Listar Análisis Matemático, Estadística e Investigación Operativa y Matematica Aplicada - (AM) por título
Mostrando ítems 76-95 de 155
Littlewood-Paley Formulas and Carleson Measures forWeighted Fock Spaces Induced by A∞-Type Weights
(2019)We obtain Littlewood-Paley formulas for Fock spaces $\mathcal{F}^q_{\beta,\omega}$ induced by weights $\omega\in\Ainfty= \cup_{1\le p<\infty}A^{restricted}_{p}$, where $A^{restricted}_{p}$ is the class of weights such ... -
Log-Gaussian Cox Process in Infinite-Dimensional Spaces.
(American Mathematical Society, 2018)This paper introduces new results on doubly stochastic Poisson processes, with log-Gaussian Hilbert-valued random intensity (LGHRI), defined from the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (O-U process) in Hilbert spaces. Sufficient ... -
Mathematical and numerical modelling of dispersive water waves
(UMA Editorial, 2018-11-14)En esta tesis doctoral se expone en primer lugar una visión general del modelado de ondas dispersivas para la simulación de procesos tsunami-génicos. Se deduce un nuevo sistema bicapa con propiedades de dispersión mejoradas ... -
Mathematical models in Developmental Biology
(2016-11-29)We will introduce some of the mathematical modeling tools that have been introduced in the field of Developmental Biology, focusing in specific problems in embryogenesis. The use of multiscale models based on a combination ... -
Métodos variacionales para problemas no variacionales
(2016-11-11)A partir de algunos resultados clásicos sobre problemas variacionales regulares y sus EDPs subyacentes, pretendemos tratar la situación más general de un problema no variacional sin una energía natural pero reteniendo las ... -
Mixed weak-type inequalities in Euclidean spaces and in spaces of the homogeneous type
(Wiley, 2023-11-05)In this paper, we provide mixed weak-type inequalities generalizing previous results in an earlier work by Caldarelli and the second author and also in the spirit of earlier results by Lorente et al. One of the main novelties ... -
Modelado y simulación de procesos sedimentarios en aguas someras
(UMA Editorial, 2021-05-12)En esta tesis se deduce un modelo matemático de tipo aguas someras para el transporte de sedimentos sin hacer uso de la hipótesis de Boussinesq. Dicho modelo es resuelto de forma numerica mediante un esquema robusto y ... -
Un modelo 1D NPZ de acoplamiento entre la hidrodinámica y los flujos biogeoquímicos en estrechos bicapa. Aplicación a la dinámica mareal en el Estrecho de Gibraltar
(CEDYA 2013/IMAC/Universitat Jaume I, 2013)Los modelos NPZ (siglas para Nutrientes-Fitoplancton-Zooplancton en inglés) son comúnmente utilizados en estudios de biología marina. Este tipo de modelos utiliza un conjunto de ecuaciones diferenciales muy sencillo para ... -
Multidimensional approximate Riemann solvers for hyperbolic systems
(UMA Editorial, 2021-01-02)Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el desarrollo de resolvedores de Riemann multidimensionales incompletos eficientes para sistemas hiperbólicos generales, aplicables tanto en el caso conservativo como en el no conservativo. ... -
Multiresolution approximations and wavelet bases of weighted Lp spaces
(Springer, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2003)We study boundedness and convergence on L p(R n,dμ) of the projection operators P j given by MRA structures with non-necessarily compactly supported scaling function. As a consequence, we prove that if w is a locally ... -
Networks of hyperbolic balance laws
(2017-11-17)Models with networks of hyperbolic balance laws are currently used for several applications, e.g. river flows, the human circulatory system, gas pipelines or road networks. These motivations triggered a constant development ... -
New hyperbolic models and numerical algorithms for Newtonian and general relativistic continuum physics
(2019-07-04)We present arbitrary high order (ADER) finite volume and discontinuous Galerkin finite element schemes for the numerical solution of a new unified first order symmetric hyperbolic and thermodynamically compatible (SHTC) ... -
Non-linear shallow water models for coastal run-up simulations
(European Geosciences Union, 2013)Shallow water models are frequently used to simulate ocean or coastal circulation or tsunami wave propagation. But these models are seldom used to explicitely reproduce for example tsunami wave run-up into coast. In this ... -
Numerical tool for tsunami risk assessment in the southern coast of Dominican Republic
(2017-02-06)The southern coast of Dominican Republic is a very populated region, with several important cities including Santo Domingo, its capital. Important activities are rooted in the southern coast including tourism, industry, ... -
On a general metric condition in fixed point theory
(2022-04-25)The purpose of this talk is to present some new fixed point results for singlevalued and multivalued orbital (graph) contractions in complete metric spaces. We will consider existence results, as well as some stability ... -
On diffusively corrected multispecies kinematic flow models
(2017-05-17)This presentation provides a survey of some recent results related to efficient numerical methods for the numerical solution of a class of convection-diffusion systems that arise as one-dimensional models of the flow of ... -
On geophysical applications of two-layer and two-phase shallow models
(2018-04-23)The main objective of this talk is to present some geophysical applications that can be studied with two-layer or two-phase shallow models. Namely, applications on avalanches and sediment transport problems. Firstly, several ... -
On joint estimates for maximal functions and singular integrals on weighted spaces.
(AMS, 2013)Este artículo estudia la relación entre el problema de los dos pesos para la funcion maximal y dicho problema para la transformada de Hilbert. -
On the radicality property for spaces of symbols of bounded Volterra operators
(Elsevier, 2024-09)In [1] it is shown that the Bloch space in the unit disc has the following radicality property: if an analytic function g satisfies that , then , for all . Since coincides with the space of analytic symbols g such that the ...