link between affine differential geometry and null submanifolds in a semi-Riemannian manifold via statistical structures. Once a rigging for a null submanifold is fixed, we can construct a semi-Riemannian metric ... -
Spaces of analytic functions and operators between them
(UMA Editorial, 2018-06-26)Esta tesis está dedicada al estudio de ciertos operadores actuando en espacios de funciones analíticas en el disco unidad. El Capítulo 2 está dedicado al estudio de los operadores H_μ e I_μ en distintos espacios de ... -
Spatial Cox processes in an infinite-dimensional framework
(2022)We introduce a new class of spatial Cox processes driven by a Hilbert-valued random log-intensity. We adopt a parametric framework in the spectral domain, to estimate its spatial functional correlation structure. Specifically, ... -
Statistical properties of partially observed integrated functional depths
(Springer, 2024)Integrated functional depths (IFDs) present a versatile toolbox of methods introducing notions of ordering, quantiles, and rankings into a functional data analysis context. They provide fundamental tools for nonparametric ... -
The 2-weights problem for the Bergman projection and Sarason conjecture.
(2014-09-24)In the early 90's, D. Sarason posed conjectures on the characterization of the boundedness of Toeplitz products on Hardy and Bergman spaces (3). The Hardy space case attracted much attention because of its close relation ...