Listar Análisis Matemático, Estadística e Investigación Operativa y Matematica Aplicada - (AM) por título
Mostrando ítems 91-110 de 155
On a general metric condition in fixed point theory
(2022-04-25)The purpose of this talk is to present some new fixed point results for singlevalued and multivalued orbital (graph) contractions in complete metric spaces. We will consider existence results, as well as some stability ... -
On diffusively corrected multispecies kinematic flow models
(2017-05-17)This presentation provides a survey of some recent results related to efficient numerical methods for the numerical solution of a class of convection-diffusion systems that arise as one-dimensional models of the flow of ... -
On geophysical applications of two-layer and two-phase shallow models
(2018-04-23)The main objective of this talk is to present some geophysical applications that can be studied with two-layer or two-phase shallow models. Namely, applications on avalanches and sediment transport problems. Firstly, several ... -
On joint estimates for maximal functions and singular integrals on weighted spaces.
(AMS, 2013)Este artículo estudia la relación entre el problema de los dos pesos para la funcion maximal y dicho problema para la transformada de Hilbert. -
On the radicality property for spaces of symbols of bounded Volterra operators
(Elsevier, 2024-09)In [1] it is shown that the Bloch space in the unit disc has the following radicality property: if an analytic function g satisfies that , then , for all . Since coincides with the space of analytic symbols g such that the ... -
On the sharpness of some quantitative Muckenhoupt-Wheeden inequalities.
(Académie des sciences, 2024). In the recent work [Cruz-Uribe et al. (2021)] it was obtained that |{x ∈ R d : w(x)|G(f w−1 )(x)| > α}| ≲ [w] 2 A1 α Z Rd |f |dx both in the matrix and scalar settings, where G is either the Hardy–Littlewood ... -
On two weight estimates for iterated commutators.
(Elsevier, 2021)In this paper we extend the bump conjecture and a particular case of the separated bump conjecture with logarithmic bumps to iterated commutators . Our results are new even for the first order commutator . A new bump ... -
Ondículas: historia, teoría y aplicación
(2019-10-02)La Academia Noruega de las Ciencias y las Letras concedió,el 23 de mayo de 2017, el premio Abel al matemático francés Yves Meyer, «por su importante papel en el desarrollo de la teoría matemática de las ondículas», según ... -
One-sided Cp estimates via M# function.
(Cambridge, 2022-07-04)We recall that w ∈ C+p if there exist " > 0 and C > 0 such that for any a < b < c with c − b < b − a and any measurable set E ⊂ (a, b), the following holds. This condition was introduced by Riveros and de la Torre as a ... -
Operadores de superposición actuando entre espacios de funciones analíticas
(UMA Editorial, 2021-02-23)En esta Tesis se estudia la acción de operadores de superposición y operadores de superposición ponderados entre distintos espacios de funciones holomorfas en el disco unidad del plano complejo. -
Operators induced by radial measures acting on the Dirichlet space
(Springer, 2023)Let D be the unit disc in the complex plane. Given a positive finite Borel measure μ on the radius [0, 1), we let μn denote the n-th moment of μ and we deal with the action on spaces of analytic functions in D of the ... -
Operators of Hilbert and Cesàro type acting on Dirichlet spaces
(Springer Nature, 2025)If α > −1 the space of Dirichlet type D2 α consists of those functions f which are analytic in the unit disc D such that f belongs to the weighted Bergman space A2 α. The space D2 0 is the classical Dirichlet space D. If ... -
Optimalidad en la conjetura débil de Muckenhoupt-Wheeden
(2018-03-06)En el año 2009 conjuntamente con A. Lerner y C. P\'erez probamos que la dependencia en relación a la constante $[w]_A_1$ de un peso $w$ en el tipo débil (1,1) de la cualquier operador de Calderón-Zygmund se puede controlar ... -
Orbital debris and the market for satellites
(Elsevier, 2023)This paper studies the economic consequences of orbital debris for commercial outer-space activities. Spacecraft launches and other outer-space human activities produce pollution (i.e., orbital debris), which represent a ... -
Point pattern analysis and classification on compact two-point homogeneous spaces evolving time.
(2023-02-14)This paper introduces a new modeling framework for the statistical analysis of point patterns on a manifold Md; defined by a connected and compact two-point homogeneous space, including the special case of the sphere. The ... -
Procesos morfogenéticos y evolución reciente de los depósitos prodeltaicos del sureste de la Península Ibérica: aplicaciones de modelos matemáticos
(Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgación Científica, 2013)El carácter multidisciplar de esta tesis doctoral queda reflejada en el apoyo recíproco que se dan las dos áreas de la ciencia implicadas en dicha tesis: la Geología Marina y las Matemáticas Aplicadas. De este modo, la ... -
Propensity Score Matching en evaluaciones de impacto: Efecto de la educación infantil sobre el rendimiento en matemáticas.
(2019-10-04)Las evaluaciones de impacto pretenden responder un tipo particular de pregunta: ¿Cuál es el impacto (o efecto causal) de un programa en un resultado de interés? Para estimar dicho efecto, cualquier método de evaluación ... -
Pseudo-Probabilistic Design for High-Resolution Tsunami Simulations in the Southwestern Spanish Coast
(IOAP-MPDI, 2022-05-23)The application of simulation software has proven to be a crucial tool for tsunami hazard assessment studies. Understanding the potentially devastating effects of tsunamis leads to the development of safety and resilience ... -
Pseudospectral Roaming Contour Integral Methods for Convection-Diffusion Equations
(SPRINGER, 2021-09-07)We generalize ideas in the recent literature and develop new ones in order to propose a general class of contour integral methods for linear convection–diffusion PDEs and in particular for those arising in finance. These ... -
Quantitative John–Nirenberg inequalities at different scales
(Springer, 2022-06-07)Given a family Z = { · Z Q } of norms or quasi-norms with uniformly bounded triangle inequality constants, where each Q is a cube in Rn, we provide an abstract estimate of the form f − fQ,μZ Q ≤ c(μ)ψ(Z) f BMO(dμ) for ...